Blood Drinking Lizards


Refined Reinvention
Valued Senior Member
I have heard that many of the world leaders are blood drinking lizards.
Is there any verification for this?
Only David Icke and he's proved so far wrong on everything else. :bugeye:
They said that GW, and many of earths leaders are humanoid reptiles that are able to shapeshift into humans. They disguise themselves as normal humans like me.
And they need to drink blood to keep the illusion in effect.

I thus far have seen no evidence for any of these assertions.

Only speculation:
If there were superhumans more advanced than regular humans, they would likely surpass anybody around them, and be in the top positions of the world.

If their powers made them hideous reptiles, they would want to hide their true form so they can look like hideous GW Bush.

If they also had the ability to shapeshift, and are wise strategists, they would probably strategize that hiding their true lizard forms would be the best idea, and use their shapeshifting capabilities to do so.

Then go around kidnapping homeless people, and others to maintain their disguise.
Oli said:
Only David Icke and he's proved so far wrong on everything else. :bugeye:
Care to explain? What has been proven wrong?
I'm familiar with David Ickes assertions. The problem is that although it is possible here we find a true science fiction in play.

1. No lifeform can shapeshift
2. Even if lifeforms could shapeshift the ability to mimic or replicate another lifeform would be limited. It's just not possible to reproduce an object exactly merely by looking at it.
3. I've observed Bush during some speeches on television, he seems more human then reptile. The fact is he makes blunders, seems to be genuinely human, an really he has never seemed otherwise. Niether has Clinton. These men have had operations to keep them from dying... I doubt a shapeshifter would need an operation.

Those are just some arguments against this concept. The problem is really Icke has gone an taken possibilites an made them a joke. I say this... there is no reptile intervention on the earth, the fact is all evidence shows insect like beings are the only aliens interacting with humans.
Naat said:
Care to explain? What has been proven wrong?
Where do I start?
Wikipedia said:
The Green Party distanced itself from him in 1991 after he announced that he was "the son of God," [2] (video) and a "channel for the Christ spirit." [3]
That's bullshit for a start
Wikipedia said:
He began to dress only in turquoise and maintained that the world was ruled by a secret group called "The Elite", or "Illuminati", which he linked to The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, an anti-Semitic tract. [4] [5] In 1999, he published The Biggest Secret, in which he wrote that the secret world government consists of a race of reptilian humanoids known as the Babylonian Brotherhood, and that many prominent figures are, in fact, reptilian, including George W. Bush, Queen Elizabeth II, and Kris Kristofferson. [4]
Wow, how very likely, realistic and totally supported by bundles of evidence
Wikipedia said:
Icke has further claimed that a small group of Jews, namely the Rothschild family, also a "reptilian bloodline," financed Adolf Hitler and supported the Holocaust. [6] As a result, Icke's speaking tours at one time attracted the interest of British neo-Nazis such as Combat 18, [5] and he continues to face opposition from Jewish and anti-racist groups such as the Anti-Defamation League in Canada. Icke has strongly denied that he is an anti-Semite, stressing that the Rothschilds are reptiles, not Jews. [2]
Again, more racist bullshit, unfounded claims and, a conspiracy cliche: blaming the Rothschilds
sderenzi said:
1. No lifeform can shapeshift

Butterflies come to mind and amoeba. The fact that we do not know any lifeforms that can shapeshift to that kind of level doesn´t mean it isn´t possible. Ickes theory is suggesting that they are from different dimensions. How many lifeforms do you know from there? :p

Communist Hamster said:
That's bullshit for a start
Link or explanation would be much appreciated. If this is indeed BS, I don´t bother to defent him anymore.
Naat said:
Butterflies come to mind and amoeba. The fact that we do not know any lifeforms that can shapeshift to that kind of level doesn´t mean it isn´t possible. Ickes theory is suggesting that they are from different dimensions. How many lifeforms do you know from there? :p
There is as yet no proof of these "other dimensions". Also, butterflies do not change form very fast, do they? They go into chrysalis form and achingly slowly, move their organs around
Naat said:
Link or explanation would be much appreciated. If this is indeed BS, I don´t bother to defent him anymore.
Oh come on, you give his comical claims credence despite the utter absence of any evidence at all for them? It's ridiculous. Barmy, if you will. Do you believe everything you hear, see and read on the Internet? If not, then why do you believe Ickes ramblings?
Communist Hamster said:
Oh come on, you give his comical claims credence despite the utter absence of any evidence at all for them? It's ridiculous. Barmy, if you will. Do you believe everything you hear, see and read on the Internet? If not, then why do you believe Ickes ramblings?
Who said I believe him? I just find that the arguments some use here are not enough. It´s pretty much built in a way that it is quite difficult to disprove his theories. I think thats way he is so popular. It isn´t easy to disprove him.

About the Green Party and the statements. He himself said that media mistranslated his words. I don´t remember the exact wording but it was something that we are all one and thus Jesus and I are one (or sth like that)
It wouldn´t be the first time when media have misquoted someone.
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I think many of the claims of reptilain blood drinkers are unproven.
Claiming that the guy is racist against jews is just as unproven.

