
Actually your comment is interesting string because one of the most "squeamish" about it in that conversation was a gay guy so for him at least it's not about being "so overcome by lust he jumps her"
In response to the OP, the reason is patriarchy, which goes hand in hand with capitalism, has degraded women.
I'm sorry I just don't buy that, firstly it's more likly to be religion that ha cause this and secondly it's more likly to come FROM women in my experience than men. Most men I know could care less (and this debate is happerning ALOT at moment since it seems my whole friendship group has just given birth:p)
I'm sorry I just don't buy that, firstly it's more likly to be religion that ha cause this and secondly it's more likly to come FROM women in my experience than men. Most men I know could care less (and this debate is happerning ALOT at moment since it seems my whole friendship group has just given birth:p)

Religion + capitalism = match made in heaven.

It's a relic from the days when women were more restricted.