Boycott ZOG-Hollywood-Media Complexes.


Registered Senior Member
yes, as many of you may well know, if current legislation in the US Senate passes, when your current cd/dvd players break, your existing cds/ dvds will be worthless!

send a big fukk off message to ZOG media, boycot them, starting now!

write your congressmen, complain, file class action lawsuits, demand your civil rights as guaranteed by the Bill of Rights.

ChristCrusher/ MFH prod.


I gotta a guitar. Let'em keep their music. I don't need it that bad.
No, they'll be after you too, Wet!

I can see them now, drawing up the licence forms for your annual subscription for the right to play a minor chord...

I bet there are some users out there wondering, 'what are they then?'

I was so surprised when on my hols in Florida in 1991 that they had almost zero vinyl albums. In the UK they started disappearing out of the shops around the same time, but not with quite so much speed.

I remember the bod at Tower records just smiling at me when I asked for a 12" piece of plastic. Same thing happening with video now.

So what exactly is the deal anyway? What is the basis for screwing the customer this time?
To put it in a nutshell

All cds were sold without copyguards & are circulating on the internet. Hollywood wants complete control of all minds of all people. I am buying 45rpm records 100$ at a time. the 45rpm record was almost the greatest invention this century. It is the only legitimate version of all the songs you hear. cds are made from alternate stereo takes. Enormous care went into the 45 making so that the metal "mothers" they use to press them are being stored in "Iron Mountain"... you heard of THE REPORT FROM IRON MOUNTAIN. There really is an iron mountain. a storage facility inside a mountain. anyway the promos radio stations played say on them: "For Promotion Use Only - Not For Sale" but I am buying them. The artist/producer tailor made the songs for radio compatibility. A master 45 would be made & brought to the local radio station & played while the producers/artists listened. Then they would make changes to benefit the song. CD versions did no such thing therefore are bogus.:eek:
Cheers :)

I'm still very much a vinyl guy, buy sadly I don't get the choice to buy it here (Thailand) and my turntable lives back in the UK along with a room full of sounds.

I've got some stunning-sounding vinyl, some of it old. The clicks and pops just make it feel more familiar, like a nice worn-in pair of shoes.

Yeah, I was and still am very sad to see vinyl get taken out of the frame. CD and digital is convenient and great for the net and swapping files etc, but I dunno, I buy an album to listen to it, fall deep inside it and hopefully stay there a while. CD can't really give me that.

But hey, in 1986 it was 'perfect sound forever'. I remember Tomorrow's World in the UK playing a CD covered in jam and saying 'hey, isn't THAT impressive?' Only they put the jam on the top side of the CD and the machine was reading the bottom.
use ZOG cd jam- spread it on thick

I don't usually reveal alot about myself. & I am not about to do so. Except to say I am not a computer person. To that extent I am bogus. I actually type on a IBM Selectric II typewriter & it is connected to a digital converter. Then to view it I use an ordinary color tv but the whole thing is converted to ntsc with the digital converter. This way I don't have to stop using the equipment I'm used to & comfortable with. (heavy revelation)
Then I wanted to be a radio dj using my records, but I am still waiting for that to happen. I'm too lazy to hook the amp up to the digital converter in order to broadcast records in digital computer sound. The sound of internet radio is so poor it is not worth the effort at least for me. (anyone reading will think I am stone(d) age. No really I made all that up. But I do have the records, IBM Selectrtic II & colortv. Just the digital part is fiction.
NOW from my expert point of view or as they say in England: pov
you could buy records in England, however, since Hollywood controlled the whole record operation, usually American versions are the best. & have secret components which was invented way back but being used now in theaters. This thumping sound.
45s had it way back & (I am not making this up) example: dave clark 5 were in england. The company was owned here. so american versions are much better than england. I have a song in both versions. The American differs in intensity & the secret component. It is missing from the English version. I lived in L.A. 5 years. Then I moved. It is not as good now. L.A. has declined considerably. There is a bridge for sale down there.... (made that up):eek:
For a long time I have been into stereo. I bought a nice stereo overseas that probably would run in the neighborhood of around $7000 to $8000 at the time. (It eventually was stolen) However, I mention this so that you would understand that I know what a good systems sounds like.

I miss the old vinyl records. Not for nostalgia but because everything was in the music. Nothing was dropped out. I mean if you cleaned your disc's before playing them it was clear enough to hear the stick hit the cymbol before the cymobl rang. Or hear the pick hit the string before the string rang. Real enough that my dog would look for the other dog it heard in the room. Or I would get up to answer the phone, only I didn't have a phone (talk about stoned).

But that quality is now missing in the latest cd's. It just isn't there. The ambiance is gone. I mean, most of the music is there but not all. I here to tell you folks, we are getting ripped! The price of the music didn't go down to reflect the drop in quality. So what are we paying for? It sure ain't that 4¢ piece of plastic they call a cd. Now some one has come up with the brillant idea of eliminating your use of your music libary. So that you must repurchase all the music you had already paid for again?????????What a crock!!!!!! This is highway robbery and apparently leaglised too!!!!

