Bob Lazar and Area 51 Claims

These kind of claims sound like psychiatric symptoms to me. It reminds me of the people who insist that the CIA has placed 'machines' in their walls to project crazy thoughts into their minds. (As if the CIA would waste its time in harassing schizophrenics.)

There's a bizarre kind of grandiosity to it, somebody's claim that he is so important for some totally exotic reason that the government (and/or space aliens and/or time-travelers) will rewrite history itself to discredit him. Which very neatly makes him into the most important person on Earth while excusing his inability to verify anything he says.

The Wikipedia article makes it sound like Lazar might not be crazy so much as he's just a bullshitter and a bit of a publicity seeker. He's apparently a guy with a few community college classes and a small-time criminal record. He's been shown to have lied about his claims to be a Cal Tech and an MIT graduate. His claims about having worked at Los Alamos and at the Nellis Range (area 51) appear to be false.

And as his earlier claims about how he knew about secret UFO reverse-engineering projects in the Nevada desert began to unravel, about all he could do is either admit lying or else double-down and compound the lies by claiming some grand conspiracy out to discredit him.

Wow! We actually agree on something.

I have a friend I might direct here.

Time travel could be possible in this, and would have to be to back his claim, but I tend to think Lazar is, as you pretty much say, a liar. I wonder if he's made any type of a living out of his story...
..., but I tend to think Lazar is, as you pretty much say, a liar. I wonder if he's made any type of a living out of his story...

His first media exposure was on TV. It's usual for people to get paid for TV appearances.

Also, nobody has come forward saying they studied with Lazar. He can't name a fellow pupil, and the name he gave as his professor, was a lecturer at his community college, not at MIT or Caltech. No picture in a year book, not one graduation picture, or diploma, and just one cheque stub from Area51.

I have far more provenance from my career to date. Old pay slips, contracts, old ID badges,... and I still go out for beers with old colleagues. Simply, there is no trail left by Lazar where he claims to have been, so he probably wasn't there.
Also, nobody has come forward saying they studied with Lazar. He can't name a fellow pupil, and the name he gave as his professor, was a lecturer at his community college, not at MIT or Caltech. No picture in a year book, not one graduation picture, or diploma, and just one cheque stub from Area51.

....back then to the op..

i suspect phlog is a timelord

Is it possible that the government really does erase beneficial history and records of someone they deem as a perceived threat to some withheld area of security? How can someone prove otherwise if espionage was carried out against them that essentially took their credentials?

He makes an interesting story, since there seems to be some evidence suggesting to his case. But otherwise, I'd bet my money he's never worked among alien spacecraft at area 51.
He makes an interesting story, since there seems to be some evidence suggesting to his case. But otherwise, I'd bet my money he's never worked among alien spacecraft at area 51.

Have not read any of this thread? What evidence is "suggesting to his case"?
Have not read any of this thread? What evidence is "suggesting to his case"?

I have books on the which have mentioned the subject. I remember some investigator had actually found out he (had worked or educated?) at a certain place which had denied knowledge of him even being there in the first place. I mean, I will look this out if you want.

MAIN point is, he's still a crank.
His story is complete nonsense. You can't erase every yearbook. Apparently he had access to area 51 for a day or so, [my joke is that he cleaned the toilets] but his academic background simply doesn't check out.

Stanton Friedman, who is himself a dedicated ufologist and true believer, is the first to slam Lazar as a fraud.

i didnt know colleges had yearbooks news to me and if the goverment went to your college asked for your records they would get them and any proof other than your origonal deploma that you were ever a student there would be gone. you could take your origonal and say NUH UH HERES MINE then all they would have to do is say it was a fake. im not saying his story is true but the goverment can and has eraced peoples records as if they never exsisted
I have books on the which have mentioned the subject. I remember some investigator had actually found out he (had worked or educated?) at a certain place which had denied knowledge of him even being there in the first place. I mean, I will look this out if you want.

MAIN point is, he's still a crank.

yes there is one place Los Alamos Laboratory denied that he ever worked there, yet a lab phone book clearly has his name in it. as well as employees stating they did indeed work with him and a newspaper article stating bob lazar from los alamos labs. i believe there is a pay stub from there to him floating around too. if this is a fake im not sure didnt look into it

Later in 94 i believe los alamos labs reversed there statment and said in fact bob lazar did work for them
I have books on the which have mentioned the subject. I remember some investigator had actually found out he (had worked or educated?) at a certain place which had denied knowledge of him even being there in the first place. I mean, I will look this out if you want.

MAIN point is, he's still a crank.

What you likely had was a book by a hack trying to cash in on Lazar's story.
What you likely had was a book by a hack trying to cash in on Lazar's story.

Check sifreak's post back to me. Clearly he knew what I was referring too.

Anyway, maybe you'll believe everything you are told, or that you can't tell fact from fiction. I on the other hand, can and certainly would not have made a mistake like the one you have elluded too... as has been shown above by sifreak.
Check sifreak's post back to me. Clearly he knew what I was referring too.

Anyway, maybe you'll believe everything you are told, or that you can't tell fact from fiction. I on the other hand, can and certainly would not have made a mistake like the one you have elluded too... as has been shown above by sifreak.

Sifreak didn't show anything, he simply speculated.

You're very gullible, so long as what you're being told agrees with your worldview.
JJM.....Howdy.....Hello.....a case for non exhaust thrust / faster than light (net/ftl).....One fine day IN and AE were playing in the orchard. IN asked AE , "Are you ready?" "Sure" AE replied. "So lets' do it." IN said. They then threw some apples in the air, some landed on the Earth, others went to other places. The gravity of other places pulled them to their locations. It is not anti-gravity, but pro......What is also interesting, is that the properties that allow for m/m' are the same for entanglement. Also for description of exponential space-time.....Speeds will one day be so fast that they are pure science fiction in our day and age. It is not possible for a person to go 65 miles per hour 24 hours a day, but my machine can. It is not possible to be up in the air travelling the speed of sound, but my machines can. It is not possible for a person to be underwater miles deep, but my machines can. It is not possible for people to land on the moon, but my machines can. It is not possible to travel the speed of light, or greater, but my machines can. It is not possible to travel galaxies per......, but my machines can.......There will be many c+1 spacecraft. The most important aspect is that the machine protects the Life within it. It is easy to send robots. But that is meaningless. It is only when a human picks up a rock, elsewhere, and says 'I can live Here."
Sifreak didn't show anything, he simply speculated.

You're very gullible, so long as what you're being told agrees with your worldview.

He was right. That was what I was referring to. I know this, because he jogged my memory. Read your facts first. Then make stupid comments like this if you want.

Atleast investigate it.
He was right. That was what I was referring to. I know this, because he jogged my memory. Read your facts first. Then make stupid comments like this if you want.

Atleast investigate it.

What was he right about? Neither of you have demonstrated anything. You've only claimed to "remember" certain disputable items.
What was he right about? Neither of you have demonstrated anything. You've only claimed to "remember" certain disputable items.

You know fine well what was being discussed, that he had a job at Los Alamos which they denied until it was discovered he had indeed worked there and they later retracted their statement.

Stop trolling.