Brainwashed christian?

Gee, I can just imagine a grown man yelling at me in tongues . . . *runs to corner and assumes fetal position*
This 'tongues' business sounds a lot like the Dark Tongue used by followers of Sauron. Ominous and evil. :rolleyes:

Bells, you have two options. Excommunication of this person from your life, or not excommunicating this person from your life.

It's simple and binary. ;)
It does, and many Christians have the idea that it is something like that. It's not something that happens only to Christians though. The Biblical context is that the first Christians were relatively uneducated Galileans, and the Spirit simply bridged the communication gap (Acts 2:6). In other words: if it's gibberish, it's fake.

Bells, it might not be a good idea to quote this to her, but maybe the opportunity will arise:
1 Corinthians 13:1
If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal.​
Her sister has even gotten to the point of saying that maybe we should either kidnap her and take her away and having her deprogrammed or something similar to an intervention. I don't know if this is the way to go, but we are going to have to do something.

Bells; if it seems this ovious to the rest of you, that group she belongs to sounds too much like a cult, considering that most cult's are religious based, this seems to be the case. Sometimes this is the only alternative.

The lack of nutrition also makes for weak minds, if she's not doing nothing to feed herself properly she can't think straight. This is one of the techniques used by cults. Perhaps she's been told meat, and poultry are evil foods or something.
(speculating) :confused:

Speaking in toungues could also be associated with the beggining stages of schizophrenia. Glossolalia, is the term used in psychological encyclopedias for this behavior. see it here

So lack of nutrition, heavy religious zeal, lack of interest to do anything else other than be with new friends who are zealots themselves, even shun family members, for the "group" Yea she's brain washed, and she's part of a cult. Perhaps you would want to refer Leo to this type of behavior of Marian Catholicism, he does not seem to be part of some religious cult, though the guy claims to have visions, and dreams, this normal for him. A cult member wouldn't be hanging around a forum like this one.

Lemming, the perseon in question was just an outrageous cunt. Whether their Christianity made them more of a cunt is irrelevant.

And Bells ... fuck, man ... wow. I mean, I though Sinead O'Connor was a fucking crazy Catholic, but ... shit.
Lemming, the perseon in question was just an outrageous cunt.
Well i worked that out, i was just curious why someone would say that and if it was due to brainwashing, i've come to the conclusion in part it was brainwashing leading to lack of education about the real world.
And bells, next time go to the party, if she objects to being in the room with you she can leave, she has the problem not you and i dont think you should have to miss out on anything because of it, if your family agrees shes a bit over the top then they'll understand.