Not much info, give better links than I found below, please:Originally posted by kmguru
The ancient war could be Mahabharat or before that Ramayan. If the archeological digs at Dwaraka produce good results,
I think most of Kabballah came after Christianity, but I think it is syncretistic, not "kosher" to most jews:it could establish a link to the jewish tribes - since vedas and kabalah has a common theme.
True about India & China. So if Israel & India traded, there should be a wealth of trade goods, arts & ideas besides just mysticism?In the mean time, the trade between India and China goes back thousands of years with a common border.
The point of why I started this thread, was that I disagree that there is any proof of large-scale contacts with or between Eurasia & the Western Hemisphere. If Indian refugees had come here ( or Jewish refugees for that matter), there would be more proof also, such as languages (need to be Dravidian or Aryan), genetics (DNA), religion (did Native Americans forget Hindu gods so easily?), art (elephants are hard to forget), architecture ( the arch is very useful), technology (the wheel & metallurgy), & warfare (bows & arrows did not reach this hemisphere until the last millennium)So, it is possible that the Native Americans could be the descendants of a group of Eurasians that moved on due to war.
That should be easy to check, several isotopes have half-lives that last millions of years, get your giger counters & mass spectrometers ready for the proof.Mahabharat talks about nuclear weapons being used.
Many people have great oral traditions (that are still in use today) & many are very useful for various things. Being bilingual, (English & Spanish), I find both languages have various strengths & weaknesses. And knowing several speakers of Greek, Hmong, Arabic & Hebrew, I can say that each has ways of expressing ideas uniquely theirs & also very "universal" ways. Being in the stone age, did not make Native Peoples 'dumb', 'savage' or 'uncivilized', they just had another time schedule for their progress, culture, & civilizations. Read up on their ideas, arts & philosophies. So Sanskrit is good for comp programming, that proves what?In fact, people have to pass on knowledge via human memory. How can a sophisticated language such as Sanskrit (great for computer programming) be there without any paper to write on?
Different nuclear weapons, leave different radioactive fallout, need to see the data or do the research to find the proof. BTW, did all these radioactive-refugees mutate genetically & morph into 'RED Indians'? I don't think so, check the DNA research. Also, ancient texts assume that there are awesome powers available to gods &/or creators of the universe, so if these texts allude to nuclear destruction by inference, that is not good enough, they either need references to "sunbursts", "mushroom clouds", "wasting diseases" & "shadows" of the victims, a la Nagasaki & Hiroshima. The destruction & power is extreme, that's why Oppenheimer referred to the first a-bomb burst as an aspect of 'Shiva the Destroyer', “we have become death”. Please, some quotes & references to check your data? http://www.nyu.edu/globalbeat/southasia/ahmed080398.htmlThe descriptions are unmistakable. It is not farfecthing that after such a global exchange - people will revert to the stone age.