Blood sacrifice for salvation?

I've found what I was looking for so my motivation on this site has dwindled.
I will continue to stir things up wherever I can, and expose hidden things.
Let me just conclude with the following realization which words were documented by the mythical creature Jesus.

God, the first Father, was light, total mind, Love, etc. He had need of self-revelation so he created all parts of himself and sent them forth as Gods and Realms. Time and Space are some of those things. This first Father then was able to examine himself through all of his creations. Now, he will gather back to himself the good things and will destroy and burn the bad things and will be a better being than at first. Man and Earth has a God over it who created it and that God was found to be defective. So it is not hard to believe that He and all His creation will be destroyed and burned. Only those choose to escape Satans destiny by becoming acceptable will be salvaged back to be a part of the first Father. You have already been written off and christ came only to give you this knowledge and a chance not to burn. As he said, mankind perishes for lack of knowledge. When I leave, It will also be a long time if ever, before I return to such a boring, superficial, "retarded" form of being and world.
Universe is Vast. But what do scientists say that it is that keeps a large rock from smashing into the earth and knocking it out of its orbit and/or destroying all possiblity of life thereon?

Time and Space are vast, but your faith in tomorrow is completely unfounded.

All things in this realm came from chaos, but who created the pool of chaos, and will everything which came from chaos return to chaos?

If a reasonable man, created in a greater beings image, set out to evaluate himself, what would be his process.

Scripture dictates that the earth will be knocked out of its orbit, so why has man not found another home? Because they don't believe in scripture? or is it something deeper than that?

I found a site which states that in 2007, Israel will have been a state for exactly 40 years and He will return at that time. I think he's already here but, who am I but a deluded thinker.
witnessjudgejury said:
I've found what I was looking for so my motivation on this site has dwindled.
I will continue to stir things up wherever I can, and expose hidden things.
Let me just conclude with the following realization which words were documented by the mythical creature Jesus.

God, the first Father, was light, total mind, Love, etc. He had need of self-revelation so he created all parts of himself and sent them forth as Gods and Realms.

me))))))no. 'God' is an upsart, creation of the male self-elected patriarchy. who demonize original prepatiarchal preliteral Goddess mythology. where was understood. light/consciousness is not in total control-over but rather is BORN from dark/ god, theeverliving ever dying ever regenerating son of the Goddess

Time and Space are some of those things. This first Father then was able to examine himself through all of his creations. Now, he will gather back to himself the good things and will destroy and burn the bad things and will be a better being than at first.

me))tis tis upstart written-down myth which separates Nature from spirit, good from bad, man from woman, black from white, life from eath, space from time, etc! and then falsely pretends o te gullibles you can have one side of a dynamic relationship and 'destro' tother side. an absurd invention of patriarcha mindset. because it is psychologically split itself

Man and Earth has a God over it who created it and that God was found to be defective. So it is not hard to believe that He and all His creation will be destroyed and burned.

me)))))))the P Propaganda agin! actually Nature is body of GODDESS. IS sentient, alive, eternal ALREADY in its dynamic movement of life death regeneration. only when a 'god' is placed 'OVER' creation implying an 'a-partness' do we get the other shoddy silly ideas

Only those choose to escape Satans destiny by becoming acceptable will be salvaged back to be a part of the first Father. You have already been written off and christ came only to give you this knowledge and a chance not to burn. As he said, mankind perishes for lack of knowledge. When I leave, It will also be a long time if ever, before I return to such a boring, superficial, "retarded" form of being and world.
you feel retarded because you have been dulld by a retarded indoctrination which sucks the very living ecstasy outta ya..........apotetial ecstatic need crying out for expressive deep communion with Nature, with creation~ing
witnessjudgejury said:
I think he's already here but, who am I but a deluded thinker.

No matter where you are in the Christian world you can find Him at any state run mental institution, transient hostels, homeless shelters, riding the rails or at your local hobo jungle. I've met Him a few times at these places. You wouldn't know Him if you fell over Him. Out of curiousity how would you know its Him? What would you need for proof? You'd be too scared to ask lest you be accused of being a doubter, thus you'd be no different than the rest of us. Do you look skyward everytime you hear trumpets?