Blood sacrifice for salvation?


For many years I have tried to figure out why a man would need to be nailed to a cross "a tree", to give me salvation. The only reason I could come up with is that he had to die in order to be resurrected and return to heaven in a body.

The nailing to a tree by man was simply a horrible eternal curse on all of us.

Our salvation can be found through spirit and through the truth in His words.

Now there is a reason for him being tortured. "By his stripes, we were healed".
Him feeling all of the pain of physical, emotional, and spiritual torture allowed him to understand the sufferings of man and to have compassion for our sufferings and pain and thus he will heal us if we ask.

Also, early pictures of the crucifixion show Him being nailed to a post, not a cross. People should beware that the cross is not their salvation. It is the man before he was nailed to a cross is our salvation.

Please point out the defects in my reasoning. Thanks.
Please point out the defects in my reasoning. Thanks.


Him feeling all of the pain of physical, emotional, and spiritual torture allowed him to understand the sufferings of man and to have compassion for our sufferings and pain and thus he will heal us if we ask.

1) If he is god, and omniscient, he need not feel our pain in order to have compassion.

2) If he is god then a few hours worth of torture is entirely irrelevant given that he is god - who lives forever and ever and ever. It's like a bee sting you got 100 years ago.. Who gives a shit? You'd call that sacrifice, or a way to understand? Please. Why try and make people feel sympathy or respect for a unkillable, unhurtable, eternal, know all being when you might aswell just ignore him and give your sympathy instead to the thousand upon thousands of innocent children dying right now from the most hideous things you could ever imagine - all of which were created by that being with the express purpose of causing hideous agony to innocent young children. I find your crap truly sickening.
witnessjudgejury said:
For many years I have tried to figure out why a man would need to be nailed to a cross "a tree", to give me salvation. The only reason I could come up with is that he had to die in order to be resurrected and return to heaven in a body.

me))))Tha the is the literalist Judaic Christian tale, yeah

The nailing to a tree by man was simply a horrible eternal curse on all of us.

me))))))it is 'curse' in is literalt interpretation yes. has caused much inner conflict for believers and non-believers--mny who have been persecuted, tortured, and murdered, and exploited via missionaryism, and invaded and had genocide done to tem, colonialization, slavery etc. so yes. also there have been wars and wars on and on, due to this literalist belief

Our salvation can be found through spirit and through the truth in His words.

me))but the words are read literally. and myth becomes history for te Christians. and spirit is divided from the body!

Now there is a reason for him being tortured. "By his stripes, we were healed".
Him feeling all of the pain of physical, emotional, and spiritual torture allowed him to understand the sufferings of man and to have compassion for our sufferings and pain and thus he will heal us if we ask.

me)))))))no. rubbish. many peple suffer. that tale is so silly. the idea the 'God' has to become 'man' to feel pain by sadistic torture. tought 'he' was omnipresent knowing evey hair on te head, in your literslist myth. so whys he have to beCOME man. it is a ghastly tale

Also, early pictures of the crucifixion show Him being nailed to a post, not a cross. People should beware that the cross is not their salvation. It is the man before he was nailed to a cross is our salvation.

Please point out the defects in my reasoning. Thanks.
the whole of it!......understand that myth is neve mean to be taken literally. there are literally layers ofmeaning whcih can only be seen by peple privy to the language and theliterary devices used by the script-writers....there are puns, word-play, transliterations, using archaic languages, etc etc

te real meaningof te Christian myth is about te sacrifice of a mushroom/'Khrestos'/Christ........eating this scrament and being annointed wit it/'Messiah; mans that one can have 'spiritual' experience

now it gets complex listen carefully. the Chritian mth is heavily influenced by mystic cults, such as Orphismppthe first mystery school in the West....The Orphics were dualstic and believed a 'divine spark' was trapped in the 'body' and teir mans /rituals was to release teir divine spark so as to return to te spiritual source----ring any bells???.......that and gnosticism has been a huge influence on te Christian myth. te latter blieves in a spiritual home with their 'Father/Jesus'......and later the 'spiritualization' of Nature. not that is dualistic. they be;ieved the mushroom to come from above--from tthe 'Father'. and so even teir SECRET myth--the one hidden ehind their surface story via literary devices is dualistic! this is why even teir surface story involves the idea of actual spiritual resurrection after blood sacrifice. it is a dualistic myth which denigrates body, sexulity, and Nature and defies pirit divorced from sensuality and heaven divided from earth

contrast tis myth wit te much more anceint Goddess mythology.....for te latter, the sacredfungi/plants are for everyone, not just for an elite. they are bot nurtured from Mother Earth and universe, and the sacrifice consists NOT in some real man/god tortured to deeath on a post etc, but te sacrifice of THE sacrament, AND tehe persona.............

the persona is social mask, is the sometimes rigid sense of oneself that has forgetten how to flow, how to commune with Nature and feel ecstatically free........

