Bottled Water

Do you think that bottled water is any better for you than tap water?

  • Yes, there is a clear difference

    Votes: 5 22.7%
  • Yes, marginally

    Votes: 6 27.3%
  • No.

    Votes: 8 36.4%
  • dont care.

    Votes: 3 13.6%

  • Total voters
I do not think it is better for you. It is however conveniant and sometimes tastes better than tap water. I think people probably buy bottled water more for these reasons than thinking it is better for them than tap...

The marketing for bottled water is definately misleading as it shows clear mountain rivers and implies that it is better for you. It is funny to see all the different brands at the grocery store. Does anyone really care which one they pick up?
But does it taste better than tap water? or do you just think that it tastes better because you have paid for it or have you actually compared tap water and bottled water at the same time?
Distilled water is safe.
whats that got to do with anything? well done on stating something pointless Joeman. :D
I have a bottle of San Pellegrino bottled water here, this is what it says on the label:

Refreshing S. pellegrino sparkling mineral water satisfies the most selective of tastes. A natural filtration process in the heart of the Italian Alps lends it a distinctively pure flavour and a superbly balanced blend of minerals.

Actually, most bottled water (such as spring water) is NOT distilled and is chock full of potentially infectious germs!!!!:eek:

And I have well water, so there.:D

Is water even supposed like anything?

Hmmm. Well I said it sometimes tastes better than tap. I have lived in houses where the tap water tastes like lead. It tasted terrible. Also, sometimes water fountains have bad tasting water. So, for me, yes it is more consistent in tasting better. But someone with a less discriminating tongue may not agree. I think most people think so and that is why some people buy bottled water. Some of it may be a placebo because it is just colder...but hey if it still tastes better...

a distinctively pure flavour and a superbly balanced blend of minerals.
Haha. Those marketing folks sure are funny. They are talking about water, one of most simple and abundant resources on the planet.
Water is like vodka......supposedly tasteless (a really good vodka is practically tasteless) but with its own distinctive flavour.
bottled water is not distilled. you can buy distilled bottled water though. water doesn't suppose to taste good. If I want something taste good I get a case of blue moon.

bottled water is actually less regulated than tap water so maybe worse. If you want something perfectly safe get distilled water :D
I drink bottled water, because I do realise that contaminents can find their way into tap water.

At the places that water is bottled, a person will test to make sure the water isn't contaminated, thats why some of these bottles of water actually contain a form of ingredients due to these tests.

Tap water is tested at reservoir's and occasional spot checks along the pipeline.
The problems with tap water are though that over years the pipelines can suffer from the build up of contamination like lime scale (hard water).

Bottle water I believe for the most part is slightly softened.

I also know that in some old houses the plumbing might not be adequate. Such houses might not have sealed water chamber, which means if you get a pest infestation like rodents they can excrete straight into your water supply.

Not to forget the old problems of the water coming out brown.
It depends on the brand, as they all taste different. The water distributed by coke (cant remember the name) tastes like crap to me. Some tap water tastes really bad too, and in some places tap water just isn't safe to drink.

Personally I prefer tap water through a filter. I doubt there is a much safer or better tasting water. But I still drink lots of bottled water here at work, what of it?
We have both well water and city water. I put an antimicrobial filter in the kitchen for cooking (from the city water). I normally get occasional stomach problems, but since I switched to distilled water to drink, I have not had any problem for 18 months now. We buy small bottled water packages only to use when travelling.

BTW, bottled water per gallon is more expensive than gasoline (minus the fed tax). The most profitable business than any thing on earth. Depending on the location, the tap water usually has higher bacteria and heavy element content (such as Cadmium, Lead and Arsenic) than bottled water.
Selling water is like selling air. It's all around us, our bodies cannot survive long without it, and people are selling it!

I think it's mostly our psychological viewpoint nowadays, that everything packaged and hermetically sealed is instantly clean. We'd much prefer to have nice, prepared chicken on a styrofoam plate covered with Saran wrap than to have to slaughter it ourselves. It's all about efficiency and ease; a bottle of water is portable, and beats quenching your thirst at a well with a mysterious source. Plus, all the filler in the commercials, it appeals to the modern man's mind because we routinely hear about the importance of minerals and eating right, so we go buy this "magical elixir" in thinking we can compensate for our malnourished diet. Then, you've got the media and environmental groups, constantly ragging on us about the world's diminishing fresh water supply. The scares they pull up will make anyone buy an air filter, a radiation suit, and a truckload of bottled water. :D
Don't drink plain water. Hate it. Get it from soft drinks and other wot-nots. Bottled Water has tiny rock particles in it. I'd stick to distilled, its purer
I drink tap water. Tap water is filled with disgusting little things that, if you have had since the beginning of your life, build up your immune system to them. When I travel and someone says 'don't drink the tap water' - bullshit. I've been drinking tap water all my life and the only place I ever stopped was Mexico (as it basically tells you not to on your way in).
Many of the springs have natural minerals in them. Iron, sulphur, calcium and magnesium to name a few.

As to taste I would imagine that a lot of it depends on what your taste buds are used to.

Bottled waters usually have very little in the amount of regulations to insure their purity.

One place I lived at had a sulphur water well. I would swear it was 98% sulphur and 2% water. You could smell that stuff for miles. Anything you cooked had the taste if you used the water, even the ice cubes reeked of it. There was one nice thing about it though. Mosquito's, ticks, and fleas wanted a new home when they found you.

Changing living locations sometimes results in having to get acclimated to the local water. Lots of times you can come up with diarrhea while getting used to it. For this reason almost all water in soft drinks are buffered so that anyone across the country will not have this problem.

There is a swimming springs in Ocala, Fla called Mineral Springs in which the water is clear and cold. Reputedly it has 5 different mineral springs coming up at the same area. The bottom is a wonderful never-never land of mineral deposits with all kinds of colors. People would come from miles around to soak in the water.

I have also doctored water wells with bleach to kill bacteria around the bore of the well that came from water runoff on the surface. Water tests came back indicating that it was effective. Well waters can also be dosed with salts to make it softer and filters (usually in the 5 micron range) to remove particulate matter.

As to the taste and which is better there is probably very little difference...
Where I live, the tab water is very good, much better than bottled. It has to be; law requires tab water to live up to rigid standards. This is not to say that there are not episodes of tab water being temporarily polluted in some area, but thats the exception.

i lived in the city from the time i was nine until i was 16. now i live outside city limits, and my water is no longer city water. it tastes TERRIBLE! it smells a little funny to me. my mother loves it. i dont thin ill ever get used to it, and it is for that reason that i do, and currently am right now, drinking bottled water. ..... as for which ones are better IMO.. La Croix tastes good, then dasani (not to mention dasani is .99/liter) then poland springs. The absopure and deja blue are down right desgusting, they make your teeth feel chalky like you just drank a warm coke. aquafina is drinkable, but not something id buy on purpse. i dont buy water for what is in it, just becuase if i didn't buy it, id never drink it from the faucet.
Nobody here drinks tap water and everyone buys (thankfully still cheap) 'drinking water', which is ozone treated locally.

In fact there is a small company doing that just up the road from here. But what exactly is ozone treating (the bottle also says reverse osmosis)? Is it safe to drink?

Ozone is a disinfectant for removing bacteria from water. Because ozone has a relatively short life span before reverting back to O2 it must be generated on site. It is also cheaper than purchasing chlorine for use in its place.
