Bloody Jehova's Witnesses

I guess she isn't confident enough in her faith to have it challenged...
I guess she isn't confident enough in her faith to have it challenged...

i have a life and i'm at work. sorry if i don't have all day to spend on here at your request. :rolleyes:

*laughing hysterically because you think you have the ability to challenge my faith*

thanks, that was great.

Hi Lori,

I don't mean to intrude on this convo, but I really would like to know how you use the Bible then, if not to read and learn. Unless I'm misunderstanding you, you're saying you don't read the Bible at all, unless you feel "inspired" to? You don't read the Bible unless you feel God directs you to open it and teach you something?

yeah, pretty much.

If the above is correct, then I don't get it. Wouldn't you want to know and study something which you feel is the most important part of your life? If you feel that God teaches you through scripture, are you saying you can't just sit down and read and be taught at any time? Do you feel that when you read on your own initiative that it's fruitless to do so?

first of all, i've been telling you this for 10 years. with that said, the bible is not the most important part of my life, god is. and he teaches me whenever he wants and however he wants and uses a wide variety of tools and means to do so. why he's even used YOU my dear. *hums cats in the cradle* and lots more than that. my question to you is, what would be my initiative if it's not to be counseled by god? i would have a preconceived intention or lesson that i wanted to substantiate? i am completely open-minded when and if he tells me to open and read, or puts some scripture in my face or in my mind. i don't read the bible for the same reason that you do, or that most people do, which is to either prove themselves right, or prove someone else wrong. see?

Also, if you don't study what you believe to be God's word... how do you know your thoughts match up with the Bible's?

heart, you know damn well that i know the author personally and have had a relationship with him for quite some time now. he talks to me all the time and he doesn't contradict himself...ever. if you knew the author of a book and it was an autobiography and you wanted to really get to know the author, then would you think the best way to do it would be to read the book or to have a relationship with the author? maybe you would do both but i think you would prefer getting the information straight from the source, and an autobiography isn't going to give you as much insight into the author as a relationship would.
Sorry to be a party pooper, but I live a happy, fulfilled live without having to trouble myself about fairy tales. I am too busy to have time for God.
What to do when a jehovah witless comes knocking on my door!

I tell them I'm an atheist! I don't believe in that shit, and slam the door before they say a another word! They usually never come a knocking again.
What to do when a jehovah witless comes knocking on my door!

I tell them I'm an atheist! I don't believe in that shit, and slam the door before they say a another word! They usually never come a knocking again.
M*W: That's what I do, too! They always frown and some say, "I'm sorry." I just keep smiling and thank them for dropping by. They are so anxious to leave! I know I make them nervous! Too bad!

I was going to start another thread because I feel this one had been detoured too much :)o sorry about that guys and especially to synthesizer-patel) but then I, it's not that big of a deal ;)

As to the Jehovah's Witnesses...When they came to my door, I just didn't answer it...after the fourth visit they stopped showing up. Sooo the next year, when they happened to catch me outside, I just smiled and told them I wasn't interested and to have a good day. I have to tell you that was a whole lot better than just hiding out and wished I'd of told them that to begin with. :D
This may be a little drastic but a cranky old guy who was a neighbour of mine in a small town I once lived in used to keep a goatskull and a black candle in the front window. The JW needless to say never knocked on his door.

Personally,myself, I just tell them politely that I don't share the same view of God and say I'm not interested.
*laughing hysterically because you think you have the ability to challenge my faith*

*laughing uncontrollably, because you believe 'faith' is relevant to what does and does not exist.
*laughing uncontrollably, because you believe 'faith' is relevant to what does and does not exist.

q, you may never know what i know. it's not necessarily funny...but it's true.
you know what's sad about the whole thing really? is that people are so driven to try to make everybody else believe exactly what they believe. it seems so codependent to me in that, can't anybody just be happy being different and having different ideas without a need to inflict or impose them on everyone else? it's like no one's confident enough with their own beliefs to just let it be ok for someone else not to buy in. i mean, it's on thing to share experiences and ideas with someone who wants to share. like we do here on a discussion forum. but to go door to door on some mission to convert? it's just ludicrous.
To be honest I don't get enough come to my door. As long as I'm in a sociable mood I will engage them in discussion. It's not long before they recognise that I know more than they do and realise the futility of their attempts to get me to believe in their nonsense.
you know what's sad about the whole thing really? is that people are so driven to try to make everybody else believe exactly what they believe.

That is very much the evangelistic foundation of Christianity, to try to make everybody believe in it. And make no mistake, Christians are driven to those ends.

it seems so codependent to me in that, can't anybody just be happy being different and having different ideas without a need to inflict or impose them on everyone else?

Christian beliefs are inflicted on a great many people and permeate throughout a wide variety of facets of societies, all the while free to fill their coffers tax exempt. Despicable.

but to go door to door on some mission to convert? it's just ludicrous.

Ludicrous, but necessary to recruit more members and fill those coffers just a bit more. ;)