Blaming Jews for Christ's Death

It was the Romans who had the authority and who made the final decision to crucify Jesus.

You be right on James My man . It was the Romans and them same Romans are responsible for spreading the Christ story to the heights it is today . Constantine's Mother did it. What was she thinking ?
so why blame the jews? Or am I under the misconception that some people do? :shrug:

No misconception. Some people do blame "the Jews". It's due to their prejudice against Jewish people, which is akin to racism.

"The Jews" as a people of course cannot be held responsible for the death of Jesus, any more than the entire people of the Roman empire can. The man who ordered the execution was Pontius Pilate, the Roman governor of Judea at the time. It is also written that various people in the Jewish priesthood, including the High Priest, lobbied Pilate for the execution. That was based on self-interest. Jesus was stirring up resentment of the priesthood, complaining at the money being taken at the Temple and generally criticising the priests.

As far as the Romans were concerned, Jesus was a rabble-rouser. They could keep the Jewish leaders happy and maintain law and order by executing him.