THAt is te sacrifice in its original meaning. is is spiritualizing as in revitalizing WITh Nature, NOT against it
SnakeLord said:

1) If he is god, and omniscient, he need not feel our pain in order to have compassion.

2) If he is god then a few hours worth of torture is entirely irrelevant given that he is god - who lives forever and ever and ever. It's like a bee sting you got 100 years ago.. Who gives a shit? You'd call that sacrifice, or a way to understand? Please. Why try and make people feel sympathy or respect for a unkillable, unhurtable, eternal, know all being when you might aswell just ignore him and give your sympathy instead to the thousand upon thousands of innocent children dying right now from the most hideous things you could ever imagine - all of which were created by that being with the express purpose of causing hideous agony to innocent young children. I find your crap truly sickening.

But you are you not the one paying the taxes which pay the farmers to NOT grow crops which should be feeding those thousands who starve to death everyday.

Taking prayer out of school, and Gods commandments out of schools has murdered your own children because they will not now have opportunity to even contemplate the existence of God.

Wake up, oh foolish one!
How can Jesus be a myth when there are so many paintings and documented history of his words and all of his followers and myriads of churches for his legacy, all using his name?

Not possible that He is myth!

That part of you which calls him myth deserves examination, friend.
Even the "true" Jewish people in Israel believe that Jesus was no myth. They call him a false prophet. That is why they killed him. They pray to God every day to send a messiah and when God sends one, they reject him and God destroys the state. This is why Israel has been destroyed so many times, because the Jews do not believe or trust in the God whom they say they serve.

As it has happened again and again and now, once again, and they allow worshippers of a strange god "Allah" to make place in the state, God will destroy them again.

Sooner or later, later I'm sure, they will figure it all out.
But you are you not the one paying the taxes which pay the farmers to NOT grow crops which should be feeding those thousands who starve to death everyday.

A) I do pay taxes, and as a high earner, I actually pay 50% as opposed to the standard 25% or so. See, I pay double what most other people pay. Further to this, our government, (England), recently used a lot of that tax in order to completely clear third world debt. That means that my taxes have gone to help the lives of those who were unfortunate enough to be born in a country that does not provide crop or clean water - not because people made it that way, but because your god did.

Who's fault is it that crops don't grow and water is infested by some of the nastiest creations known to man - from worms that wiggle their way into your feet to certain creatures that crawl up the end of your penis for no good reason whatsoever? Well? Mankind did not create penis crawling creatures, or a place on this planet that is so arid, so barren and lifeless that the people born there have little choice but to die before they reach the age of three.

B) I'd find I could help a lot more if I hadn't have been 'confused' by your god. You see, I find I cannot understand these people when they beg for help. I wondered why at first but then realised it's because I've been confused, and god has made it so I cannot understand them, (Gen 11:5).

If I now decide to learn their language I would be going specifically against god's wishes. He wanted and planned for mankind to be confused and to not understand each other and so they get a lot less help than they would need if it were not for your god.

Taking prayer out of school, and Gods commandments out of schools has murdered your own children

My daughter is very much alive thank you. As always, you're wrong. Further to which you're wrong yet again because schools do have R.E, (in this country at any rate). I personally choose not to subject my daughter to such drivelling crap that only the halfwitted would dare pay attention to, but schools do still teach it.

because they will not now have opportunity to even contemplate the existence of God.

Which god?

Wake up, oh foolish one!

Fuck you, oh halfwitted one.
I find it hard to believe that you worship something which grows on cowshi_t. The mushroom.

God did create the ones who created this universe and your penis crawling worms and you also, who are apparently one of those worms. We and the world are descendants of those whom he created and he will send them to the lake of fire. King James did not include much of Christs words in his book.

Christ came to give you the opportunity to be saved from the fate of your creators.

P.S. When I was young, I tried your holy mushrooms twice. They only confirmed my belief and gave me deeper insight into myself. I would NOT recommend them to anyone. The first time, I found that I was LOVE. The second time, I saw death. The entire world became death. Several weeks later, I tried to commit suicide.
magic mushrooms are triggers, as are all psychedelics, but they all hafe their distinctive qulities of course

i have seen death and all kinds of ddeep experience. we ARE experience. we ARE process which includes all frms and feelins, including death life suicide etc etc

te reason you ---tho i dont know details, but i am speculating, sorry--went to commit suicide is that this culture of ours is very anti-psychedelics and ecstaitc experience. so there is no real education, or support regarding tisextraordinary powerful experience.....experience that actually has influenced all mythology

if interested i would be really interested to hear a more in epth account of your death experience either here or pm me

one early experience i had on shrooms.......forst i felt i was flying thru a huge serpent tunnel.....and i seed Duende---no not me...hehe oa Mazatec Indian term for mushroom spirits is 'the duende' a translation being 'supernatural dwarves'.....later i experiendce being drawn to a whirlpool, the wirlpool consists of dead lookin stary eyed bodies. i couldn't stand it and freaked out opening my eyes. i went to wsit in front of a large tree, ith te deepening evening blue sky in between its branches to cool me down.....trippin can be terrifying. ecstasy can be joy and terror.....we NEED DEPTH...or experience isn't rounded and fathomless
The experiences I had were enough to spend the rest of my life.

