Black Holes are in the theory of everything.

This is a simple set of rules, yet you can create everything from them....

Aether is a grain of bubbles.
Bubbles burst.
Bursting planck cannot create zero therefore it creates a black hole.
Bursting planck cannot disappear therefore a wave is released into the streams.
The outward wave is opposed by the incoming Aether stream creating a particle as forces collide, The 3D particle is like the building blocks of an igloo.
The surrounding Aether spins around the hole inside the surrounding bubble, spinned by the flow of the channels around it.
Then the nucleus comes under pressure, by larger surrounding matter, and the membrane around the nucleus breaks.
Then the expansion all starts again at Nucleus size
Then it all starts again at atom size

And how many times you repeat those rules in the Golden Ratio creates things like this...

Stage 1 the Universe begins
Stage 2 the Nucleus, and a photon
Repeat 3 times to get the Atom, and an electron

Many more stages to get a magnet
Many more stages to get The Earth
Many more stages to get The sun
Many more stages to get a Galaxy

And the clues are there to see. The latest being the beach ball matter surrounding the Galaxy.

The ball that hovers around the sun.

The ozone layer that surrounds the Earth.

The ball that surrounds an atom

All are created by multi-directional flow in 3D space. The missing dimensions.. In, and Out.

In = breakage at planck scale
Out = the following outward wave.

In creates Gravity.
Out creates the locking force of bubble membranes. The biggest being the Universe membrane.
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So what created the Universe, and what shape is it?

The universe was originally a huge Black hole with planck scale Aether resting in it, and it was already infinite. It has always been infinite.

It's shape is dictated by the Kissing problem. So it is something like the icosahedral arrangement fractalled outwards eventually into many spheres. Remember that there is an infinite number of these sphere, and therefore combined they have no outer edges, but it was dictated by the kissing problem to begin with.

This actually gives infinity a map of pressures. The kissing problem gives the universe these pressures, and so it gives the Universe places to expand from. And because the kissing problem isn't perfect, it has gaps, you get the random chaos. A slight deviation in possible directions for the planck material. The breakoff at Snooker.

Plank at the centre of the icosahedral was where the planck would be forced to break when infinity tried to equal infinity + 1.. a sort of problematic situation.

This resulted in a landslide inwards of planck, and a wave outwards.. an empty hole. Better still, an empty expanding hole. The expanding hole is an expansion of planck hitting more planck, which results in a black hole ring (A Black Hole around Matter).. which is a membrane stream for aether to flow around in circles. You could imagine a Sun at this point if you want to imagine what it looks like on a much larger scale. However, a sun is all of this combined by much larger matter.

But as the waves push outwards, the distance between planck is forced apart resulting in a membrane full of holes.

Now the planck can move forwards again through the holes, which is what Dark Matter is. It is the streams that can gush through the holes.

Here is a situation with planck heading towards one another for the first time. The shape of this pattern is a sort of inwards heading star shape.

When the first planck collide, they create a new wave, but it is smaller than the incoming planck force.

That creates a spin. More collisions create more black holes in the spinning star. More Aether spins in the new holes, and....

now we scale up, and up, and up through nucleus, atoms, the Sun, and finally....

It looks like a Galaxy. a star shape with a spin, with all of the collisions happening at the centre where the Galaxy glows.

A bunch of them equal the Universe.
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What creates movement anyway.. like the first ever movement?

This question has been bugging me for ages, but I have solved it....

It is much harder to stop moving than it is to move at the planck scale!

The centrifugal spin around a black hole is to spin in every direction at once.. that is stop!

The Aether cannot stand still on its own.. it has to keep moving all of the time when it is in a free space. A free space is usually a stream... Dark Matter, or a Black Hole.
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The Big bang is nothing more than the expansion of creation. the Universe was already infinite, but full of only one substance. what we see on our images is the expansion of that one material changing into atoms etc. Beyond our visible Universe, beyond the expansion is just the smallest possible particle. Our Big Bang overlaps that smallest particle, combining it into larger particles.


1) The Universe was always infinite.
2) The Big Bang is the expansion of creation, overlapping the smallest particles.
3) Outside of the Big Bang there are the smallest particles only.
Have you considered starting your own blog somewhere?
As opposed to spamming us with your specious drivel.
1) The flow of planck is visible in Dark Matter as is flows in streams, and speeds up gravity in distant Galaxies, because Planck is Gravity.

2) Planck creates light, and waves as it is compressed to the point that it breaks. It's light is visible, like in the sun, a nebula, and the two slit experiment, and the waves are also heard in large arrays, and Pulsars (which are a result of the flow of plank dragging in larger material.).

3) Planck creates spin as it spins inside Black Holes, it's spin results in an increased flow of material travelling towards the black holes. the spin is observable in Magnetism, Relativity, Black Hole film footage, The Bose Einstein Experiment, the clocks of two planes flying around the Earth in opposite directions, hot air rising, aircraft, photosynthesis.

4) Finally Planck is used by the brain, and this is observable in the Observer experiments like the two slit experiment, and sight, hearing, and thought itself.

