Broke Back Mountain Taught in Public School

I saw that movie, and it was pathetic. Those cowhands couldn't even do their job well either, I seem to recall. Those were the sorriest farm help I ever saw in a movie.

I try not only to boycott it, but anything produced by its producer, Focus Features. I have yet to even see a movie worth watching, produced by that sodomite-promoting company.

At least I didn't promote it by buying it. Somebody lent me a bootleg copy. (Sure I will watch it, so I can better comment on it, if I can watch for free.)

Of course, it didn't help that I am no fan of pre-modern-times movies, nor of Westerns.

If I was some gay-basher, that sorry movie would make me feel all the more, like finding some sorry fag to go beat up or something.

If they are going to show such controversial movies in school, at least they could find some movie more on the correct side of the issue. Whatever happened to those old weird movies/books they make us study in school, like Brave New World or Lord of the Flies? Even they weren't so bad as that sorry movie.
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The teacher closed the door and told the kids not to tell anyone about what they were about to see, sweeeeeeet.

I try to respect my parents, like the Bible says to do in the ten commandments, so I would tell my parents, most anything that they would want to hear.

Keep it secret, yeah right.

"Academic freedom" is more a college class concept anyway, not so appropriate for impressionable little children. Yeah, I might consider not repeating what people say in class, for the sake of them opening up and sharing their views in some college philosophy class, but that's more for the students to be able to speak, not for some perverted teacher to push an immoral agenda.

Had it been me, I would tell my parents first thing I got home, and call up my preacher and all that. If they want to be that retarded in the government monopoly schools, why not raise a big stink? It ought to be interesting, to say the least.

Next time send home permission slips, liberal morons. Or better yet, find something more worthy of classroom time.

No wonder home-schooling is such a huge growing movement.
Look on the bright side: "Mamas, don't let your babies grow up to be cowboys." Given the homophobia running rampant in this country, showing Brokeback Mountain to a bunch of kids might well save us the embarrassing spectacle of a generation's worth of heterosexuals dressing up in cowboy garb because they think it's cool and macho.

I mean, really: what is more "gay" looking than "cowboy duds"? Such attire is generally too queer for the queers.