'British' and 'Muslim'?


Shield of Islam
Registered Senior Member
Is there such a thing as a 'British Muslim'? A conference held recently in Birmingham emphatically stated that you could only be 'British' or 'Muslim'– that you have to choose to be either; one of ‘them’ or one of ‘us’. Despite the fact that this sounds all too much George Bush’s logic, this issue is worth thinking about for its implications are very serious.

Ultimately though, it doesn’t seem to be a problem for the vast majority of Muslims living in Britain (a poll undertaken by MORI (Market & Opinion Research International) in November 2001, reported that 87% of Muslims surveyed feel ‘loyal to Britain'),


What conference? This would have everything to do with how "serious" the implications are.
Interesting article from Islam online, Rethinking Islam.

Just look around the Muslim world and see how far we have travelled away from the ideals and spirit of Islam. Far from being a liberating force, a kinetic social, cultural and intellectual dynamics for equality, justice and humane values, Islam seems to have acquired a pathological strain.

Some very frank and insightful self-critisism here, quite refreshing.
Proud_Muslim said:
Is there such a thing as a 'British Muslim'? A conference held recently in Birmingham emphatically stated that you could only be 'British' or 'Muslim'– that you have to choose to be either; one of ‘them’ or one of ‘us’. Despite the fact that this sounds all too much George Bush’s logic, this issue is worth thinking about for its implications are very serious.

Ultimately though, it doesn’t seem to be a problem for the vast majority of Muslims living in Britain (a poll undertaken by MORI (Market & Opinion Research International) in November 2001, reported that 87% of Muslims surveyed feel ‘loyal to Britain'),



It's not George Bushes logic. Did you ever hear the phrase "If you are not part of the solution then you are part of the problem"?

It was spoken by Jesse Jackson about white indifference to blacks problems.
Greco said:
It's not George Bushes logic. Did you ever hear the phrase "If you are not part of the solution then you are part of the problem"?

It was spoken by Jesse Jackson about white indifference to blacks problems.

Yes, but Jesse Jackson isn't in the white-house, so somehow his particular brand of stupidity counts for less.

Can't be British and Muslim they say? Whell what say do all the bitish muslims get in that? I suppose they contradict the results that that conferense came up with. What exactly was this conference all about? Who was there, and who set it up?
Proud_Muslim said:
Well by the same token, there is no such thing as English.
;) Correct.

But only as long as an English parliament does not exist - Plans are in the pipeline to rectify this.

We shall see.

BTW. Who organised the above mentioned conference?
I wish The UK will be divided in 3 states, Wales, England and Scotland, after all, both the Welsh and the Scots cant stand the English.

When I go to the scottish forums, I hear angry scots shouting at the english...I truly support Scotland right to be independent, after all, who want to live beside the English ??? :mad:
France’s Hijab Ban ‘Anti-Muslim’ : London Mayor

LONDON, February 10 (IslamOnline.net & News Agencies) – London Mayor Ken Livingstone slammed Tuesday, February 10, as "anti-Muslim measure" the planned French ban on hijab in state schools, accusing French President Jacques Chirac plays a "terribly, terribly dangerous game".

Speaking at a London press conference held to discuss the French vote on the anti-hijab bill, Livingstone warned that the proposed ban pandered to racist sentiment in society, reported Agence France-Presse (AFP).

"It is an anti-Muslim measure and will stir up anti-Muslim pressure," asserted the mayor.

"President Jacques Chirac is playing a terribly, terribly dangerous game, in the same way that many politicians felt they could pander to Hitler in the '20s," he said.

"The only way to defeat fascism in Europe is to stand against every demand they [fascists] make," the mayor told the press conference.

If they're living in Britain, with a British passport, they're British. If their of Islamic faith then they're Muslim. It's very easy to be both British and Muslim. Whoever held that conferance were idiots. Now you cannot have an Afghanii British, or a Saudii British, but in the same vein you can't have a British American, or an American British, once they become the one, they are no longer the other.

The words of an American Atheist.
I wish The UK will be divided in 3 states, Wales, England and Scotland, after all, both the Welsh and the Scots cant stand the English.

Curious... I have many Scottish and Welsh friends, and I'm English. Oh sorry, I guess you weren't actually referring to everyone, just a specific person or two that you happen to know right?

after all, who want to live beside the English ???

You enjoy taking things into the gutter? Is there a need and a reason for your rude comments focused at the country I live in? But to answer the question of yours: Obviously many people, including many muslims. People from all over the world come here to live, so it only stands to reason we have something people want. Now, I could take it to your level and state that muslims make my country smell bad, but I wont. Don't insult my country again.
Vienna said:
Is there such a thing as a 'British Muslim'?

Of course you can, I know some.

Proud_Muslim said:
I wish The UK will be divided in 3 states, Wales, England and Scotland, after all, both the Welsh and the Scots cant stand the English.

When I go to the scottish forums, I hear angry scots shouting at the english...I truly support Scotland right to be independent, after all, who want to live beside the English ??? :mad:
I think it's a case of the least well informed shouting the loudest. Most of the people I know (being a Scot myself) have in-jokes about the English, but we mean nothing by them (just as I imagine Vienna might refer to me as a "stupid jock" from now on :p). There are a lot of people who just hate the English because... they've been brought up to believe they should. If you ask them why they hate, they'll say "Cause they're English!". It's much the same as if you ask an Islamic Fundamentalist why they hate America and they'll say "Cause they're American!", or why does an American Redneck hate all Arabs? "Cause they're the same as Bin Laden!". In truth, some common sense and some basic knowledge allows reason to show through. :)
SnakeLord said:
You enjoy taking things into the gutter? Is there a need and a reason for your rude comments focused at the country I live in? But to answer the question of yours: Obviously many people, including many muslims. People from all over the world come here to live, so it only stands to reason we have something people want. Now, I could take it to your level and state that muslims make my country smell bad, but I wont. Don't insult my country again.

I am sorry if I offended you, I take my words back.

The reason I wrote what I wrote is in response to another Engliah man comments and insults against Islam...I did not mean them.

So again, I take them back with unreserved apology.
spidergoat said:
I guess we will never find out who gave the conference. :confused:

I was trying to find out, it seems it was organized by group of nationalist brits and far right zionists in the UK.

The Usual zionist Jewish stirr campaign against Muslims... :rolleyes:
"If they're living in Britain, with a British passport, they're British. If their of Islamic faith then they're Muslim. It's very easy to be both British and Muslim. Whoever held that conferance were idiots. Now you cannot have an Afghanii British, or a Saudii British, but in the same vein you can't have a British American, or an American British, once they become the one, they are no longer the other.

The words of an American Atheist."

It is possible to be a British American, born in one, live in another and have loyalty to both