Blue Eyes = Inbred??

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They also fantasise about blue eyed white children with pink and purple hair? And green eyed white children with blue hair?
Yeah, there's my argument out the window.

They aren't white. They draw white people differently. You could tell they were white if they had a huge nose bridge and small eyes relative to face crammed close to that huge nose bridge.

It's the same basic thing- white people with hair and eyes that aren't dark. Yes, in the realm of fantasy this can go beyond the boundaries of blonde hair blue eyes, but it's inspired by blonde haired blue eyed western women (and children, evidently).

As for whiteness... well, lots of them are whiter than "white" people. Particularly in Japan where these are drawn. The hair and eye color aren't correlated to a real life preference. In drawings it is better to be colorful, I guess.

Not to say that they don't like colored hair in real life. Real red hair in Japan is a great way to get attention, but it pretty much ends there, I think.

Why haven't I seen an asian girl in a japanese cartoon by the way? Every now and then one of the old comic relief characters will be asian, but never the hot chicks.

Barring any sight or attention defects, this can only be because you haven't watched enough (or perhaps YOU'RE WATCHING HENTAI?!). I recommend Death Note.
This isn't an anime thread. There's one over in Art/Culture I think. It even mentions Death Note. Feel free to continue your conversation over there please.
damn, why are you so grouchy? :confused: You obviously need to get laid.

Why Northern people?

Yeah I'm a little pissed with all your trollin, including now the far-reaching conclusion that because I think you are stupid - therefor I need to get laid. As for my sex habits you can just PM Shorty as you are want to do, and find out all the juicy details.

Northern people(Including non-europeans -like the ancient Ainu people), have light skin (and probably light colored eyes - came from this too) to deal with less sunlight and the resulting Vitamin D deficiencies. Their bodies adapted(by survival selection or even dormant genes perhaps), to produce vitamin D more(less cutaneous melanin to block the sunlight which triggers vitamin D production).

Whatever, look it up. From now on, you get the Dr Lounatic treatment from me.
Maybe the first blue-eyed child was revered instead of being put to death. ??
Wow, did you come up with that by yourself?
You get the dr lou natic treatment from me from now on.
I see a lot of Indian guys who like to date blond women but very few who actually marry them. Same for Chinese and Koreans. Whats up with that?
Let's try and scientifically test the matter. I propose we take sample photos of attractive people, photoshop them to alternate hair color, and measure what difference it makes using a site like It's an unsavoury idea to involve hotornot type places, but I have no alternative idea >_>

Here is the first picture I propose using,

Should be a good candidate because she has many other good qualities besides hair color, so her style has not been built around the blondness to any degree.

Here is another candidate:

To be scientifically valid, a lot more candidates should be found.
They aren't white. They draw white people differently.
Oh, so they draw asian people like white people, and white people like what? Donkeys?
Whatever, the point is they look like white people.
Their fantasy of ideal women look like white women (or children, whatever).
I don't think they're necessarrily supposed to be any real ethnicity, they're just their fantasy of a hot female, and they invariably look like white girls with lightly coloured hair and eyes.

I see a lot of Indian guys who like to date blond women but very few who actually marry them. Same for Chinese and Koreans. Whats up with that?
No blonde woman would settle for an indian guy, let alone a chinese or korean guy.
Actually, I think you're lieing, there's no way you've seen "a lot" of chinese and korean guys dating blonde women.
I've never seen any and my city is crawling with asians.
I've seen ugly unappealing white guys dating fairly attractive asian women, and lots of single asian men.

You've perhaps seen some blonde women using indian, chinese and korean doctors for their money, I'd believe that I suppose.
No blonde woman would settle for an indian guy, let alone a chinese or korean guy.
Actually, I think you're lieing, there's no way you've seen "a lot" of chinese and korean guys dating blonde women.
I've never seen any and my city is crawling with asians.
I've seen ugly unappealing white guys dating fairly attractive asian women, and lots of single asian men.

You've perhaps seen some blonde women using indian, chinese and korean doctors for their money, I'd believe that I suppose.

You must move in peculiar circles, or maybe I do.

I know blonde women married to Indians. I know Indian guys who have divorced blonde women and married nonblondes. Maybe you're thinking just Australian blonde, whereas I'm not. :)

I know blonde women who swear by their Korean bfs too, and nonblonde American (Caucasian) women married to Chinese guys. Apparently the Chinese prefer dark haired women.
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You must move in peculiar circles, or maybe I do.

I know blonde women married to Indians. I know Indian guys who have divorced blonde women and married nonblondes. Maybe you're thinking just American blonde, whereas I'm not.
Are you referring to dyed blonde haired asian women?
That's different, asian men don't like marrying sluts I suppose, like the rest of us.
Actually, asian men seem to be a lot less romantic about choosing a wife than men are in the west, more practical. Quiet meek hard workers are preferred.
A woman that dyes her hair blonde is somewhat sassy by definition, not marriage material.

I thought you were saying you've seen tonnes of asian men dating white blonde women and then eventually being the ones to break up with them.
That wouldn't imply a "different circle", it would indicate you move in peculiar dimensions of a distant universe.
I thought you were saying you've seen tonnes of asian men dating white blonde women and then eventually being the ones to break up with them.
That wouldn't imply a "different circle", it would indicate you move in peculiar dimensions of a distant universe.

I said lots of them like to date blonde women, but few actually marry them.

And yeah I mean Asian men and white blonde women.

So blonde=slutty?

Seems unfair.
And yeah I mean Asian men and white blonde women.
Well, you're a liar.
Can you find a candid photograph of a couple of this ethnic composition?
Seriously, it's very rare.

I've seen extremely wealthy american asians with white trophy wives, but even then they seemed to be "irregular" trophy wives, rejected by other wealthy men.

So blonde=slutty?

Seems unfair.
I was thinking you were talking about bleached blonde asian women, yes they would, generally speaking, be slutty women.

And for that matter, even natural blonde women wouldn't fit the stereotype of a good asian wife. Even if they weren't sluts, the fact they are desirable to other men would make them "as good as" in accordance with the asian man mentality in regards to a perfect wife.
Like I said, drab meek bland unassuming women are the ideal wife for most asian men, life is a serious business for these people, it's like hiring someone who won't be any trouble later down the line.

The innate sexual desire of men is another thing entirely.
After reading all this, I am glad I am a brunette with green eyes. :D

Btw: Dr Lou I find your posts quite entertaining!
Well, you're a liar.
Can you find a candid photograph of a couple of this ethnic composition?
Seriously, it's very rare.

I've seen extremely wealthy american asians with white trophy wives, but even then they seemed to be "irregular" trophy wives, rejected by other wealthy men.

I was thinking you were talking about bleached blonde asian women, yes they would, generally speaking, be slutty women.

And for that matter, even natural blonde women wouldn't fit the stereotype of a good asian wife. Even if they weren't sluts, the fact they are desirable to other men would make them "as good as" in accordance with the asian man mentality in regards to a perfect wife.
Like I said, drab meek bland unassuming women are the ideal wife for most asian men, life is a serious business for these people, it's like hiring someone who won't be any trouble later down the line.

The innate sexual desire of men is another thing entirely.

They are out there. Maybe in the more rarified circles, but yup I know them.

So why would blonde blue eyed men marry Asian women? I have one in the family, so to speak.
I said lots of them like to date blonde women, but few actually marry them.

And yeah I mean Asian men and white blonde women.

I haven't seen this scenario where I live either. :shrug:

I have however seen fairly good looking white guys with very plain looking, almost homely looking asian women:shrug:
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