Black Magic

Jolly Rodger

Thoughts Black Magic

I have traveled through the islands in the south pacific and spent some time in vanuatu while i was there i was told outlandish and weird stories of this magic called "black Magic"

I also have there is some belief in the Aborigionals in Australia, something about if you get a stick pointed at you, you will die?

Does anyone know much, or have any views on this subject?
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I also have there is some belief in the Aborigionals in Australia, something about if you get a stick pointed at you, you will die?
Well i imagine that just about everybody has a stick pointed at them at least once in their life, and everybody dies. So there must be some connection right?
Originally posted by Neutrino_Albatross
Well i imagine that just about everybody has a stick pointed at them at least once in their life, and everybody dies. So there must be some connection right?
Sorry for not being undescriptive in explaining the "pointing of the stick" belief.
They would usually die in the next couple of days.
Oh wait, I pointed a stick at the fly buzzing around in my room...and it actually got fumes from the insecticide in our room and it did die!! :eek:

It DOES work!!! AUUGH!!!
i think you posted this in the wrong section

banshee may want to move it top paraphyc
hmmm intelectual thought? yes i see. well maybe the stick is a metephore for the reaper that the grim carries once (and if ever) you see it you shall surely perish.
Jolly Rodger, I will move it to Parapsychology. Maybe it will do something there.
I would think it would require more "conjuring" then pointing a stick. It would probalby have to have a some sort ceremony or practice. You might like "The teachings of Don Yuan by Carlos Castanada". Interesting book about yaqi mlack magic. Personally I would think these things exist but mind you this is coming from an Internal Martial artist and meditator. So needless to say my opinion may be baist.
Another thing I read conserning aboriginal beliefs is that there are protective stones laid around important sites (such as graves), and if your shadow passes into the shadow of these large stones, then your soul is trapped by them.
Not too relevent, but more on the starting thread topic I figure.
its still magic hehe...
It is impossible, to have someone trap your soul. The most that could happen is your soul becoming a slave, but that is with mutual consent of both parties. However, id bet that going there would turn out to not be the best luck for someone
my roomate in college got into black magic for a while, I'm not a fan, but I learned what I could, as I try and do with everything.

It seems that there is a large variety of magic that could be considered "black magic", though the stuff he was into was wiccan specific- magic that was for the purposes of controlling and/or destructing. There is great power int he destruction of soemthing- reducing an ordered thing to a state of increased chaos releases a great amount of energy which can be molded if one is trained. And this is not argued by science, this fits in well with physics. Take a stable object, and increase it's energy until is breaks apart, then harness the energy given off when that state of conbustion occurs- it no different than taking energy from the sun as it burns.

Wiccan belief states that everything you do comes back to you threefold, there fore any bad thing you do will result in bad things happening to you, three times over. Black magic seems to take somewhat different tact on this: it pretty much agrees, but doesn't really consider things to be bad or good- it's just manipulation. Results are results, and even the threefold return you expirience can be manipulated to your own ends, if worked properly.

As for the "point a stick at someone and they'll die", this could be no more than an extension of the idea "run with scissors and you'll put an eye out". it doesn't mean it will happen, but that it might. time and evolution of the phrase may have turned the idea of "I point a stick at you because I don't like you" into "I point this stick at you because I'm going to stab you with it" to "I point this stick at you, now you will die!"

alot of folk stories have very solid scientific or cultural facts behind them, but have been covered from time and verbal passing of the message.

many traditional medicine stories have this feature- a given story may talk about plant A not liking humans, and plant B liking them- this, when taken apart can prove to be a way to remember medicine. plant A is poisonous, and plant B is the antidote for the poison.

it's very commmon. Try taking the story apart logically first, before looking for magic. There may be magic involved, but most likely we're talking about very straight foreward issues.
Jolly Rodger said:
I have traveled through the islands in the south pacific and spent some time in vanuatu while i was there i was told outlandish and weird stories of this magic called "black Magic"

I also have there is some belief in the Aborigionals in Australia, something about if you get a stick pointed at you, you will die?

Does anyone know much, or have any views on this subject?
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Astrology, magic, fortune telling, black and white magic are known to people from the time of Creation. The main aim in magic and astrology is understanding of God, which means that if God has his will, you will receive the knowledge of these things, if not, that`s not the thing you will be good at. Everything is in God`s hands and the fate of every human on Earth, the living ones, the dead ones and even those, who have not yet been born are known to Him. He knows times of all things and their meanings, so, if you want to discover the world of magic, spirits, death and life, you have to ask God for his guide.
cosmictraveler said:
Blah blah blah

Remove all of that crap and leave the link. If anybody cares about that stuff, they'll read it on the link. No point in reproducing it here.

As for the original post, if there's any such thing as black magic, then whoever has control of it has a million dollars waiting for them at the JREF.