Boy punished for saying the word "Gay" in school...

Originally posted by coolsoldier
Both. This is a problem with Marcus not matching Louisiana.

Now why exactly is Marcus at fault here? Do you mean that even those who are in the right should be made to cater to the lowest common denominator?
Marcus (at least in this particular situation) clashes with Louisiana society. You could hold society at fault for clashing with him or him at fault for clashing with society or hold at fault any number of others that influence either society or Marcus, but ultimately the problem is that the two are not compatible. Because neither the state of society nor Marcus' family situation is likely to change, the two are about equally at fault. Either could have kept quiet about it and alleviated the entire problem (on the surface), but neither is likely to change.
There’s so much wrong with that idea that I’m not entirely sure where to start.

First off, I think you’re creating a false consensus here. I find it extremely unlikely that all of Louisiana, or even most of it, feels the same way, or would react in a similar or even harsher manner than the administration of that catholic school to someone simply saying the word gay. Aside from that, I can’t possibly imagine why this boy should be treated like some sort of piranha, or why abusing him should be automatically justified just because you feel that there’s some sacred justification in treating people like shit without a good reason just because a lot of people happen to feel that that’s what he should get.

If someone’s going to try to slight Marcus in the future, for something as completely stupid and trivial as either saying the word gay, or because he has two moms, then he’s got a right to demand some accountability, and make people justify their harsh reactions to him. He’s the one who’s innocent in this, they are not, the guilty should be answering to their victims, not the other way around.
Originally posted by coolsoldier
Been to Louisiana lately?

I haven't been back there in a few years, so society might have changed completely since '99, but I spent most of my childhood there, and quite simply there are some things you don't say in public if you want to remain a functioning member of society. And I'm sorry if this offends anyone, but "My momma's gay" is one of them.
What Marcus has to write lines for today, he would in a few years be at best ostracized by his peers as well as a significant segment of adult society in a region populated primarily by conservative catholics.

Yes, there are some times when it is appropriate to keep one's mouth shut in public (unless you are specifically trying to make a scene). And although you can get somewhere by playing the victim, the observers that accept that line tend to sour on it pretty fast.
So Marcus should hide where he is from or hide his family? Should he shirk his mother to suit those in society who have the same view as you do? Why should this boy be embarrassed of his family? They nor he have done nothing wrong. So should he remain quiet lest he face the wrath of a society that is biased and prejudiced? Think back in history and remind yourself of how many occasions the minorities were told the same thing and they fought back. If all those minorities had remained quiet or kept their mouth shut in public, people such as African Americans would not have the right to vote or sit at the front of the bus.

Because neither the state of society nor Marcus' family situation is likely to change, the two are about equally at fault.
Don't you think this story is proof that it is time for society to change? The stupidity of punishing a 7 year old for saying the word "gay" is a sad view of a society that is stagnant and prejudiced. This boy has done nothing wrong and neither have his parents. What is wrong is that society can remain so prejudiced that its members can consider a gay parent as something that a child should be punished for. Homosexuality has always existed and it's time that society opened its eyes and rejected the pathetic bias and treat them as the equals that they are.
