Brushes with the unexplained

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Or ones that you leave alone and don't muck with (such as the ones that deal with dead animals and roadkill for us) - I'm not quite sure what your hangup is on what he said...

Right..special scavenger species that keep our roadways clean. That's a huge resource. lol!
It's not a resource for you if it's not useful to you.
Again... everything is interrelated... so everything is "useful" to you. If you thoughtlessly wipe out some species because you don't think it's "useful", you can't predict all of the consequences.
Again... everything is interrelated... so everything is "useful" to you. If you thoughtlessly wipe out some species because you don't think it's "useful", you can't predict all of the consequences.

Like Noah's inner voice did to all the species of animal and plant on earth? What a huge waste of resources. The exploitable ones ofcourse.
No it isn't. The lesson is that you gotta build your own ark to save yourself from God.

Yes it is. It's about obeying and groveling before God and so sparing yourself from natural disaster. And then to keep obeying this God even though he destroys the whole planet in a tiff.
Right..special scavenger species that keep our roadways clean. That's a huge resource. lol!

Indeed, it is a huge resource - without scavengers and decomposers, waste and dead bodies would quickly build up.
Thank you, though, for openly broadcasting your ignorance when it comes to the importance of reclamation species...

Here, go educate yourself:
If all decomposers were to die off, these nutrient cycles would be severely disrupted and the essential elements, perhaps with the exception of carbon, would not be available for life to continue. Nitrogen and phosphorus would be locked in dead material. In all probability, life as we know it would not continue and there would be a huge build up of dead material with many compounds locked inside these bodies.
Decomposers and scavengers break down dead plants and animals. They also break down the waste (poop) of other organisms. Decomposers are very important for any ecosystem. If they weren't in the ecosystem, the plants would not get essential nutrients, and dead matter and waste would pile up.
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