Broke Back Mountain Taught in Public School

I don't doubt it. Wanna know why spiderman is doing so well. No movies for kids. Other supposed movies for kids - filled with homosexual and hetrosexual inuendo.
Fox is reporting that a public school showed Broke Back Mountain to 12 year olds, what is up with that?
Are you asking 'what's up with that' because Fox aired that Brokeback Mountain was shown, or just the simple fact that that movie was shown?

And someone please tell me what makes Fox so inferior to the other news channels. I keep hearing Fox getting bashed and I'm sick of hearing it...for the simple fact that the other two channels aren't much different. Jeez.

What's wrong with showing that movie in school? Are there nude scenes or dudes making out or something? People have gotten so fuckin whiney nowadays. Stop whining, grow some balls/spine and STFU!
Has it got big guns, napalm and lots of gratuitous violence in it?
Therefore it's a chick flick, ergo it falls into the category of "not good". :D
And someone please tell me what makes Fox so inferior to the other news channels. I keep hearing Fox getting bashed and I'm sick of hearing it...for the simple fact that the other two channels aren't much different. Jeez.

Perhaps the fact that FOX fired a newscaster for refusing to do a story she knew was a lie.
She sued FOX and won, however FOX appealed the verdict based on the notion that as a news organization they are not obligated by law to tell the truth - they are fully within their rights to lie to the public and falsify stories... AND THEY WON.

FOX lost every shred of credibility with many people (anyone with any sense of integrity and responsibility, in my opinion) when they openly and unapologetically admitted to lying and falsifying stories and forcing their employees to do so.

Yes, they are different than the others.
Has it got big guns, napalm and lots of gratuitous violence in it?
Therefore it's a chick flick, ergo it falls into the category of "not good". :D

There is some lesbian sex.:shrug:
Sorry, you snooze, you lose; changing minds is a woman's prerogative ONLY.
Perhaps the fact that FOX fired a newscaster for refusing to do a story she knew was a lie.
She sued FOX and won, however FOX appealed the verdict based on the notion that as a news organization they are not obligated by law to tell the truth - they are fully within their rights to lie to the public and falsify stories... AND THEY WON.

FOX lost every shred of credibility with many people (anyone with any sense of integrity and responsibility, in my opinion) when they openly and unapologetically admitted to lying and falsifying stories and forcing their employees to do so.

Yes, they are different than the others.

I'm stunned. :eek: