Boy killed in rotatin restaurant.!!!

Once appropriate punishment has been meted out, the lessons are usually learned. This very same thing probably won't happen again, because people are aware of the particular hazard now and will be looking for similar design flaws and omissions in other restaurants.
But there are always surprises. There are always accidents.
Nobody ever predicts every possible accident. They just don't think of everything that will go wrong - until it does - and then it's so obvious.

This really was predictable

There was a very obvious pinch point

Between the rotating floor and the fixed outer wall

Pinch points are a very well known safety hazard

Most are small in size and involve hands

However they range in size and variety

A vehicle which is to high going, or trying to go, under a low bridge is a pinch point

Solution is to place signs and a height tester some distance prior to the bridge giving the vehicle time to stop

However many a monitoring highway camera catches failures of signs and height testers

If frequently occurring the options are to raise hight of bridge

Or place a hight tester some distance prior to the bridge which diverts the truck away to another route

From information I have read on this thread it does appear the tables were placed to close to the outer wall and as a compounding factor fixed to the floor

Thers pinch ponts between the square tables an the big round poles... an also behind the rounded-back booths an the wall.!!!
Those brown vertical "decorative/support" strips on the wall behind the booths prolly protrude enuff to increase the danger of a head bein grabbed.!!!
A simple barrier-wall conected between the backs of the two booths woud have kept a head from gettin stuck.!!!

But there are always surprises. There are always accidents.
Nobody ever predicts every possible accident. They just don't think of everything that will go wrong - until it does - and then it's so obvious.

that's the scientific method sans the 'nobody ever predicts' and 'surprises'.
Thers pinch ponts between the square tables an the big round poles... an also behind the rounded-back booths an the wall.!!!
Those brown vertical "decorative/support" strips on the wall behind the booths prolly protrude enuff to increase the danger of a head bein grabbed.!!!
A simple barrier-wall conected between the backs of the two booths woud have kept a head from gettin stuck.!!!


As I understand your post the narrow section with the tables is the rotating section?

As I noted in a previous post my only experience with rotating restaurants was when I took a lady to dinner at one in Brisbane

It was reasonably new at the time and a novelty

As I recall the WHOLE floor rotated with the exception of a reasonably small island in the middle serving as the entrance

Can't recall any outer rotating part to the floor and that might be because (may be mymemory is faulty here) the WHOLE floor rotating included the outer windows

With only the photo to judge by I am very surprised such a configuration got passed the design stage let alone constructed and passed inspection for safe operation

Sounds like the boy got stuck at an entrance/exit leadin from the center part (that dont rotate) to the outer part wit the tables that does rotate.!!!
I havent seen any pics yet that show an entrance/exit like that.!!!

Heres a pic that shows a path from the center part past the booths which are on the rotatin part.!!!

Looks like they didnt even cover the pinch pont on the floor between the static part an the rotatin part.!!!


Family of 5-year-old boy crushed in rotating Atlanta restaurant files lawsuit

The suit alleges the restaurant, as well as the hotel and others, were negligent in failing to address a "longstanding safety hazard" that led to Holt's death.

The suit also alleges there were no protections to stop children from getting trapped at a "pinch point" and that no emergency stop mechanism was in place to quickly stop the rotation should an emergency arise.
"The control box that controlled the rotation of the platform was mounted against the ceiling in in a separate room away from the pinch point."

The Holts also dispute initial reports from Atlanta Police that the boy had wandered off from their table while they were having lunch.
The suit says the family was leaving the restaurant together, after paying for their meal, and the child was a few steps in front of his parents when he became trapped. "Charlie's parents were only a few feet behind him and immediately went to help him," the suit says.
The technology for keeping people safe around moving parts has been well-developed since the before articulated streetcars, it was developed for revolving doors, more than a century ago.
I think it would be possible to kill a five-year-old with a revolving door. I've always hated the things, though for claustrophobic reasons rather than safety.
First few times i went thru revolvin doors as a youngster i felt anxious as if the door behind me might catch my heels.!!!
Well frankly, I've gotten my arm jammed in one of these revolving turnstiles twice (same one both times).

And I'm rather embarrassed to confess that, at the time of the second incident, I was a grown-ass man. :oops:

And I'm rather embarrassed to confess that, at the time of the second incident, I was a grown-ass man. :oops:

Back to revolving doors ... one time I was leaving a workplace, and was talking to someone as I entered the revolving door. And you know how sometimes you just get caught up in rituals of whatever? I sort of shook my head and gestured for the benefit of my friend, who was walking behind me, and in doing so lost track of where I was, thus walking into the glass cylinder around the door, jamming my eyeglasses such to open a cut above my left eyebrow on the hinge.

Hadn't even smoked my after-work bowl, yet.

Holy shit, that was, like, twenty years ago.