Born Again


Valued Senior Member
Ok, after many months of careful consideration... I've come to the official conclusion that I, MZ3Boy84, do believe in God. No, not the god of the Bible, Torah, Quran, or other book. In fact, I denounce all scripture and their ideas of what God is or isn't. I have found within myself the God of reason and logic. Though many of you will laugh at me and probably lose some respect for me; I honestly don't care for I have discovered my true faith. I do not follow any scripture, prophet, or doctrine. Instead I follow my own rationale, that of which has concluded that there is in fact a higher power than myself... than all of mankind. God is reflected in myself, in nature, and in the universe. It's presence is undebatable in my mind. My bible is my eyes and my mind. My faith is logic and compassion.

That's all I really have to say.
Ok, after many months of careful consideration... I've come to the official conclusion that I, MZ3Boy84, do believe in God. No, not the god of the Bible, Torah, Quran, or other book. In fact, I denounce all scripture and their ideas of what God is or isn't. I have found within myself the God of reason and logic. Though many of you will laugh at me and probably lose some respect for me; I honestly don't care for I have discovered my true faith. I do not follow any scripture, prophet, or doctrine. Instead I follow my own rationale, that of which has concluded that there is in fact a higher power than myself... than all of mankind. God is reflected in myself, in nature, and in the universe. It's presence is undebatable in my mind. My bible is my eyes and my mind. My faith is logic and compassion.

That's all I really have to say.

Baby Jesus just cried for you. Repent so that thou may still be saved by the Grace of the Lord, your God, YHWA.

maybe you'd be inclined to go in for Buddhism? Taoism? the meditation may be up your ally?

Ok, after many months of careful consideration... I've come to the official conclusion that I, MZ3Boy84, do believe in God. No, not the god of the Bible, Torah, Quran, or other book. In fact, I denounce all scripture and their ideas of what God is or isn't. I have found within myself the God of reason and logic. Though many of you will laugh at me and probably lose some respect for me; I honestly don't care for I have discovered my true faith. I do not follow any scripture, prophet, or doctrine. Instead I follow my own rationale, that of which has concluded that there is in fact a higher power than myself... than all of mankind. God is reflected in myself, in nature, and in the universe. It's presence is undebatable in my mind. My bible is my eyes and my mind. My faith is logic and compassion.
If you are not using any scriptures of any kind where did you get the idea of a god from?

Logical reasoning and logical premises are based on established and verified facts. These are the building blocks of rational thought. Can you describe the fact based premises that led to your claimed logical conclusion that a god exists? In this way we can examine your claim more closely and comment appropriately. Simply asserting that you have used logic doesn't mean that your premises are actually valid.

My faith is logic and compassion
In what sense are you using the term "faith"? Faith in regard to religion is a belief without evidence, whereas logicla reasoning is all about evidence. To use "faith" and Logic" together is an oxymoron.
Ok, after many months of careful consideration... I've come to the official conclusion that I, MZ3Boy84, do believe in God. No, not the god of the Bible, Torah, Quran, or other book. In fact, I denounce all scripture and their ideas of what God is or isn't. I have found within myself the God of reason and logic. Though many of you will laugh at me and probably lose some respect for me; I honestly don't care for I have discovered my true faith. I do not follow any scripture, prophet, or doctrine. Instead I follow my own rationale, that of which has concluded that there is in fact a higher power than myself... than all of mankind. God is reflected in myself, in nature, and in the universe. It's presence is undebatable in my mind. My bible is my eyes and my mind. My faith is logic and compassion.

That's all I really have to say.

That's not born again...that's basically just an open-minded agnostic POV.

This is born again :

If you are not using any scriptures of any kind where did you get the idea of a god from?

My own experiences.


In what sense are you using the term "faith"? Faith in regard to religion is a belief without evidence, whereas logicla reasoning is all about evidence. To use "faith" and Logic" together is an oxymoron.

Faith in logic.

That's not born again...that's basically just an open-minded agnostic POV.

