Born Again

It would be nice if you could articulate your thoughts. I promise to be not too critical. :p
It would be nice if you could articulate your thoughts. I promise to be not too critical. :p

Well, since you asked and were polite about it.... no problem. I agree with Buddhism in many aspects... mainly in the part that meditation leads to self-discovery. Also I follow belief in the non-violent approach to life and conflict. I believe a lot can be learned from Buddhism. HOWEVER, I also believe that in todays world, it may not always be practical. Buddhism teaches a more passive way of life, to accept suffering and thus over come it. I personally disagree in that aspect. Why accept suffering if you can avoid it. And that is where my more political views come from. Fight, politically, for your personal interests....

But anywho, I'm going a bit off topic. My apologies. Um... lets see...


Buddhists are pretty much undetermined when it comes to god. They pretty much (as the Buddha did) avoid the topic of God because in their eyes, there is no proof.

Recent discovery on my behalf is led to belief that there is a god (rather a higher force, much like the force of gravity). It's not personified. No divinity, etc. But where the Buddhists avoid the subject, I have decided to bring it to the forefront. I believe that there is infact a god. However, the specifics cannot be known as of yet due to lack of scientific evidence. But also because of the lack of scientific evidence, that does not automatically exclude the possibility of a higher power. Soooo.... going back to my beliefs. Yes, I do believe there is a god/higher power/ supreme force... whatever. BUT, I only know what I have experienced. I cannot and would not tell others that they are wrong for their beliefs. But I have my own beliefs based on my own experiences. I cannot pinpoint example or another. Over all, it sums up to my complete life experience, how things have occurred, why (in my belief) they have occured, and the cause and effect of the occurance. I have too much evidence and logical reasoning on my personal behalf that I cannot, any longer, deny the existance of something much more greater than myself, or mankind for that matter. In my eyes and mind, there is SOMETHING that is much larger, much more... powerful than I could ever imagine. This something is my god, and what I believe to be the one and only god. It is the supreme force.
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Anybody ever think about what kind of effect the born again movement is having on women? Pregnancy and child rearing is not that easy. :)

You should read one ravens posts on religion and philosophy, although agnostic he has a very openminded approach to religion and has elucidated many many complex concepts with clarity and thoughtfulness

You may enjoy some of his conclusions
Insult me as you will. Care, I do not. Like your name... try again.

Pathetic? Fuck off. :D Your opinion, out of anyone and everyone on this board, is the opinion that I care least about. I'd rather have 3 kids with Sandy AND pay child support for 18 years than to sit for one minute in the same room with you.

Awww.... is that a little harsh? Too bad. Get over it.

So much for post 22.
This is born again..
Born-again is believing in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, repenting for your sins, believing that He died for your sins and rose again, and having a deep, personal, intimate relationship with Him. Once you decide to be born-again you will never be the same. Never ever ever.

I'd rather have 3 kids with Sandy AND pay child support for 18 years...

The chances of that are none and none since you will never, ever, ever get close enough to even sniff me.

Anybody ever think about what kind of effect the born again movement is having on women? Pregnancy and child rearing is not that easy. :)
Born-again movement? Movement?:confused: It's having awesome effects on us. It makes us more peaceful, fulfilled, joyous, happy etc. Many of us have chosen not to have kids. We are among the happiest.

Recent discovery on my behalf is led to belief that there is a god (rather a higher force, much like the force of gravity).

So I ask you once again. Please explain your logic and reason behind your belief.

IOW, provide examples of these life experiences that have convinced you there must be a higher power.

So I ask you once again. Please explain your logic and reason behind your belief.

IOW, provide examples of these life experiences that have convinced you there must be a higher power.

Why bother? Seriously, I'm not being stupid here or mean. I'm just saying. I have my beliefs, and my reasonings for them. You have yours. Even if I were to go through and list every little thing or experience that supports my beliefs, it wouldn't matter because I'm sure you will disagree with them. I'm not here to have my beliefs validated, or anything else. The purpose of my OP was to simply put it out there as an update. In my mind and observations in life, I've come to the conclusion that there is a god. To recount every event that has brought me to this point would mean I would have to write an encyclopedia of my life. I'm 25 years old and though it may still be young to some, 25 years of living and events is a lot to have to recount and would take a very very long time. Now, I can sum up my beliefs if you like:

1) There is a higher power
2) It is not a personified individual being but more like a force that is everywhere.
3) I don't believe in prophets, divinity, or scriptures that claim to be from God.
4) As far as the afterlife, I'm more or less agnostic. I lean more toward the belief that there is an afterlife, though not like heaven or hell. I believe that if it does exists, it's more of an energy plane. It exists in our world all around us, just unseen most of the time.
5) I do believe in a soul.

