Brother as Son


OH JOY!!!!
Valued Senior Member
Lets say I have 2 identical embryos frozen. I implant one and have a son. That son grows up and gets married. They cannot have children. His wife takes my son's frozen twin brother and has it implanted. She then gives birth to her husband's identical twin brother.

Is this ethical? Would hospitals ever allow it?
Oh, come on



No, no, no, no, and no. You are not serious.

How the hell ... under what possible circumstances ... I mean ....

women use donated eggs and sperm. How is this frozen embryo any different?

Ermm because it is his brother. The child would not be his son, but his brother, born to his wife, and thus, really your biological child.

It would be akin to my removing some eggs, having my husband fertilise them, and then keep them frozen for one of my kids to use when they get married and want to have kids of their own.. Oh wait.. it would be exactly the same. No way that could be classified as ethical.
I mean, come on

Orleander said:

So, how far are we willing to let people give birth?

So explain to me how that goes.

Really, you've got a best-selling novel right there.
Well, it would be a scary book.

Celine Dion had 3 identical embryos. She had her son and was going to have the rest implanted later. So at 3 yr intervals she would give birth to an identical child. Well, she decided one was enough. But what about the other 2? So then I thought....
Well, it would be a scary book.

Celine Dion had 3 identical embryos. She had her son and was going to have the rest implanted later. So at 3 yr intervals she would give birth to an identical child. Well, she decided one was enough. But what about the other 2? So then I thought....

Um no. An identical child would mean that the child is an identical twin, which usually comes from the one egg.

She may have had three eggs fertilised and is leaving a three year gap between having each child, but they are from three different eggs.
no, she had 1 egg, and it split into identical triplets. Her story, not mine.

but anyways.....
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Actually tiassa and bells i have to say i disagree with you here. If its an ebrio rather than an egg fertilised by her son then i cant see an issue. It wouldnt be his brother because it would be raised as the couples child. I dont really see any difference better this and surigocy to be honest as we currently alow sperm and egg donors and we are going to (soon hopefully) alow surigocy so what is the difference between this and any other donor. Actually i have herd lots of stories of sisters being egg donors for eachother (it wouldnt be normal for a mother to do this as you would expect her to be infertile by the time her children were having children)
Lets say I have 2 identical embryos frozen. I implant one and have a son. That son grows up and gets married. They cannot have children. His wife takes my son's frozen twin brother and has it implanted. She then gives birth to her husband's identical twin brother.

Is this ethical? Would hospitals ever allow it?

How the fuck do these indescribably stupid ideas even pop into your head?
Lets say I have 2 identical embryos frozen. I implant one and have a son. That son grows up and gets married. They cannot have children. His wife takes my son's frozen twin brother and has it implanted. She then gives birth to her husband's identical twin brother.

Is this ethical? Would hospitals ever allow it?
Sure do it. Is it the DNA that's important or the person?
Actually tiassa and bells i have to say i disagree with you here. If its an ebrio rather than an egg fertilised by her son then i cant see an issue. It wouldnt be his brother because it would be raised as the couples child. I dont really see any difference better this and surigocy to be honest as we currently alow sperm and egg donors and we are going to (soon hopefully) alow surigocy so what is the difference between this and any other donor. Actually i have herd lots of stories of sisters being egg donors for eachother (it wouldnt be normal for a mother to do this as you would expect her to be infertile by the time her children were having children)

A sister being an egg donor for her sibling is not the same as having your parents donate their embryo to their other child and his wife. As in the mother and father donating another twin to one twin for his wife to give birth to it and have it as their (the son's child).

It would be his brother because it is his biological brother that his wife is giving birth to. You don't see the ethical issues in such a scenario? There is a huge difference between this scenario and "any other donor".
What ethical issues do you see here, Bells?
No one has voiced any reasons that it shouldn't be allowed, except along the lines of "Ewwww! Yuck!"
no i dont actually see any difference. Its the relationship not the biology that matters as shown by the amount of grandparents raising there grandchildren and adoptive parents around.

Look at it a different way, a women has two children 20 years apart (unusual but possable) and she is killed just after giving birth to the second child. The first child rasies the second as there own. Whos child is it? is what they are doing unethical?
The frozen embryo would have half the son's genes, and none of the wife's genes, right?
This is the same as a donor egg fertilized by the son's sperm. Or the son's child from a previous relationship.

What's the big problem here... that the man's wife will carry the man's brother? Or that the man will raise his brother?
What ethical issues do you see here, Bells?
No one has voiced any reasons that it shouldn't be allowed, except along the lines of "Ewwww! Yuck!"

The frozen embryo would have half the son's genes, and none of the wife's genes, right?
This is the same as a donor egg fertilized by the son's sperm. Or the son's child from a previous relationship.

What's the big problem here... that the man's wife will carry the man's brother? Or that the man will raise his brother?
Ah no. The scenario posed by Orleander in the opening post is that the son's wife would be giving birth to his identical twin. And you really don't see anything wrong with that?:bugeye:

This isn't an "ewww! yuck!" reaction. Do you think it would be ethical for someone to give birth to their own biological sibling? Do you think it would be fair on both of them? What are the legal repercussions to this? For starters, how would you explain it to the child... "Well even though I am your daddy because you came out of mummy's tummy, I am really your identical twin"..

The frozen embryo would not have half of the son's genes. If he is an identical twin, he would have the exact same genes as the son, who would then become his father.

Would you be seeing no issues with this if the son was a daughter and she would be giving birth to her own identical twin? Lets imagine the twins are female instead of male. Should a person be allowed to give birth to their own sibling or twin?
Well, no. I don't see anything wrong with that.

What's to explain to the child?
"We have the same genes, son."
"What's that mean, Dad?"
"It means we look the same."

Why would it be any different with a daughter?

People are allowed to give birth to their own children, for goodness sake... so why not their siblings?

I know this might feel wrong, but can you pinpoint anything actually wrong?