There is nothing else.
In Christs words: "Love is the spirit of creation" it is the female

Death: is real and happens to all formed beings. dust to dust.

Immortality is within the formed beings and one must find it so as not to die with the body.
witnessjudgejury said:
The experiences I had were enough to spend the rest of my life.

There is nothing else.
In Christs words: "Love is the spirit of creation" it is the female

Death: is real and happens to all formed beings. dust to dust.

me))))))interesting to note that 'dust' as it is translated by St Paul, is a very derogatory term. NOt meaning same as prepatriarchal understanding would have it, as body of Goddess/living, but for Paul more garbage dump!

Immortality is within the formed beings and one must find it so as not to die with the body.
well that is te dualistic christian view isn't it. the belief the body rots and 'soul' can be immortal----an idividual soul set fr heaven. i dont beleve this. its more DEEP than that ....all Nature's alive, is immortal in life AND death and regeneration...THAT is immortality and mortality in Eternal warp and woof
ah, but let me expound upon death.

ALL things in the visible realm (the visible/physical plane of existence) DIE.
Even the earth is a living being, hot lava in the center will die. It will either become a sun or it will become like mars or the moon, a rock with dust on the surface.

One day there will be no home for the visible living beings, and they will cease to exist.

Anyone with an open mind can see that we were created out of chaos with the visible things and that it was all created by a defective god.

I have discovered that Christ said this very thing. The Father (being light which came into existence by itself, being total mind always engaged in thought, full of joy, found need for self revelation. He created 12 Gods who were Angels and from them all other things were created, including humanity. 8 of these Gods are defective and will be cast into the eternal lake of fire with all of their creation that have not found an escape. Christ, being the means of escape, who is all, and from him all things came into being.

He told his disciples to make an end to the visible realm and focus on the invisible as it is the invisible realm which does not die.

Whether you believe now or down the road after you've been reincarnated a million times, sooner or later there will be no earthly home for you to be incarnated upon. So you really ought to start looking for a bettter home now, don't you think. I do.
you kneel before a patriarchal myth......

for a start. tis Earth is an organism--of course, and wedont KNOw when it will 'die' if ever. the scientists talk about entopy etc, but TH science that does so is materialisticxally bis beliving ature/Universe is 'dead'--as in blind mechanically driven forces, and that consciounsess is produced from human brains.....

YOU worry about Eart dying and ten speculate that tat will be that. no more home......
hmmmmmmmmm, have ypou any idea of the VASTNESS of this universe???...of the possible worlds that probably havelife an/or can sustain life.....? so there is the answer to your anxious worry, no?

and see how your very myth is patriarchal. a prepatriarchal myth is that light is BORN from DARKNESS, a feature of Goddess....this myth doesn't demonize and enfear darkness like yurs and Christian and Abrahamic religons do. for it knows that matter and spirit and light and dark like life and death are not separates abstracted enities that can be permanantly separated from each other, but rather are THE VERY process ITSELF...
for a start. tis Earth is an organism--of course, and wedont KNOw when it will 'die' if ever. the scientists talk about entopy etc, but TH science that does so is materialisticxally bis beliving ature/Universe is 'dead'--as in blind mechanically driven forces, and that consciounsess is produced from human brains.....

How can you dare even try to talk science when you can barely even talk English?

The person you are talking to is already deluded enough without you making things worse for him.
SnakeLord said:
How can you dare even try to talk science when you can barely even talk English?

The person you are talking to is already deluded enough without you making things worse for him.
the only one deluded round here is you barrister......what can i say?

Earth is a living organism of living ecosystems. all is interelated including with universe.

Nature is sentient, and materialistic science is believing Nature --including universe-- is blind forces which are mechanical/'dead', and that consciousness is a product of the human brain
However, the Hard Problem is regarding how it is subjective consciousness can happen in 'dead' matter-energy.......A solution to te brain/body 'problem' is that consciousness goes 'all the way down' (Christian de Quincey)--ie., that matter/energy is active intelligence. Not blind mechanical forces...

and pleaeease. make an effort to learn Portugeuse...?
sorry witnessjudgejury for the interrupting bit ownership of barrister snakelord----should be sued for using that name. it doesn't 'suit'!....pray continue repsondin to my question