Bob Lazar and Area 51 Claims


Registered Senior Member

Is it possible that the government really does erase beneficial history and records of someone they deem as a perceived threat to some withheld area of security? How can someone prove otherwise if espionage was carried out against them that essentially took their credentials?

Is it possible that the government really does erase beneficial history and records of someone they deem as a perceived threat to some withheld area of security? How can someone prove otherwise if espionage was carried out against them that essentially took their credentials?

His story is complete nonsense. You can't erase every yearbook. Apparently he had access to area 51 for a day or so, [my joke is that he cleaned the toilets] but his academic background simply doesn't check out.

Stanton Friedman, who is himself a dedicated ufologist and true believer, is the first to slam Lazar as a fraud.
I didn't realize he was claiming they erased him from yearbooks. I thought we were talking about his record of working at Area 51. Whoops.
His story is complete nonsense. You can't erase every yearbook. Apparently he had access to area 51 for a day or so, [my joke is that he cleaned the toilets] but his academic background simply doesn't check out.

Stanton Friedman, who is himself a dedicated ufologist and true believer, is the first to slam Lazar as a fraud.

I suppose this would raise the question that if someone is a so-called true believer in UFO's then the believer would also be a true believer in time machines and would not deny the possibility of records being erased right at the printing press when the negatives were first exposed in the process camera, so how would such disbelief entitle them to claim to be a believer? The pot calls the kettle black and it just might be because the pot shook its soot all over the once clean kettle.

The dirty dog is the first to bark.

(no refernce to you JDawg...:) )
I suppose this would raise the question that if someone is a so-called true believer in UFO's then the believer would also be a true believer in time machines and would not deny the possibility of records being erased right at the printing press when the negatives were first exposed in the process camera, so how would such disbelief entitle them to claim to be a believer? The pot calls the kettle black and it just might be because the pot shook its soot all over the once clean kettle.

The dirty dog is the first to bark.

(no refernce to you JDawg...:) )

Ah yes, time machines would explain it! :bugeye:

You don't seriously believe this, do you? Why not just conjure up some witches and warlocks while you're at it?
Ah yes, time machines would explain it! :bugeye:

You don't seriously believe this, do you? Why not just conjure up some witches and warlocks while you're at it?

What I believe is not the topic, nor is it important. What I was explaining was to believe in UFO's is to believe in time travel and likely time machines. If a UFO is a vessel linking two worlds, especially from another galaxy, per se, it would have to be jumping in and out of the 5th dimension, thus traveling in time. If someone is rendering dissent on Lazar, because his picture wasn't in a yearbook, yet believes in UFO's as carrying visitors from other star systems, then he's not tuned into what space travel to distant stars will entail. That person's opinion is not credible. From what I understand some who know Lazar have verified his education, but that's hearsay.

Witches do exist. Whether they have magical powers is questionable. Warlock means "oath breaker" as well as wizard. These days just about any MD qualifies as a warlock by that first definition. I have yet to meet a current day physician who follows the Hippocratic oath he or she took. By that, warlocks exist. All those we can find if we really seek them out, but UFO's are believed to be from other worlds, often said to be from other galaxies.

For what ever it's worth, I do believe time travel is not only possible, but like most other scientists these days, I believe it's innevitable. It's simply a matter of
I do believe time travel is not only possible, but like most other scientists these days, I believe it's innevitable
Elucidate your reason for the shrug, please.

What's to wonder about? :shrug: It's easy to see that it's for the exact same reason I just gave you one - your exceedingly bold statement about "most scientists." Got anything to back that up with??? (I certainly doubt it.)
Perhaps he's talking about Christian Scientists. Aside from religion, where everybody's idiot opinion is as valid as ever other idiot opinion, Hec doesn't have anything to say.
[“ Originally Posted by HectorDecimal
Elucidate your reason for the shrug, please. ”

What's to wonder about? It's easy to see that it's for the exact same reason I just gave you one - your exceedingly bold statement about "most scientists." Got anything to back that up with??? (I certainly doubt it.) QUOTE]

Gotcha. Have you really not read anything about that statistic?
why bother about Bob Lazar

if it is true about what he says , the government won't aknowledge what he claims

so where are we ? are we further ahead in the UFO investigation....

what though is interesting is that most countries have opened their UFO files , but the US hasn't , why ?
Vietnam was ending and people wanted to protect their own hides. The spreading out effect of that factor alone would have many offshoots that could do jobs, but to erase someone's Yearbook inclusion for 4 or 6 years would take some real doing. Like I said. If time travel was in on it the evil deed might be possible, but everyone's lie will have an achilles heal.
No. Certain acts carried out, such as Mai Lai, and others planned were eradicated as much as possible. It is not impossible that some people were wiped out in a variety of different ways for a number of different reasons we don't have any records of beyond old soldiers. The old soldiers are set up prior to any operations for ease of access. That is credible. It is tough to imagine a UFO witness would have everything wiped out after the fact, because it would have likely not been planned in any way. UNless their were UFO's actually involved in Lazar's erasure, certain things, such as a yearbook, would be impossible to erase after the fact.
These kind of claims sound like psychiatric symptoms to me. It reminds me of the people who insist that the CIA has placed 'machines' in their walls to project crazy thoughts into their minds. (As if the CIA would waste its time in harassing schizophrenics.)

There's a bizarre kind of grandiosity to it, somebody's claim that he is so important for some totally exotic reason that the government (and/or space aliens and/or time-travelers) will rewrite history itself to discredit him. Which very neatly makes him into the most important person on Earth while excusing his inability to verify anything he says.

The Wikipedia article makes it sound like Lazar might not be crazy so much as he's just a bullshitter and a bit of a publicity seeker. He's apparently a guy with a few community college classes and a small-time criminal record. He's been shown to have lied about his claims to be a Cal Tech and an MIT graduate. His claims about having worked at Los Alamos and at the Nellis Range (area 51) appear to be false.

And as his earlier claims about how he knew about secret UFO reverse-engineering projects in the Nevada desert began to unravel, about all he could do is either admit lying or else double-down and compound the lies by claiming some grand conspiracy out to discredit him.