I probably have about 100 other examples, but apart from the examples there is the actually configuration of the Universe to consider. The kissing problem that creates snowflakes for example, and the fact that nature is a fractal created from this problem. The fact that you have to use this fractal to place pressures in the Universe to create the correct configuration of Galaxies, and stars.

Apart from all of those examples you have to use a bit of logic. Absolute Nothing can't create a Universe, there is nothing to work with. The closest thing to nothing is 1. You need the building block of 1 to create 2. Basically zero is a Black hole, and 1 is the Planck. Being as planck needs to move, it has to move through the only space available to 1 which is zero. So planck has to move through black holes. But the holes are a result of planck being crushed. When you look at the forces resulting from the kissing effect of crushing, you get the correct shapes forming the Universe.

This alters science a lot. Black holes have no pull at all, but the planck rushing into them creates a current that you can be dragged along with.

Planck rushing into the holes of the Earth press us down.
Aether is the planck scale material that is an elementary particle, in fact it is 'THE' elementary particle that makes everything else. It has a spherical body, that is solid, and cannot be cut in half, because it isn't made from parts. However, when you do try to cut it, it disappears, and a photon shoots out, and it leaves a hole where it was situated. It also makes a wave as the photon is released. So now it has a spherical Body, a photon body, and a wave body, and leaves behind a hole depending on what you do to it, it also has movement, and spin. That's quite normal behaviour, and doesn't really take much explaining. But those 6 things can build the entire Universe.

I do have a problem with the electron however. Not sure if the electron is just a photon, and a wave combined with planck. But I can't find a need for an extra element like an electron. Either the electron can be eliminated, or the photon can be eliminated.
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and it has advanced quite a lot since I last posted. .
Name 1 phenomenon which you can actually model with your 'theory of everything'. Given the answer is zero its not a theory of anything.

String Theory, and M-Theory..I have enclosed all of those theories into our 3 dimensional space, apart from adding...
Do you honestly believe that or do you simply make up ridiculously moronic claims in a desperate attempt to try and get someone to believe you aren't the abject failure at physics you obviously are?

This is a simple set of rules, yet you can create everything from them....
Then use them to construct Maxwell's equations, the QED Lagrangian, the Boltzmann distribution and the Einstein field equations. If you believe any of those mainstream results to be wrong provide your alternative set of expressions, a set of experiments to distinguish between your ideas and the mainstream and give explicit quantitative predictions for said experiments.

If you fail to provide any of those then your claim of a theory of everything is unjustified.

I really really do hope you're a wind up because I honestly can't see how someone as detached from even basic rationality as you are could possibly function in society. Hell, I'd be surprised if you dress yourself.
Ok I have thought of a better way to explain Gravity as a pressure, and the creation of the Universe as a pressure.

First look at this...


The important part of the picture is where the bubble is expanding from the Black Hole. We all know from blowing bubble gum that you have to blow at a steady slow speed else you cause a rush of pressure that pops the bubble.

Now look at these two links, and see a nice steady blow into a bubble, and then blowing way too hard into the bubble...

So now combined with the bubble around a Galaxy we have a way to create gravity as a pressure, and not a pull. So the next stage is that the pressure is building up at the centre of the bubble. I have a way to explain this...

A submarine under too much pressure implodes, so Imagine a perfectly spherical submarine...

Now we keep that in mind whilst I give you another explanation. Imagine a balloon, and it can stretch to about the size of a Galaxy. We put a hose pipe into the balloon, and start a nice stead flow of water into it. It expands to the size of a Galaxy. Have you ever wondered if you could actually crush water with its own pressure? Well combined with a membrane directing its force into the centre, a Galaxy is formed from the crushing of invisible material at its centre. It breaks at the point of the Kissing problem most central to the sphere. However, the flow from the hose continues, and the central area is becoming wider, and hotter. Now other Kissing Problems are creating more holes, and as this kissing problem involves a sort of fractal, you get the holes where the planets will develop, and the suns. The flow through the bubble, and smaller bubbles inside spin the planets around. Eventually, the bubble pops a hole at the other side, the top of the bubble becomes flatter, and the whole thing starts again.

This means that Gravity is a pressure, and the reason that it works so spherically is that it is being directed by spherical membranes which you can't see.

And finally, there is some maths for this, as we at least have a few scales to work with. the size of the bubble around the galaxy. The pressure that it would create at its centre. the kissing problem fractal. The number of Planck material that you could fit into that sized bubble.
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Inverse square law...

I will explain the inverse square law. It is quite simply that atoms contain black holes, because you have to remember that an atom is actually huge in the scale of things. My pressured liquid is now able to flow into the atom just like the Galaxy, and it collides in the atom, a dissipates. So the Black Holes in the atoms create the square law. They also create the energy, and heat, protected from us by several membranes as insulation.


