Book for all you atheists

Lori_7 said:
You're joking right?
No-fucking-shit, of course I'm joking. Do you even have to fucking ask?
You have, again, shown the stupidity of christians.
Hapsburg said:
No-fucking-shit, of course I'm joking. Do you even have to fucking ask?
You have, again, shown the stupidity of christians.

Well I'm so sorry, but that's what a lot of atheists really seem to want from me. It just didn't seem like that far of a stretch...
Lori_7 said:
Believe what you want. You have no reason not to believe me.
And we equally have no reason to believe you. Moot point really isn't it?

You know, my story, about this miracle that's happened to me will be a platinum selling rock and roll band.
This actually makes me want to cry...

Ok, let me get this right. If a band makes it you've proven God's existence but if the band fails?... Whether the band (what in the hell does a band have to do with it?... you keep mentioning this band but.. huh?) makes it or not has no bearing on whether your claims are corroborated Lori.

It doesn't really have to do with evidence so much as it's everywhere. It has to do with proof. And that's why it's from God Himself, and that's why it's personal. It has to do with perception. It has to do with what you want.
What's everywhere? And it doesn't have anything to do with evidence but then you say it has to do with proof? Eh?

What's from God himself? Your belief? The voices? The band? The lack of evidence/proof? Sorry Lori but I'm too tired and too sick to be able to handle contradictions clearly at the moment.

Your God and your belief in God is personal to you. So why are you so convinced that we must all share your personal experience with your God? Why this need to convert? And yes, while you may claim that you don't try to convert, but the reality is that you do Lori. I don't think you are even aware of it.
For atheism is No moral accountability, there are morals we DO have them, how would you like it if someone stole money from you? or lied, cheated, stole, killed love ones, if we are slime why not torture babies, since you assert atheism is right, I think I will kill you

Lets just say your right for a minute atheists have no morals (I don't really believe this but I'm just trying to make a point)

So what if it was ok to kill, steal, or torture babies? Really even if it was it doesn't automatically make theism true. It just amounts to what you like to be true.

Honestly though morality law is subjective to mankind and it's easily proven. Let's just say that god has a bunch of commandments for us to follow (like the 10 commandments). It's still up to mankind to uphold this laws or to reject them. This choice or free will he has given up makes his commandments abitrary.

Also if you are only following God's laws because he commanded you to and are not thinking about why like us atheists do, that puts you in an inferior moral position. If your god commands you to kill children, you kill children for example. An atheist (at least most of the ones I know) would never do such a terrible thing, and would question such a voice, or command.
Isn't the differrence that an atheist does the right thing because it is the right thing to do whereas a theist needs to be told what to do. Who then has the higher moral ground?
Akottens said:
" I dont have enough faith to be an atheist, by Frank Turek and Norman Geisler"

Exposes all the Bs you talk about

Great for Christians also as it can bolster your information on debating atheists.

IMO, Atheism doesn't require faith. I suspect Frank and Norman simply
wrote a masturbation book for 'believers'.

However, I must take issue with Joeman:
"Age of reason" - Thomas Paine.
Thomas Paine was not an atheist, and neither was he arguing against Theism. He was arguing against the Bible.
Wow. I looked it up on, and looking at the headline reviews you could easily be fooled into thinking the book has some merit. Fortunately you can now sort the reviews by the user rating given, and you discover that the people who gave it bad reviews recognise faulty logic and bad apologetics when they see them.

However, the way I can tell it's written by fundamentalists is from this quote from the synopsis:
I Don’t Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist argues that Christianity requires the least faith of all because it is the most reasonable.
I don't know of any other religions that as a prerequisite require you to believe that a human being died and then returned from the grave. It also requires not a monotheistic belief, but a duotheistic belief - you have to believe in God and the Son of God. And in fact you have to reverence the Son (who died no more or less painfully than billions of others) over the Father who Created the entire Universe! It is reasonable to worship God the Creator and Lawgiver a la Judaism and Islam - it requires an extra effort to worship a supernumerary sub-God to a greater extent than the Creator.
Akottens said:
For atheism is No moral accountability, there are morals we DO have them, how would you like it if someone stole money from you? or lied, cheated, stole, killed love ones, if we are slime why not torture babies, since you assert atheism is right, I think I will kill you
Thank you for perfectly proving the point that we atheists do, too, have morals. It's not
I can steal, lie, cheat, kill because there is no God telling me not to.
It's exactly as you say:
How would I like it if someone stole from me, cheated me, lied to me, killed my loved ones?
That's all anybody needs for a perfectly adequate moral sense - empathy with ones fellow human beings.

Cris, get off Lori's back. You are not privileged to know what her personal experience is any more than I am. We are not in a position to judge the validity of her personal acquaintance with God. Of course it can be put down to "imagination" or "self-delusion", but maybe it isn't! And it is at least bad manners to continually point it out.

Hapsburg! Go to your room! :p Seriously, insulting people does not make you look cool. It's actually worse now that we all know how old you are; you have not earned the right to call anyone stupid.
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Cris said:
Very urgently and strongly recommend you read “Atheism The Case Against God” by George H Smith before you make too many more fundamental errors.
Smith's book might not be any more convincing to serious readers than the book Akottens recommended. To presume so would be based on your faith in the book's intent, not in its content, just like Akottens'. Its review on Internet Infidels wasn't as positive about it as you are.
Jenyar, I do agree to some extent, but Smith's perspective I believe is signifcantly more objective than the apologetics opposition, and does more than enough to cancel out the arguments from Akottens book.