Both Muslim AND Christian?

Its not impossible in Islam and I'm glad the Muslims in Seattle know enough about Islam to realise that.
Being both Muslim and Christian — "I don't know how that works," said Hisham Farajallah, president of the Islamic Center of Washington.

But Redding has been embraced by leaders at the Al-Islam Center of Seattle, the Muslim group she prays with.

"Islam doesn't say if you're a Christian, you're not a Muslim," said programming director Ayesha Anderson. "Islam doesn't lay it out like that."

Redding believes telling her story can help ease religious tensions, and she hopes it can be a step toward her dream of creating an institute to study Judaism, Christianity and Islam.

"I think this thing that's happened to me can be a sign of hope," she said.
How is it not impossible? Muslims believe in their god, Allah. Christians believe in Jesus Christ.
How is it not impossible? Muslims believe in their god, Allah. Christians believe in Jesus Christ.

To be a Muslim all you need is a belief in one God and an acceptance that Mohammed was his messenger. If you accept Mohammed as a prophet but are a Christian or a Jew, essentially that makes you a Muslim. The Injeel (gospels) and the Torah are considered holy by Muslims. Jesus is another prophet for us. But Islam recognises that Christians ascribe divinity to Jesus. However they are still People of the Book, i.e. followers of the same God.

So according to Islam, it is not impossible to be a Christian and a Muslim at the same time.
Its not impossible in Islam ....

Wow, Sam, you've got a lot of wires crossed, ain't ya'? Jesus Christ is central to Christianity. His dying on the cross, and being resurrected is the centerpiece of Christianity. How could a Muslim possibly believe in that?

Baron Max
Muslims say that Jesus was just another messenger, like Moses or Joseph...nothing really that special about him...and that Mohummad was the last messenger from God so we should all follow him....but Muslims still accept Jesus (for the most part), just not as a God-man, and they also deny the crucifixion...

Christians say that Jesus is equal to God, and that Jesus is the truth, etc...

So I don't know how she can be both...
Wow, Sam, you've got a lot of wires crossed, ain't ya'? Jesus Christ is central to Christianity. His dying on the cross, and being resurrected is the centerpiece of Christianity. How could a Muslim possibly believe in that?

Baron Max

See post before yours
How is it not impossible? Muslims believe in their god, Allah. Christians believe in Jesus Christ.

Christians also believe in God. Who do you think Allah is? Or Yahweh?

"God" is just the three letter name you call the omnipotent being you believe in. Allah is the five letter name Musim's call their omnipotent being. But it's all the same omnipotent being. There can only be one; all faiths believe this, so it's the same thing by default.

Muslims also believe that Jesus was a prophet of Allah (God), Mohammed was simply God's last prophet.

The difference you're looking for is that Christians believe Jesus is their personal savior to enter heaven, Muslims do not believe this. They look to Allah (God) to be their savior. As do Christians.

The difference is that Christians have an intermediary (Jesus), Muslims and Jews do not.

Therefore, it is not impossible for this woman to believe that Jesus is her personal savior, while at the same time agreeing with the teachings of the Bible and the Qur'an.
Allah is not the same God of the Bible that Christians believe in. We believe in God (the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.) The trinity.

It is my understanding that the Koran/Allah says to convert/kill infidels and Muslims are to be martyrs. To kill in the name of God. Women are second class citizens.

My God of the New Testament (Jesus Christ) is not a killer. He is all about love and bringing people back to Him.

I still find it impossible to be both Christian and Muslim.
sandy: can you accept someone as agnostic?.

the old testament and the qu'ran are not disimular in their views regarding killing unbelievers or idolers and women, and in the new testament jesus says he agrees with the laws of the old testament!.
Allah is not the same God of the Bible that Christians believe in. We believe in God (the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.) The trinity.

It is my understanding that the Koran/Allah says to convert/kill infidels and Muslims are to be martyrs. To kill in the name of God. Women are second class citizens.

My God of the New Testament (Jesus Christ) is not a killer. He is all about love and bringing people back to Him.

I still find it impossible to be both Christian and Muslim.

He's right.