There is more to it that I may explain later. But for now, my dog has to pee and I have to eat. Ciao!

Why bother? Seriously, I'm not being stupid here or mean. I'm just saying. I have my beliefs, and my reasonings for them. You have yours. Even if I were to go through and list every little thing or experience that supports my beliefs, it wouldn't matter because I'm sure you will disagree with them.

Well you suggested that you were using logic and reason to determine this, and that is why I asked.

I was looking for example that would lead to this conclusion as logical.

For example, I myself broke my neck in a car accident, I only suffered minor nerve damage to my shoulder. I could say that god saved me or something like that, but I don't believe that it was involved. I do thank the doctor I had for being a skilled surgeon, I was only the 6th person to have such an operation by him and he was considered to be one of the most knowlegable and experienced in the country at the time. 5 years before it happened the only choice I would have had is the halo.

But that is not enough to leap to a higher power god saving me, or choosing to save me when he lets all sorts of horrible things happen to the innocent all day long.

1) There is a higher power

No evidence of one whatsoever, but I understand is your belief.

2) It is not a personified individual being but more like a force that is everywhere.

Could be, but then it is not the same as the god of any religion, which I think you already have stated.

3) I don't believe in prophets, divinity, or scriptures that claim to be from God.

I agree, that is wise.

4) As far as the afterlife, I'm more or less agnostic. I lean more toward the belief that there is an afterlife, though not like heaven or hell. I believe that if it does exists, it's more of an energy plane. It exists in our world all around us, just unseen most of the time.

I can see this as possible. Would we still be conscious though ?

5) I do believe in a soul.

Since we are conscious it's kind of hard to separate these things. My wife believes the same and she is not religious, but is spiritual.

I am not trying to give you a hard time, just trying to separate belief in the sense of faith from claims of logic and reason behind said belief.

This is why I inquired about what your experiences were.

Good day MZ.
Ok, after many months of careful consideration... I've come to the official conclusion that I, MZ3Boy84, do believe in God. No, not the god of the Bible, Torah, Quran, or other book. In fact, I denounce all scripture and their ideas of what God is or isn't. I have found within myself the God of reason and logic. Though many of you will laugh at me and probably lose some respect for me; I honestly don't care for I have discovered my true faith. I do not follow any scripture, prophet, or doctrine. Instead I follow my own rationale, that of which has concluded that there is in fact a higher power than myself... than all of mankind. God is reflected in myself, in nature, and in the universe. It's presence is undebatable in my mind. My bible is my eyes and my mind. My faith is logic and compassion.

That's all I really have to say.

Hi MZ, what do you base your newfound faith on?

What you are saying makes perfect sense.

Don't let anyone rob you of your love for saying it conflicts with their agenda.

God is not bound by Scripture....:)
Have fun storming that castle ... really

MZ3Boy84 said:

Ok, after many months of careful consideration... I've come to the official conclusion that I, MZ3Boy84, do believe in God. No, not the god of the Bible, Torah, Quran, or other book. In fact, I denounce all scripture and their ideas of what God is or isn't. I have found within myself the God of reason and logic. Though many of you will laugh at me and probably lose some respect for me; I honestly don't care for I have discovered my true faith. I do not follow any scripture, prophet, or doctrine. Instead I follow my own rationale, that of which has concluded that there is in fact a higher power than myself... than all of mankind. God is reflected in myself, in nature, and in the universe. It's presence is undebatable in my mind. My bible is my eyes and my mind. My faith is logic and compassion.

I won't laugh. The only criticism I would apply at this time is that you should, at all times, be careful about how you relate to certain statements:

"I have found within myself the God of reason and logic .... Instead I follow my own rationale, that of which has concluded that there is in fact a higher power than myself... than all of mankind. God is reflected in myself, in nature, and in the universe. It's presence is undebatable in my mind. My bible is my eyes and my mind. My faith is logic and compassion."​

This can lead to wisdom, or it can lead to something near to megalomania. The one is functional, the other an illusion.

Above all, though, enjoy the journey.