This is born again :

Why can't one be a born-again Muslim, Wiccan, Atheist or any other belief?

There is no logic or reasoning in your decision.

If you are not using any scriptures of any kind where did you get the idea of a god from?


IOW what god are you believing in ? As Nietzschfan said, it's more of an open mind on the subject position, that you have no answer since you are not claiming to believe in any of the religions version of god.

The problem comes in with higher power. There is nothing to show any evidence of "Higher Power" that controls or affects our lives.

Thus, no logic or reasoning in your decision.

That being said. If you view god as the totallity of nature and the universe and that god is part of everything we are, then sure that's cool, but then how do you call that god considering you feel god is a higher power. There is no higher power in that type of god, like nature for example.

Please explain where the logic and reason comes in.
Ok, after many months of careful consideration... I've come to the official conclusion that I, MZ3Boy84, do believe in God. No, not the god of the Bible, Torah, Quran, or other book. In fact, I denounce all scripture and their ideas of what God is or isn't. I have found within myself the God of reason and logic. Though many of you will laugh at me and probably lose some respect for me; I honestly don't care for I have discovered my true faith. I do not follow any scripture, prophet, or doctrine. Instead I follow my own rationale, that of which has concluded that there is in fact a higher power than myself... than all of mankind. God is reflected in myself, in nature, and in the universe. It's presence is undebatable in my mind. My bible is my eyes and my mind. My faith is logic and compassion.

That's all I really have to say.

So you find faith in your own experiences, your own logic, god in yourself? This is your own personal god that you created. Your logic is messed up, and so is your god.
so when they are faced with troubles/deaths they started believing in God.

and when you were out partying MZ...where was your belief than?

So you find faith in your own experiences, your own logic, god in yourself? This is your own personal god that you created. Your logic is messed up, and so is your god.

Insult me as you will. Care, I do not. Like your name... try again.

so when they are faced with troubles/deaths they started believing in God.

and when you were out partying MZ...where was your belief than?


Pathetic? Fuck off. :D Your opinion, out of anyone and everyone on this board, is the opinion that I care least about. I'd rather have 3 kids with Sandy AND pay child support for 18 years than to sit for one minute in the same room with you.

Awww.... is that a little harsh? Too bad. Get over it.
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Ooooooooo I can feel it. Where is it? I know the infamous ban is around here somewhere. Come on mod's. You won't miss me. ;)
If you are not using any scriptures of any kind where did you get the idea of a god from?

Logical reasoning and logical premises are based on established and verified facts.

That's not precisely true...inate, impartial, inductive reasoning processes (occuring as a result of observations made of the world) are the catylyst for the 'epiphany' that is a concept of God. This occurs without the aid of specific/special revelation.

Subsequent supression of this natural 'instinct' leads to all manner of illogical thought processes, while at the same time, ironically, further pursuit/allowance of this idea/instinct is no guarantee one will discover anything more about 'God'... the tendancy/danger at this point is to formulate a 'god' in one's own image. It is at this very point that Revelation is needed. The self revelation of God is found in The Word of God, Jesus Christ. If you get to this point, you are then confronted with the necessity to abandon one's false images of God for the Divinely Revealed Image.

Ok, after many months of careful consideration... I've come to the official conclusion that I, MZ3Boy84, do believe in God. No, not the god of the Bible, Torah, Quran, or other book. In fact, I denounce all scripture and their ideas of what God is or isn't. I have found within myself the God of reason and logic. Though many of you will laugh at me and probably lose some respect for me; I honestly don't care for I have discovered my true faith. I do not follow any scripture, prophet, or doctrine. Instead I follow my own rationale, that of which has concluded that there is in fact a higher power than myself... than all of mankind. God is reflected in myself, in nature, and in the universe. It's presence is undebatable in my mind. My bible is my eyes and my mind. My faith is logic and compassion.

That's all I really have to say.

Are you a Buddhist? Or is that too narrow an interpretation of what you believe?