Brainwashed christian?


Insanity Gone Mad
Registered Senior Member
This thread is just for a discussion about a quote from a christian i was talking to(who didnt know i was an atheist until halfway through the conversation), the exact thing said was:
'thats a shame you dont believe in god, i thought you was really nice up until i found that out'
I have since never heard from them again.
I wondered if anyone had any thoughts or comments as to why a person would let a pre-programmed reaction get in the way of personal experience? Mostly people seem more in favour of their personal experiences over anything else, is the opposite only common in religion?
Maybe they weren't saying they no longer thought you were nice, and were trying to point out that they no longer felt the same way.
Or perhaps the believe that God is the source of morals, and since you don't believe in God they concluded you were immoral, and deceptive about your reasons for doing things that seemed nice.
You don't subscribe to their dogmatized groupthink, therefore you are "bad" to him, as whatever ethics you uphold theoretically don't derive themselves from an abstract Judeo-Christian space. In turn, his passive-aggressive attempt to induce guilt in you for not believing in his fabricated "reality" is nothing more than a disgusting symptom of such myopia.

For Christians, the world functions in binary code - there is no grey area.

Most who perceive the symbolism of religious systems to be a reality value the reassurance it provides (so that nothing needs to be done in this dirty, sinful life we all lead, as everything has been taken care of for them in another world) over having to apply oneself socially, foster relationships with others, and having to deal with the trials of the world alone. It is this solitude which scares them, as to walk the rope without a net is surely a frightening prospect, but therein lies the joy.
Lemming3k said:
This thread is just for a discussion about a quote from a christian i was talking to(who didnt know i was an atheist until halfway through the conversation), the exact thing said was:
'thats a shame you dont believe in god, i thought you was really nice up until i found that out'
I have since never heard from them again.
I wondered if anyone had any thoughts or comments as to why a person would let a pre-programmed reaction get in the way of personal experience? Mostly people seem more in favour of their personal experiences over anything else, is the opposite only common in religion?
It doesn't have to do with religion. Some humans just are that way.

When they find out that you have a characteristic that they don't like then they abandon you. In his case it was that you had to believe in God.

This doesn't mean that he is doing anything wrong, maybe he's not feeling comfortable around people that are atheists? But one thing he did do wrong, he should have been aware of your conscience and not say what he did. He should have explained that he's not comfortable around atheists and not say that you aren't a nice person because you don't believe in God.
I am treated as evil by those who feel persecuted because they are not allowed to force me to believe as they do.
sorry, I cant remember the source, to this quote.

mostly it's just small minded people, who've only glanced though the bible, and believe they are righteous,
next time you come across some, ask them this, if there is a god, then he made me an atheist, who are you to question his wisdom.
and something else to use.
I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect, had intended for us, not to use them.
This doesn't mean that he is doing anything wrong
In a way i think its wrong to believe what someone else says over what your own experiences are, at the least your mind should be split between the options, but i wasnt really interested in if it was right or wrong and what should have been said etc. I was after reasoning behind why somebody might behave that why? I know there are simple answers like brainwashing and/or ignorance but i was curious what other reasons there might be?
Lemming3k said:
In a way i think its wrong to believe what someone else says over what your own experiences are, at the least your mind should be split between the options, but i wasnt really interested in if it was right or wrong and what should have been said etc. I was after reasoning behind why somebody might behave that why? I know there are simple answers like brainwashing and/or ignorance but i was curious what other reasons there might be?
I think the reason is that he doesn't feel comfortable around people that don't believe in God.

If we think of it this way, when you meet someone it's nice to figure out that you share something (it could be oppinion, interest or whatever else that you share). This sharing can be a foundation for trust (because you feel that he understands you, and thus doesn't have a different intent than you have).

Maybe he has taken this to a extreme degree where he doesn't trust anyone who doesn't share his oppinions on God.

Some people just like people that have the same view on things, and maybe he thinks that others believing in God is the key to trust other people (and it very well could be the key, for him).

But I think it's wrong that he say that you aren't nice, cause believing in God or not doesn't have with niceness to do (I could understand him if he say that he doesn't feel comfortable with you not believing in God). You draw your own conclusions. But if I would say my say, his reason is NOT because he doesn't think you are nice.
Lemming3k said:
This thread is just for a discussion about a quote from a christian i was talking to(who didnt know i was an atheist until halfway through the conversation), the exact thing said was:
'thats a shame you dont believe in god, i thought you was really nice up until i found that out'
many religious mofos think atheists are devil worshiping,murdering thieves without morals,
thanks to the teachings of their narrow minded religious leaders. :rolleyes:

maybe you should direct such people here click atheism
so they can learn whats atheism about ;)
It is a shame, really. There are those who will not see beyond the teachings laid before them. They will not question "Why?" but simply reject those who do not think like they do. I am not refering to just any religious follower. There is the religious follower who chooses to have their faith, because it makes sense to them, and then there is the blind religious follower, who has simply shut their mind to any other possibilities. It would appear to me that this person is of the latter variety.
Lemming3k said:
'thats a shame you dont believe in god, i thought you was really nice up until i found that out'

UGH! That guy was stupid! Unfortunately, that's not a new low for some Christians.