I guess you can tell I am not a happy camper....
Suddenly I terribly miss my LP12 and albums :(

The sexiness of slipping the vinyl out of it's anti-static sleeve you ordered from Germany...slowly and carefully (don't wanna tip ash on it) you lower it onto the the needle, quiet click, pop and that lovely warm few seconds before you know the room is gonna sing to the sound of...

...welll for me Half Man Half Biscuit - the production values, the overdubs, oh....

'Nurse, my pills...'
ZOG alternate ramble pt. 2

The other part of my previous post... Stereo. when it first began to be used it was very slow to take off. but at a certain point it was decided juke boxes were going to switch to stereo. Real money was made in those things. So 45s gradually began to be produced in stereo/mono versions (mono for am radio & mono jukeboxes) Well it is not the stereo you hear now. It was a very primitive two channel sound so as not to lose the punch of the earlier mono sound (mono+secret component)...
OK around this time a great many songs were reissued in stereo for the new jukeboxes. some are completely different takes & some were the same except the mix went the other way. The stereo version was never printed as a 45 before. It was recorded for the album stereo release but so few people had stereo capability it was unsuccessful. This is the type of record I am hunting now. I have about 25. There are many songs like this. Some I have both versions. It is very interesting to compare them. an education which leads to the meaning of this upheaval in the music industry. Like wet1 say I can't afford to play the cd game.
equipment. I got stuff in a junkyard here that recycles to prevent garbage in landfills. Anyway I have two complete record setups of stuff people thought was crap & threw out! a 1970s amp Lafeyette LR910 - it had a fuse cap missing & with separate fuses
one channel didn't work. $5. I bought a fuse assembly in radio shack & soldered both ends to the existing one. works fine. a very potent & subtle amp. then I got a bunch of amps with phono capability but had other output problems. So I use em just as a phono preamp which I wire to a equalizer & into a good amp with no output problems. these two amps cost 10 & 18$ ea.
junk people threw away. talk to ya.:cool:

I'd love to hear some side by side comparisons. So the 'good' versions never made it to 33 then?

Funny, I've always loved old productions, like when the bass is in one channel, the drums over here, the vocals somewhere behind the plant pot.

Beatles were magic for that. Still think their stuff on prod'n values alone is streets ahead of a lot of more recent stuff. Bored to death with everything in a big fat blob between the speakers. May as well be mono.
Mmmm Beatles.. wore two copies of Sgt. Pepper out, then got it on CD. Its a complete redo from the original master tapes, blows the vinyl version away completely! The dynamic range, frequency response, the definition, its an entirely new league.

nroweatherman: This secret component you are talking about, is that the dynamic range compression and RIA correction they started to use during the sixties? Otherwise, you know, without something to decode/realign it in the reproduction equipment it wouldnt be much use. And with decode/realign data published, it wouldnt be very secret, heheheh.

Lemme just say this. I'm into it, I like talking about it but really when it comes down to it, you have to hear it. Now hearing it can be strange. I used two turntables which are Dual 1218 & 1226. these are very sophisticated. both have tall poles that snap in. out of the poles are three prongs. you stack 45s or 33rpm 7" records on the prongs. it will play 6-8 records in a row.
after each song the prongs invert allowing one record to drop. Then the prongs come out very fast catching the rest of the records. Naturally you need 45rpm inserts to equal the small hole size. the DUAL 1218 is probably the practically perfect phonograph. 3 speeds & 3 separate record size 7", 10" 12" adjustments. yes the compression will not translate but to be in the room with it is an experience. Sometimes they sound better the farther away you are. Anyways I got no money to get into new technology. I spend everything on records 200+$ a year.
If crooks break in your house all they will get is old junk not even worth carrying out. ;)
actually, i run an independent music label, and basically focus on vinyl releases.

nonetheless, this proposed legislation sickens me beyond words.
Jesus H. K-RistKrusher

Hope you don't mind me rappin 'bout records & takin yer thread off course. "But when ur tawkin bout destruction- don't choo know that you can count me out (in)"
I'm always doin that (tawkin bout records) cuz I got stacks of em around me here.
those hollywood windbags goin on & on how much money they're losin. gimme a freakin break! they are makin billions offa songs & not from cd sales. From movie box office. Like fer instance "WALK ON BY" by Isaac Hayes in a movie... or "Groove Me" by king floyd propin up the latest austin powers borefest. Using songs in movies is humongous business & since the movies are so bad it is ENTIRELY the songs which creates the profit.
"the answer my friend is blowin in the wind....":p
Now the soundtrack is more popular than the movie.

Anything to make us keep buying songs we bought 20 years ago.

And why if I wear out my copy of an album should I have to pay full whack again for another? I already paid royalties the first time.

Why can't you show you're old vinyl version to get a discount off a shiny new drinks ma...CD? That would be fairer.

And now the RIAA wanna hack my machine if I have an 'illegal copy' of a Fretblanket B side.

Where's my guitar..?

Trouble is you don't pay for it once but over and over again. The master that was made was made the first time. Now just how many times do you have to buy the thing?

More and more it is a rip!!!!!!!!!
so what's the next format they're gonna dangle in front of us?

Now i have cassette, lp, vcr, vcd, dvd, cd, md, vd...