Blue eyed black kid. Is there such a mutation?

Other photos of the baby in the OP: Laren Galloway

Also, Yaki Meshawn:

Don't know who they are, I just found them on the internet :p
As Kira pointed out in a post above, Gary Dourdan (A.K.A. Warrick on CSI - Las Vegas) is well known here in the States for his green eyes.
(not sure if this is strictly on topic though)


Blue eyes are a recessive trait for any "race". While their occurrence may be even less common amongst black people, I don't see why such couldn't occur, at least occasionally. Can anyone who has a better grasp of genetics provide a more definitive answer? Furthermore, where do "green eyes" vs "blue eyes" fit in? Are they even close, or am I barking up an entirely unrelated tree?
Green eyes are recessive (I have them) but I couldn't tell you whether they are more or less so than blue.

However, genes follow other trait patterns based on the whole, not just individually. So a person with dark hair and skin is likelier to have dark eyes as well.
"Black people" are a sociological, not genetic, race - even before the modern diasporas and mixing, African people were a hugely complicated genetic grab bag - and the many other sources of "black" people add their own. Blue eyes are probably common in some little region of black people somewhere.

The other sociological races have much smaller genetic pools, more likely to have excluded this or that recessive trait - I've never heard of a blue-eyed Red tribe in the Americas.
We Americans tend to regard any person with slightly "negroid" (to use an ancient out-of-favor word) features as Afro-American. People in Africa look at photos of President Obama and say, "Why do you call him 'black?' He looks more like you than like us."

There are a lot of Americans of mixed "racial" ancestry. This is particularly true in the Afro-American community, because our "white" ancestors didn't welcome anyone who didn't look completely "white," so they often went to live among the "black" people.

The people in these photos probably have even more Euro-American ancestors than the average "black" American, and that's where they got the genes for the eyes.

Vanessa Williams doesn't seem even slightly Afro-American to me. She'd have to be in a room full of Finns, Poles and Irishmen to look especially dark.
Genes are mysterious things. My boyfriend is black and he has blue/gray eyes. No one else in his family does. I have red hair, but so did my maternal grandfather as my great grandfather was white.
It's not necessarily a "mutation", or at least no more than blue eyes in white people are a mutation (at a certain point it was). I think it's more likely that it's due to miscegenation.

One does not need to have significantly more white ancestry than the average American of African ascent to have blue eyes, it's more a matter of chance until the recessive genes that make up blue eyes meet in the same individual.

In fact, a black person may even have less European ancestry than the average American of African ascent and still have blue eyes, as long as his or hers European ascent is mostly/exclusive made of people with blue eyes, rather than of a majority of people with brown eyes and only a few of blue eyes.
As an aside on the topic of the genetics of eye colour....

It’s very common for people to describe the genetics of eye colour in this fashion:– two alleles of a single pigment gene, one allele for brown and one allele for blue with blue being recessive to brown.

But this is a very simplistic model. The genetics of human eye colour is actually much more complicated than that and is not dictated solely by the simple dominant-recessive actions of two alleles of one gene. There are multiple genes (with multiple alleles of each gene) involved, and the interactions of these genes have not been clearly elucidated. This is clearly evidenced by the enormous variation in human eye colour that does not always follow the simplified model. People generally have flecks, rays and “splotches” of browns, blues, ambers and greens that overlay the background colour.

The other sociological races have much smaller genetic pools, more likely to have excluded this or that recessive trait - I've never heard of a blue-eyed Red tribe in the Americas.
As a corollary to this, there is more genetic diversity in Africa than in the rest of the world combined.

Incidentally, there's some very interesting information here.
Being born with Green eyes in China is considered a sign of luck. In ancient Japan, Blue eyes was associated with water and considered a bad omen.

I always thought that the genes that dictate eye color where associated with melanin and skin tone?
This topic reminded me a passage from the lyrics of a Bob Marley song, War:

"Until the colour of a man's skin
Is of no more significance than the colour of his eyes -
Me say war"
this is an example of singling out single traits and equating them to overall attractiveness or beauty, which is misleading. this is often assumed with the stereotype of those with blue eyes and blonde hair though technically false.

this does not take into account the real question, "is the person appealing besides thier coloring?" sometimes and sometimes not. they may have an unattractive facial structure, eye shape, nose, body, even skin or hair texture.

blue eyes can also look cold and even boring, especially very light blue eyes. blonde hair can look washed out and equally weak or sickly.

also, why are there so many ugly people with any variable shade of eye or hair color? um, because it's just "color."