I am fortunate to know a Christian who accepts the fact that I don't follow his God. He's a good friend . . . I should E-mail him. I haven't heard from him for about a month.

Anyway, UGH!
I've had similar experiences. These people are not worth the trouble. I have a friends, and they know I'm an atheist, they don't let that bother them. It seems these people were religious zealots who don't want to know anyone who differs from their point of view.

Sometimes to avoid this, people lie, and claim that they are agnostic, or pantheists, or whatever, this is of course is poor character. I don't lie, however I don't wear it on my sleve either. I only tell people I'm an atheist if religion becomes part of our conversation. This rarely happens.

It is stupid, but maybe he is just uncomfortable with atheists. I mean, I wouldn't feel comfortable in a room full of pedophiles or a room full or rapists, but that is just me. Not to say that you are those things, but to say that people are people. We all have are things, but his reasoning seems silly. Maybe he isn't comfortable around nice people.
I belong to a family that is predominantly Catholic. A few have become Muslim and Buddhist. I have always been the black sheep of the family because I'm agnostic bordering on atheist. We had always respected each other's beliefs and never lectured. In fact, we rarely discussed religion when at the big family gatherings, because we don't all believe or disbelieve in the same thing. But the main point was that we respected each other, and held to the doctrine of to each his own, but most importantly, we had always been close. All this has changed however in the last month. I have one close family member who has become a more than devout and obsessive Marian Catholic. She goes to church and prayer meetings daily and drags her husband along, and subsequently, he too has become obsessive. She has in fact started to make claims similar to Leo.

Much to my horror and chagrin, she has started saying that she is visited by angels and the Virgin Mary. She has gone further to start saying that her prayer group are now performing miracles. She talks of nothing apart from religion. This is an intelligent and vibrant woman, who is artistic and loving. She has now become a religious zealot and has given away her art to take up reading the bible and watching bible prayer groups even on DVD and on CD in the car. She had been a woman who was an artist and she was earning quite a bit of money from her work. Now her teenage son is lucky if she even goes shopping to buy bread and milk. He's taken to making himself 2 minute noodles for his meals because there is nothing else to cook for himself and his mother and father have stopped caring. Their prayer will feed them as far as they are concerned.

Where in the past we could always talk and go out for dinner and lunches, last week I had an interesting chat to her. I hung up the phone feeling saddened when she started going on and on about how her Marian Catholic prayer group had told her that I was a heathen and that I was in Satan's clutches because of my refusal to accept any religion or religious belief. After 10 minutes I had stopped being amused and instead started to feel angry when she started telling me that I should go to one of her prayer meetings so that I could be healed and so that I could have God and Jesus and Mary back in my life. She was continuously saying 'allelujah' and 'praise the lord' (hence my initial amusement) during our conversation.

I really became angry when she told me that she could cure me to allow me to have a child and that the doctors were wrong because she had received a message from an angel telling her to pray on my womb :confused: to make me have a child. By this stage I was getting to the point of telling her that if she didn't stop, I was going to hang up and that it was only because of the love I have for her that I was still trying to talk to her. The conversation ended when I hung up on her when she told me that I would not be welcome at any family gathering unless I 'embraced God' and let her pray on my womb ('praise the lord' she then exclaimed) because she refused to be in the same room as a devil worshiper like me. My parents (devout Catholics) are mortified by her behaviour, as are a few other family members (those that will still answer the phone when she rings).

I was invited to a dinner party at another relative's house on Sunday to celebrate two birthdays, my father's and this relative's husband's. Yesterday I received a call from this other relative asking me if I would mind not coming because it would cause too much friction because the newly lunatic zealot has told them that she refused to be in the same room as me thanks to my refusal to listen to her and embrace God and become a 'believer'. So to save others in my family from feeling uncomfortable, I will now be missing my father's birthday party. My parents did not want to go when they found out what happened, but I knew how much my dad had been looking forwards to this and I managed to convince them to go. Is this relative of mine a brainwashed Christian? Definitely yes. My other half (an atheist like me) and my parents think she has lost her mind. She had joined a prayer group a month or so ago to feel better about her beliefs. In a month, that Marian Catholic group have managed to turn her into a stark raving lunatic who has gotten to the point that she's got her nose so far up that bible that she does not even wash her hair anymore. They have managed to convince her that if she associated with me, that Satan would rub off on her and kill her. Brainwashed? Damn straight!
Wow Bells shocking stuff I too would be furious at being told to not show up. I am quite certain you would be alot more fun to have at the party than her. It is sad that people can be so blind and allow something like this to come between them.
Unity under closeminded religious fervor is a useful device for establishing powerful order among primitive peoples not yet proficient or thoroughly researched in the physical sciences or more advanced methods of thought and reasoning. It's useful for developing and preserving newly acquired knowledge, albeit subject to a filter necessary for upholding that order, but after a point it becomes obsolete and a new, religion-free, logical, rational way of thought is required to develop further.