This image is the first step in the creation of the Universe, and the first step is really building up into the creation of an atom.
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Once again you ignore all challenges, questions and points in my post. Nothing you have said provides myself or anyone else with any information which can be used to construct a model. Your pictures are simply made up arm waving. Something being qualitatively plausable doesn't mean its actually right. I've already given an example. Both Newton and Einstein said gravity deflects light. Only Einstein actually predicted the amount light is deflected by a given object. Qualitatively the same, quantitatively wrong.

Rather than making pictures about shit you just made up about phenomena you have no knowledge of read a fucking book.
Once again you ignore all challenges, questions and points in my post. Nothing you have said provides myself or anyone else with any information which can be used to construct a model. Your pictures are simply made up arm waving. Something being qualitatively plausable doesn't mean its actually right. I've already given an example. Both Newton and Einstein said gravity deflects light. Only Einstein actually predicted the amount light is deflected by a given object. Qualitatively the same, quantitatively wrong.

Rather than making pictures about shit you just made up about phenomena you have no knowledge of read a fucking book.

Do you know of a book where gravity is actually pressure, and spacing?
Brain Freeze...

The Bose-Einsten Condensate experiment shows that the flow of particles that surround atoms slows down to the point where they no longer support the membrane surrounding the igloos. So all of the black holes inside merge into 1 Black Hole. Brain freeze would be the slowing of the supporting flow, and being as the igloo is part of your insulation from the heat of the nucleus, the heat from Black Hole radiation escapes, and actually burns you a bit.
Do you know of a book where gravity is actually pressure, and spacing?
No, because it isn't. Reading books exposes you to other people's ideas, work and knowledge. In the case of science you learn of the huge body of experiments and observations any theory would have to explain, you learn of the methods other people have used, you learn mathematical techniques for developing your work or analysing results. And most importantly you learn of people's mistakes, the ideas which were falsified via the scientific method and how people present evidence for their claims.

Your question implies you only want to read something which would back up your assumptions. That isn't how science is done. If you're modelling gravity you would have to find out what observations/experiments have been done, try to develop a model to explain them and then work out what your model says. If your model says something which is contradicted by evidence, you throw it in the bin and start again.

Except this isn't how you work. You make an assumption and try to twist evidence to fit it. That's how creationists work.


You are doing nothing other than that. You aren't interested in how the universe works, you just want to tell others how you think the universe works.

Brain Freeze...

The Bose-Einsten Condensate experiment shows that the flow of particles that surround atoms slows down to the point where they no longer support the membrane surrounding the igloos. So all of the black holes inside merge into 1 Black Hole. Brain freeze would be the slowing of the supporting flow, and being as the igloo is part of your insulation from the heat of the nucleus, the heat from Black Hole radiation escapes, and actually burns you a bit.
You must be a wind up. No one, no one, could be so spectacularly idiotic to think that that is anything other than the most retarded combination of buzzworks. Congratulations, you are the most moronic idiot I have ever come across online and trust me, that takes some beating. Even Terry Giblin isn't as nuts as you and he's borderline psychotic.
How do you know that science hasn't just twisted my idea to work? I see that it has, and it is blindingly obvious with the crazy ideas of hidden dimensions, and Black holes with infinite gravity, spooky action at a distance, photons interfering with themselves, and wave, particle duality.

It is your science that is twisting the facts. You need to read my posts, not me read your books. My Quantum physics work just the same as physics. I don't need quantum physics apart from where Gravity is changed to pressure into spaces.

My point of view is that you are a Christian with Faith.... read the Bible.
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You must be a troll. You can't claim science is twisting your ideas since no one knows of your ideas. You can't claim your 'quantum physics' works just like actual physics since your physics doesn't work or doesn't exist. You've crossed from just making up buzzword bullshit to simply telling flat out lies.
You must be a troll. You can't claim science is twisting your ideas since no one knows of your ideas. You can't claim your 'quantum physics' works just like actual physics since your physics doesn't work or doesn't exist. You've crossed from just making up buzzword bullshit to simply telling flat out lies.

My theory means the real theory of everything. Therefore my theory is nature itself. So when I say twisting my theory I mean twisting nature itself.

Any idea if the heat remaining from the Bose-Einstein experiment can be worked into a formula to find out how many particles still remain in momentum? They are spinning around the combined black holes of the atoms.
My theory means the real theory of everything.
And yet you cannot answer any question I ask you. You have a theory of nothing.

Any idea if the heat remaining from the Bose-Einstein experiment can be worked into a formula to find out how many particles still remain in momentum? They are spinning around the combined black holes of the atoms.
Wow, now you've gone from buzzword bullshit to struggling to form coherent sentences. When you can't even use buzzwords properly it just makes you look all the more delusional.
And yet you cannot answer any question I ask you. You have a theory of nothing.

Wow, now you've gone from buzzword bullshit to struggling to form coherent sentences. When you can't even use buzzwords properly it just makes you look all the more delusional.

You love the word buzzwords don't you? What's the matter, do you not talk English? They are just words OK. Nothing buzzes in science for me, it is a faith. I use your words to explain things to you. Do you want me to rename everything? The Bose-Einstein Black Hole condensate?