Blue Ghost

The image is too blurry to identify the bug; however, I have already given an example of one bug which can be found at any time of the year in Ohio.
It's not necessarily a blue insect, it just has to be shiny. Depending on the type of lights, the reflected light off the bug (combined with the far focus) could have created the blue blur that you see.
That could well be it Cat, but I thought I saw it's abdomen bend like in silverfish. I'm not saying it's a silverfish btw lol

The first thought that came to mind when I saw the video was 'silverfish', so we both saw the same bending. Looking at it again, I noticed the bend was very slight and the dimensions of the bug appeared too short for a silverfish. Once I found the wooly aphid, I could see how 'hind wool' might drag a little and create a slight bending effect.

I can't be 100% sure either way, but if I were a betting man, I would place my bets on the aphid.
The first thought that came to mind when I saw the video was 'silverfish', so we both saw the same bending. Looking at it again, I noticed the bend was very slight and the dimensions of the bug appeared too short for a silverfish. Once I found the wooly aphid, I could see how 'hind wool' might drag a little and create a slight bending effect.

I can't be 100% sure either way, but if I were a betting man, I would place my bets on the aphid.

Yep, seems to be the best explanation yet.
Makes me curious as to what diameter the lens has, can't be more than half an inch if the bug is a wooly aphid..
'May be' is spelled maybe. 'Compere' is spelled compare.

About this 'ghost', I do not for one moment believe that was a true spirit. First off, there's simply no way to truly know without actually being there. Secondly, the blue effect that was caught on film could be any one of a number of things..

The most compelling evidence that it was not a ghost, to me, come from the fact that it did not move for half an hour.
Now, I have never met a ghost to my knowledge, but is it really logical to think that it, the ghost, would remain stationary for that long?

Go with the fly or the aphid. Hell, even some sort of debris is possible.
Could also be someone just altering the video with some special effects,

after all anything is possible today. :shrug: