Book of Mormon Internal Consistency

I bought a Book of Mormon at a used bookstore for a $1, after I took it home I noticed it had colored bookmarks, that someone had put passages, that had verses to look up, like:
Helaman 3:25-28
Alma 34:8-17
3 Nephi 11:7-17
M*W: Sorry you spent your $1. The Mormons would have given you one for free, but you'd never see the end of them again!

I think its funny if they really have to wear secret "holy" long underwear, specially women. it seems that women always have more strict rules in these different religions
M*W: I have been delving into the FLDS polygamous lifestyle since the raid on YFZ in El Dorado, TX. Mainstream Mormon women don't wear the holy underwear, only women of the FLDS cult wear them.

say like that Texas cult, 400 married girls for old men???? isn't there a yuck factor there? thats got to be gross for those young girls
M*W: There is definitely a yuck factor therein, but almost all of the women of the FLDS don't know any other way of life.

I followed the trial of Warren Jeffs (he was convicted of an accomplice to a rape). I read the book Escape by a born and bred FLDS woman who managed to get away from her circumstances. I recommend this book highly if you're interested in this subject. I am about half-way through another book on this subject entitled When Men Become Gods, by Stephen Singulaur, which goes into the history of the FLDS, how they were protected by local law enforcement, their polygamous lifestyle, religion, education (or lack of), and their downfall when outside law enforcement brought them down.

I live in Texas, and this whole thing is just too close for comfort. I hope while those children are in foster homes, their mothers will get a taste of life outside of bondage.