Brain Power

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Okay. Now this isn't my call, since of course I am no moderator, but I think this discussion should probably stick to non-spiritual, non-supernatural, and non-mystical ideas and facts. You're free to discuss other ideas (such that human intelligence is the result of something supernatural), but I will just have to bow out of the conversation. Thanks.

KitNyx said:
It is interesting that you state that you know nothing and anything is possible, but you debate a point based upon belief in a unobserved spirituality. Is anything possible or are you just regurgitating sapien-centric doctrine?

- Kit

there are things that i believe in more than others, but i will never completely dismiss a theory or philosophy, because i believe humans dont know know as much as we think we do,

think of me more as an observer to existance itself, i take everybodies side, because i know what i personally believe in ist true 100%, its just concept, and i just am,

Unless you can proove otherwise we must proceed with the assumption that everything is physical since we have never observed or detected anything else and have no good reason to suspect there is anything else. In which case understanding the human brain is a matter of research and producing an artifical version is a matter of reverse engineering.

Once in manmade form I would expect we can make significant improvements to its ability and speed. As for self-awareness: we see mild forms of this in some of the mroe advanced animals, dogs, some primates, dolphins, etc. In lower forms it does not appear to be present. Even a human child of a few months is not self-aware. Self awarness appears to be an emergent property that results when brain complexity reaches and exceeds a threshold level. In simpler animals their brains simply cannot reach the requisite number of neural nets.

This doesn't seem like an unreasonable assumption.

i believ we are as much spiritual as we are physical, i believe we all emit energy, and are energy.

i am very spiritual, but not religious atall, if i were to class myself as anything atall, i would have to say, im daoist (taoist) but im not even fully that either, i am a "possabilityist" i believe i know nothign and anything is possible.
Probably best discussed in the religion forum.

a computer is a computer, i do not believe humans are just mere machines, there is alot more than computing that goes on within us all,
But it's difficult to compare with the current state of computing. Our brain is some 20,000 times more powerful than the best computer yet developed. When computers come up to speed and go beyond what makes you think they will not be able to outthink us? What is it you think we have they can't have?

a computer in my opinion will never be able to become aware and concious or itself,
Why not, what's your rationale?

do yout hink a robot will ever question why it has been created?
If it has appropriate AI skills then why not?

you can put asmuch software and hardware and memory into a robot as you want, but that will not result in awareness, memory doubling will not create a fully functional free thinking unit,
Again why not?

you might think im a spiritual non scientific nut, but i believe we cannot create an equal to a human with tech,
Again, why not? What is the rational basis of your statements?
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