Anybody can be considered crazy for accpeting something that is unproven.
As such he can be considered paranoid and crazy for his blood drinking lizard ideas.
The people claming he is racist can be considered just as paranoid and crazy for thinking he hates jews.

The fact that no lifeforms have been known to shapeshift does not mean these world leaders are not another type of lifeform that can shapeshift from reptilians into human. After all, they are drinking blood that gives them their advanced biological powers.

But as far as I know, I have yet to see any significant proof for these outlandish assertions.
cool skill said:
Anybody can be considered crazy for accpeting something that is unproven.
Amen brother! Couldn´t agree more.
There seems to be some issue about the veracity of whether or not there exist a secret, all-powerful group of lizards controlling this planet, and I should like to contribute my two cents to the debate: I would like at this point to give my personal assurances that, indeed, the majority of the leaders of the world are in fact blood-drinking lizards. Except John Major who is, in fact, a blood-drinking ferret.

Most meetings of my blood-drinking kindred tend to take place in the Christmas season between Dec 16th and Jan 10th, which is also when we plan most of the world's natural disasters. Earthquakes are a perennial favourite, although the Chimpy McHitlerburtonites tend to favour large, destructive waves, since these have the double advantage of being i) instruments for mass murder which also ii) get things squeaky clean for the takeover of the region by our equally bloodthirsty lizard spawn, or sometimes just by American tourists.

Many people have questioned the reality of our absolute control over your planet of several hundred cultures, over 100 nations, dozens of official languages and societo-economic conditions ranging from educated, industrialized societies to Pat Robertson and Arkansas, but do not be fooled by the assertion that we do not exist. We are every bit as real as your inner paranoias, your fidgety self-esteem issues and your unspoken predilection for tinfoil hats. I would like to add here that, in fact, tinfoil hats do specifically not block our mind-probe waves, but rather - in a brilliant bit of counterinformation - actually serve to increase signal gain on our reception instruments, allowing us to read your mind as easily as a pajama-clad man reads a conspiracy website by the light of the noonday sun streaming in through his parents' basement windows.

In fact, signal gain is so much improved that occasional scatter from our equipment sometimes gets re-sent to the minds of people in houses nearby, sometimes even to those houses you're watching through high-powered binoculars. Telescope users appear particularly susceptible. So, for all those of you wondering whether or not your neighbours do in fact know what it is you masturbate about while in the shower - they do. They know everything. Yes, even about that one, you pervert. You ought to be ashamed of yourself. One of the best ways to avoid shower signal-scatter (SSS, as we sometimes call it, which in our hissing reptilian language is particularly easy to render and is usually accompanied by an emphatic tail-smack) is simply not to think at all about your genitals while bathing, showering or otherwise cleaning your repulsive smooth skins. Or not to not think of them. It's one or the other. Frankly, we think you hideous meat-creatures all spend too much time doing that anyway. That and showering.

The question inevitably arises, of course: from which dimension is it that your hideously evil kind arises? And we always answer: that one. That one over there. No, no, the one just past it. Can't you see it? Lean out a bit further over the ledge.

We feel that actively discouraging definitive answers to this question benefits both ourselves - maintaining our perfidious secrecy - and those that feel we exist but would prefer not to provide any evidence of their claim. You don't agree? Well, it's in all the best books on the subject. Take that one by Icke, for example. That one there. No, no, the next one over. Can you get your fingers on it? Lean out a bit.

I hope that this response clarifies all the questions you may have had regarding the secret Lizardoid (or Lizardist, if you prefer) cabal that is secretly running your planet. Take no mind of the fact that our evil, shape-shifting race only produces human-looking children at conception, or of our warm handshakes, or of the fact that bullets tend to hurt us as much as the next man/reptilian being, or of the fact that we don't consume our food raw, except for sushi, which is just delicious and the only thing we plan to let survive of your wonderful, awe-inspiring, delicious planet.

Don't be swayed by the notion that it would take literally millions of people the world over to hold our secret safe, or the appearance that any of you monkeys could in fact rise to government yourselves. No, no, better by far to sit at home and wonder what twisted minds could be so sinister, so evil, so corrupt as to produce the Jerry Springer show and Girls Gone Wild, and then glue your eyes to the screen, preventing your ability to so much as mentally filter the tripe spewing out, or even lift a finger to change the channel.

Sssincerely (and sorry about all the cancer),

Geoff 'Gecko'
Assistant to the Senior Pool Maintenance Adjutant
Primus III colony
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Ha, caught you out in your pathetically transparent lies and exposed you for the agent of dissension that you really are...
Except John Major
John Major is not a world leader... explain your way out that slip. :D
cool skill said:
I have heard that many of the world leaders are blood drinking lizards.
Is there any verification for this?

Lawyers and my ex-wife.

Dammit, if I want to date outside of my species, I want to know that I'm doing it.
This is a total stereotype, but I don't care.
Lawyers are the dumbest people on the planet just below arm bearing officials.