brocolli's right to life


interesting excerpt... what i wanna know is if plants have a heartbeat, to which internal organ does it correspond to? i've never heard of plants having a 'heart' in the conventional sense.. it would seem quite absurd to come up with that theory just by some sounds if they can't find where it comes from within the plant...
What does it matter if they have a heart? Assuming something needs human organs to feel pain is false. Well actually no its correct in a sense, it wouldn't feel pain like WE feel pain but that doesn't mean its completely indifferent to being sawed in half. Plants heal themselves, thats an indication that they "want" to live.
Logically speaking, plants probably do feel pain in a way, they would sense when their life is threatened and do what they could to survive. This is ,for all intents and purposes, invisible to us so its very easy to continue sawing through one.
If plants squealed and struggled it might have slowed down the logging industry, but then again, knowing humans, it probably wouldn't have.
Lou Natic.. u misunderstood what i was saying.. im sayin that is there an organ that is responsible for the heart beat in a plant? not the pain.. of course it is quite evident bcuz there are plants that have regenerative properties... i just wanna know outta curiousity if there is an organ or a system that corresponds to what tiassa was sayin... cuz id like to badger some of my veggie friends back... :D

p.s. did u check out da link by deecee.. pretty interestin..eheh..

Haha, I think that this could be just what I'm looking for, see I'm a level 5 Vegan, which means that I don't eat anything that casts a shadow, but this is that next step that I was looking to take, thanks for the link! And thanks to Angel fire for hosting countless zanie sites like this, hehe.

In all seriousness, though I AM nourished by the rays of the sun! Go back to biology class and look up the Tropic levels, or whatever they are called.

Plants make food from photosynthesis (Autotrophic) some poor animal low on the food chain eats the plant, getting the energy it stored from the sun, then I eats me the animal (or better yet something else eats the animal, and then I eat THAT animal) and get energy from it, all of it tracing back to the light of the life giving sun! I just get the benefit of being an exotroph (is that the right word, MS word doesn’t seem to think so but I can’t think of what it would be), which puts me at the top of the food chain, and don't have to sink so low as to be autotrophic and make my own food like a sucker!
level 7 carnivore

haha, simpsons reference....always good for a laugh.

i wonder how vegitarians view vegans.
Heh, glad you caught the reference, spacemanspiff, I always loved that line!

As for how vegitarians feel about vegans, I'd have to say that it probably varries from vegitarian to vegitarian. My little sister is a vegitarian, for instance, though she's not that hard core about it (Well in the sence that she considers every non-meat product fair game, dairy, eggs, it's all good, she'll even eat shrimp occasionaly, but just because she REALLY loves it, and it's just a stupid sea bug, anyway so who really cares, right?) and she things that vegans are pretty weird, and should come back to reality.
Someday meat will be manufactured by nanotechnology. That will solve the cruelty problem won't it? Of course, those who don't eat meat for health reasons still won't be able to eat it.

Breatharianism has been around since the 1800s at least. Apparently there's some text in the Bible that indicates that man originally didn't eat anything and just lived on the nutrients in air. But when man committed the original sin, he then had to start eating real food. :rolleyes:
Well ...

"Who's going to rock me to sleep tonight, Milo Binkley?!" (Bloom County)

You know, when I was young, my family taught that if you unscrewed your belly button your butt would fall off.

Thank you, Mystech, I will fall asleep laughing about that. Er ... when I manage to sleep. But truly, thank you.

Tiassa :cool:
Nowadays, when you eat beef, that will increase the demand for beef and cause farmers to raise more cattle. I've heard somewhere that only ten percent or so of the calories that the cattle eats become calories in the meat. So in other words, nowadays when you eat 300 calories of meat, the consequences to plants are that 3000 calories of plants must be destroyed to make 300 new calories of cattle. This does not compare favorably so far as plants are concerned to destroying 300 calories of vegetable matter as would occur by eating 300 calories of vegetation. In the old days, when people hunted and lived in harmony with the environment, yes hunting was good for plants, which indeed gives predators a moral or less immoral case for predation. Nowadays, eating farm meat is bad for plants. Indeed, rainforest is being burnt chiefly to make pasture land or land to raise cattle feed.

--Stephen the vegetarian.