I'm writing scifi but not the greatest with grammer, just a good imagination.<B>Note:</B> The following books are dynamically selected from the Amazon.com <b>SciFi & Fantasy</B> category.
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It's about a kingdom in conflict and a daughter good with the elements, which most in their kingdom are. Using metals they can tune in better those abilities and even create vortex's that allow them to travel to earth, only on earth they are not solid forms but more like spirits that do not age until they return. Only a few can manipulate the elements are gain solid forms on earth. Only one day the family decide to imprison their daughter on earth using metals and than die leaving her stranded with a family on earth whom to make a story short uses her for gain on earth. Being able to become solid they draw blood and think it regenerative so use it for that purpose to rich families. Only when they die they come back as zombies and we have a zombie break out and the only one who can save them is the daughter whom's blood they used. Well she becomes free and than ends up on the run from her kingdom finding her 200 years later. (Well you get the picture its about dimensions)