Blue eyed black kid. Is there such a mutation?

The baby is not an albino.

Now there is some debate, however, with at least one leading scientist arguing that there are four different types of albinism, all of which allow different levels of colouring to develop.

Professor Ian Jackson, an expert in melanocytes - cells that produce pigment - at the British Medical Research Council's Human Genetics Unit, points out that in type 2 cases, creamy skin and yellow hair are possible. The blue eyes, however, would be highly unusual.

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Does nobody else find the word mutation as applied here, to be offensive?? Its no mutation just genes.
Well, I could be wrong, but I thought a mutation was an unnatural change to a gene, something caused by an external source i.e. chemical, pollution etc. Please correct me if that wrong..

I thought it offensive as the implication was that they were in some way unnatural - damaged. I think that is the connotation that the word mutant – mutation has, even if its not the correct definition. (maybe I’ve been watching too much sci fi?)
yeah, too much X-men exposure.

My son is a mutant (or so I tell him, lol). He has no wisdom teeth. We don't exactly need them anymore and he was born without them.
Well, I could be wrong, but I thought a mutation was an unnatural change to a gene, something caused by an external source i.e. chemical, pollution etc. Please correct me if that wrong..

Unfortunately, you are wrong. A mutation is simply a change in DNA. In fact, often the strict definition of ‘mutation’ is a heritable change in DNA implying that any DNA alterations in somatic cells are not ‘mutations’, as such, but simply ‘changes in DNA’.

Mutations can occur via exogenous sources (mutagenic chemicals, radiation, some viruses) or endogenous sources (ie. errors in DNA replication or repair, transposable elements).

I thought it offensive as the implication was that they were in some way unnatural - damaged. I think that is the connotation that the word mutant – mutation has, even if its not the correct definition. (maybe I’ve been watching too much sci fi?)

The potentially offensive connotation of the word “mutation” is surely a cultural/societal one emanating from such cultural pursuits as sci-fi. In science a ‘mutant’ is simply an organism carrying a mutation. Describing an organism as a mutant is only useful in the context of a specific gene because on a genome-wide basis all sexually reproducing organisms are mutants having inherited mutations from pervious generations.
yeah, too much X-men exposure.

My son is a mutant (or so I tell him, lol). He has no wisdom teeth. We don't exactly need them anymore and he was born without them.

That is so funny . My First wife was born with out them too. But she also had a remnant of a tail. Get out ! Strange aye . She was beautiful and the sex ( God Need I say ) We had a girl at our school that had webbed feet too. Now there is a girl for Aurthur and his infatuation with water world . They could selectively have kids with fins for feet . Real Mermaid types of kids . Aurthur would be living the dream
This topic reminded me a passage from the lyrics of a Bob Marley song, War:

"Until the colour of a man's skin
Is of no more significance than the colour of his eyes -
Me say war"

That is a strange lyric . I don't want to say it ! Can't make Me. Me say Richard Pryor quote . Hit Me with that stick . You know what will happen .

O.K. explain how someones eyes could turn blue mid life . That is not at all clear to me? I few other people have had the experience and one eye disease has the occurrence, but other than that I know of nothing . Any Ideas Buddy Buddies ? Ah that Musician Actor He says his eyes turned blue after a blow to the head in a car accident . Whats his name . "We could be Heroes" Oh shit hate that . Old Times is what Me son called it when he was 3 . Can't remember
If you think about it, for a minute, setting other issues aside, blond haired, blue eyed, pale skinned europeans had to come from somewhere. :/
This topic reminded me a passage from the lyrics of a Bob Marley song, War:
"Until the colour of a man's skin
Is of no more significance than the colour of his eyes -
Me say war"
Marley didn't write that. It's paraphrased from a speech by Ras Tafari Makonnen (Haile Selassie):
Until the philosophy which holds one race superior and another inferior is finally and permanently discredited and abandoned, everywhere is war and until there are no longer first-class and second-class citizens of any nation, until the color of a man’s skin is of no more significance than the color of his eyes. And until the basic human rights are equally guaranteed to all without regard to race, there is war. And until that day, the dream of lasting peace, world citizenship, rule of international morality, will remain but a fleeting illusion to be pursued, but never attained… now everywhere is war.​
I can't find the date or context of this passage. It's widely quoted, but the advent of the internet has made it easier for Ras Tafari to get the credit.

Just as it's making it easier to pursue the dream. The internet is drawing us all together into one community. Notice that the people who are not being drawn together so quickly generally live in regions with poor internet penetration.