She's stuck in the tenth century.

Remember that dealing with these people in a way reminiscent of their behavior lowers one to their level, however. Be careful how you think.
The worst part of it for me personally is that this cousin of mine was someone I had always been very close to, since my first childhood memory. She had always been a constant presence in my life and in the lives of many other family members. The party means nothing to me. What I mourn is the loss of someone who had such vitality and energy for life. She embraced everything, always liked to have fun, and she was always laughing. The person I knew has disappeared, only to be replaced by some sort of religious zealot who will talk about anything non-religious. And it has to be her religion, or her brand and take on religion. She lectured my very devout catholic mother the other day for not being as much of a believer as she was.

The cousin I knew and adored all my life has been swallowed up by religious dogma and I frankly feel at a loss. Her daughter has been sick on and off for some time with problems with ovarian cysts. The sad and dangerous part of this tragedy is that she has gotten to the point of advising her 20 year old daughter not to go to the doctors anymore and to let God heal her after the parents and prayer group pray on her. Her daughter had to sneak off to the doctors without her parents knowing because she was scared of her parent's reaction if they found out she actually went to see the specialist. She had wanted her mother to go with her to the doctors and instead she had to ask her aunt (her mother's sister) to go with her. She has been told that she will need surgery and she doesn't know how to tell her parents because as far as they are concerned, God is the only one who can heal. This is how bad it has gotten.

I hate what this religious group has done to this woman and to her husband. What was before is no longer. I don't really know if it was some sort of brainwashing on my cousin's mind who it appears is extremelly weak, much weaker than anyone would have thought.

What I do know is that their influence on her and her husband have destroyed their very personalities and identity. For that alone, I will never forgive that damned Marian Catholic prayer group. They are always at her house reading the bible. Each time I have called her or dropped by in the last month they have been there, always whispering and praying in the background. The last time I dropped by she told me that she was sorry but that the others in the prayer group 'felt uncomfortable having someone like you around' (her very words) because they were receiving messages about my lack of belief (this was of course after the first time I had seen them there and they asked me join hands with them to pray so that I could find the keys I had misplaced when I had arrived there, and I told them no thank you that I was fine and after my cousin had told them that I was an agnostic bordering on atheist... so messages my arse). I had been amused with it all at that point. But the praying over my womb and calling me a heathen, etc, has gone too far. I really do not care about the family gatherings, what I do care about is that she is gone and lost to a group who have absolutely no concept or understanding of any reality that is not religious. I hate that because of the influence of this group and the weak minds of my cousin and her husband, they have taken away what was and replaced it with something that feels frankly, vile.:mad:
Sorry for ranting, but I'm pissed off about this. :mad: And I'm not the only one in my family who feels this way. Many have tried to reason with her, just talk to her, but it's fallen on deaf ears and blind eyes. She won't do anything without this group's permission or advice. They are always there, pulling her in deeper and deeper. They even answer her phone, as though screening her calls, and before she comes to the phone you can hear them whispering to her. Her sister has even gotten to the point of saying that maybe we should either kidnap her and take her away and having her deprogrammed or something similar to an intervention. I don't know if this is the way to go, but we are going to have to do something.

Her mother (my aunt) approached the zealot's parish priest for advice and it seems that even he is at a loss at the change that has come over her. He intimated to my aunt that my cousin has even tried to lecture him on religion and that she had taken to speaking very loudly in tongues during mass and disturbing the other parishioners and the mass itself... and he would have cause to feel some concern at her behaviour I guess considering she goes to mass every single day... :eek: I mean WTF??? :(
No offence, but I think yer cousin is . . . uh . . . touched in the head.

Btw, what's "speaking in tongues"?
No offence taken. Many of us feel the same way. Even her own mother and kids.

I've been told that speaking in tongues apparently happens when the holy spirit descends and moves the believer so that they starts speaking in another language that frankly sounds like gibberish to me, but that's just me (I'm the heathen and in the devil's claws remember.. lol). It's something like that anyway.

It is not a discernable language, and just sounds like... well... sounds. I personally think the sounds are similar to a baby's gurgles, only louder and more disturbing when one takes into account that these are adults who are making those noises.