Allah IS the same God of the Bible. You and Muslims just view him differently.
To be a Muslim all you need is a belief in one God and an acceptance that Mohammed was his messenger. If you accept Mohammed as a prophet but are a Christian or a Jew, essentially that makes you a Muslim. The Injeel (gospels) and the Torah are considered holy by Muslims. Jesus is another prophet for us. But Islam recognises that Christians ascribe divinity to Jesus. However they are still People of the Book, i.e. followers of the same God.

So according to Islam, it is not impossible to be a Christian and a Muslim at the same time.

But, Sam, one can't be a Christian without believing that Jesus was the son of god ...not just a prophet, but the son of god! Big, big difference!

And it has nothing to do with anyone being a prophet! Even if Christians believe that Mohammed was a prophet, without the belief in Jesus and the resurrection, the person isn't a Christian. Islam may think that it's the same god, but it ain't ...not be a long sight!

Baron Max
He's right. Allah IS the same God of the Bible. You and Muslims just view him differently.

But without belief in Jesus as the son of god, and his resurrection, a person is not a Christian. And Muslims believe that there is no other prophet, much less a prophet who was the son of god(Allah).

Totally different concepts ....why can't y'all see that?

Baron Max
But without belief in Jesus as the son of god, and his resurrection, a person is not a Christian. And Muslims believe that there is no other prophet, much less a prophet who was the son of god(Allah).

Totally different concepts ....why can't y'all see that?

Baron Max

No, I do agree with that. And if Muslims do not believe that Jesus died on the cross, then that is another major difference that can't congeal the two.

I think it is possible to believe in both religions, but you'd have to side with Christianity more as both religions are not a two way street.
Allah is not the same God of the Bible that Christians believe in. We believe in God (the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.) The trinity.

No sandy, the Abrahamic god is the same one referred to by Christians, Muslims and Jews, they just vary in their descriptions.

But, that is no surprise that you would think so, considering that you've had a number of questions posed to you about your beliefs but were unable to answer. You should begin to realize that many here understand various religions a lot more than you understand your own religion.

It is my understanding that the Koran/Allah says to convert/kill infidels and Muslims are to be martyrs. To kill in the name of God. Women are second class citizens.

The same goes for the Old Testament.

My God of the New Testament (Jesus Christ) is not a killer. He is all about love and bringing people back to Him.

The bible demonstrates that the Abrahamic god is immoral and cruel.

I still find it impossible to be both Christian and Muslim.

Funny, I find it impossible to be either one.
But, Sam, one can't be a Christian without believing that Jesus was the son of god ...not just a prophet, but the son of god! Big, big difference!

And it has nothing to do with anyone being a prophet! Even if Christians believe that Mohammed was a prophet, without the belief in Jesus and the resurrection, the person isn't a Christian. Islam may think that it's the same god, but it ain't ...not be a long sight!

Baron Max

Perhaps but you are speaking from the Christian point of view. As you see the local Muslim chapter has no problem with her beliefs. :shrug:
I accept Mohammed as a prophet, and I´m not muslim. I accept Jesus as a prophet, and I´m not Christian. I accept Buddha as a prophet, and I´m not Buddhist. I accept Krishna and Shiva as prophets and I´m not Hindu. I accept Mahavira as a prophet, and I´m not a Jainist.

God has different names, it doesn´t mean he is different for everyone. I only believe in 1 God, and is not the God of any of the Religions of beliefs I mentioned.

I believe in a God that cannot be mentioned...
Allah is not the same God of the Bible that Christians believe in. We believe in God (the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.) The trinity.

It is my understanding that the Koran/Allah says to convert/kill infidels and Muslims are to be martyrs. To kill in the name of God. Women are second class citizens.

My God of the New Testament (Jesus Christ) is not a killer. He is all about love and bringing people back to Him.

I still find it impossible to be both Christian and Muslim.

prove that the christian god and muslum god are not one and the same. and if that is your under standing of the quran it is to say the least flawed. as a christian i belive that i must understand others faith to be a better christian so i have read portions of the quran and the hadiths and find it highly similar to christianty and judiasm the three are closely related. here are some links to quotes from the quran and the hadiths to show what i mean.
Perhaps but you are speaking from the Christian point of view. As you see the local Muslim chapter has no problem with her beliefs.

Just goes to show that some people will accept any-fuckin'-thing!

But it don't prove nothin', Sam .....and certainly don't prove that a person can be both Christian and Muslim at the same time. The two religions are simply incompatible belief as well as in practice.

Baron Max