Black Holes are in the theory of everything.

Pincho Paxton

I don't know if you remember me. I have a 'Theory Of Everything' in progress, and it has advanced quite a lot since I last posted. I have made such progress that I am almost there.

Here is the situation...


Gravity is a suction of something like Planck material through Black Holes which are inside Atoms. The black holes are surrounded by the nucleus which acts as an insulator, and the outer membrane, which is the atom body, because this process creates a lot of heat. In fact the sun is a giant atom, but not insulated quite the same. So the Sun is also created by a black hole, and the Earth is created by a Black hole.

Black Holes are the suction of Gravity, and magnetism. Metallic surfaces are reflective because the suction is slowed down, and stopped, and you can see what was being sucked into there.

Glass is half reflective because it is a gauss like a filter.

So black holes are straws that drink the infinite Universe.. the Aether at plank scale, and they are inside everything.

Our bodies drink using sight, and sound, and food, and breathing.. many ways to drink the Aether.

An atom is a sphere surrounded by channels, the spaces around the atoms. So an atom is a straw that drinks from its spaces around it.

And it goes on.

But a Galaxy is flat!

Now a plughole creates a flat spin because it is not suspended in 3D space, and the hole is in a 2D surface.

A black hole at the centre of a Galaxy should be suspended in a 3D surface.. however it creates a 2D flat spin.

Back to the sun. A black hole inside the sun creates a spin that is followed by a 3D explosion. The photons are propelled in 3D. Same with the Earth. a black hole explodes material in 3D.

Don't worry, because Black holes do not like matter. They like some other material at the Planck scale.. not sure exactly what the material is, but some scientists have found an unusual buzzing sound in their arrays, and they believe it is a holographic projection material. well that is the material being pulled into the black holes, and it is washing us down to the Earth with it.

The search for the Aether was unsuccessful because the Aether at Planck scale is in channels around atoms. Channels barrier out the stream effect.

Anyway, back to the Galaxy. Why is a black hole at the centre of the Galaxy pulling material in 2D? Why is it like a kitchen sink when it should be pulling in all directions?

Because it only has solid matter approaching it from 1 direction, and that is through a hole in a bubble.

Aether forms into bubbles, and the bubbles form at the golden ratio. They expand, and burst, and through the hole that burst they expand again, and burst again. Up, and up in scale until they reach Universe scale.

The hole in a bubble lets matter through, and the Black Hole at the centre of the universe pulls the Plank Scale Aether into it. The matter gets blasted back out, so you get Pulsars, and Suns, and planets.

The speed of the spin determines the blast heat. the sun with a fast spin, and a block of matter has just enough speed to blast out the photons, and matter, and pull most of it back into the black hole again to repeat the process. The ping Pong ball floating on air, is the same thing.

The Earth has a slower spin speed, and there isn't so much heat, and pull, most likely a smaller Black Hole, but remember that the atoms also contain their own Black Holes. So we do not live on a Sun, and the matter is allowed to solidify to a certain extent. The atoms are insulated, and we are all OK.

Now finally to end this discussion I will go through the two slit experiment, because I think it is a neat yard rule of connecting Physics to Quantum Physics.

Photon is in the channel around atoms. Photosensitive paper is a paper that burns when the photon enters the black hole. Observer is a straw, sucking through the channels, and drinking the Planck material, and emptying out some of the material before it fills the Black Hole. Therefore the Black Hole with an observer does not fill up so quickly with material. Without an observer the black hole can become full, and another black hole starts to pull on the photon. two slits open, and two black holes pull on the photon.

So finally.. why are there black holes in everything? Because the planck scale breaks into a Black Hole under pressure. Zero scale makes a Black Hole, atoms create spherical pressure centred to a point.

Pincho Paxton.
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This is where we step forwards...


planck scale breaks into a Black Hole under pressure. Zero scale makes a Black Hole, atoms create spherical pressure centred to a point.

By squeezing a point in our brain, we can make a black hole, and close it again by releasing the pressure. We open up a hole with pressure, and the shockwave has nowhere to go.. so we open up a destination hole.

I added that, because I love to watch you all squirm in disbelief. :D
How about the Bose-Einstein condensate, I like that one too...

The cooling temperature squeezes the channels together into a fast stream. The atoms are forced along in the stream until their Black Holes attract one another.
Dark Matter are the umbilical chords of the Universe allowing wider expanses of the Planck material to flow thicker, and into smaller spaces faster. Mercury possible passes right alongside an umbilical chord, which most likely causes the alteration in its orbit. The umbilical chord that it passes could be feeding the sun.
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Action at a distance...

Because all things are connected by streams between atoms, joined by planck material, action at a distance is created by the meander in the stream. So spooky is really meander. If you can flow there, go there. A black hole allows the flow to happen.

Spin the planck around black holes faster, and the stream is speeded up. The distance between atoms of iron traps the stream like sails. Some of the stream escapes the Black Hole due to velocity (velocity is really too much for the Black holes to handle in one go). The stream passes out the other side of the magnet, causing the push flow...repulsion.
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Continuing from the Bose-Einstein Condensate...

Bodies when cooled produce less spin towards the Black Hole. The centrifugal force of the Planck material entering the hole is therefore more streamlined, and faster. In other words it goes straight into the black hole, without a pause to spin around it. This pulls bodies together due to increased flow around the bodies of atoms. The condensate ends up with overlapping Black Holes.

A snowflake however, ends up with the kissing problem.. which is a hexagonal union of spheres. Gravity flowing downwards flattens the 3D model into a more streamlined 2D model.. a snowflake. Gravity being the planck flow towards the Earth.

Gravity breaks down into how fast an atom sized black hole can take in Aether at the planck scale. If you look at magnetism, and how fast iron is attracted to the rotational flow of the matter, you can see that the polarisation of the holes is going to alter this formula. Obviously the holes overflow, and aren't infinitely capable of pulling in material as the material overshoots the hole very quickly. The mass of the iron is how much iron is resisting the flow with its own rotational flow.
It's reading posts like yours that make me sad that it isn't possible to create threads directly in the Cesspool.
String Theory, and M-Theory..I have enclosed all of those theories into our 3 dimensional space, apart from adding...

X,Y,Z.. In, Out....

Where out is zero, where Planck collapses (is crushed) into..and In which is the energy wave created by the release of pressure.

The rest of the dimensions are just bubbles within bubbles. They are still in our space, and still occupy our X,Y,Z. All they do is form the insulation around the black hole like little igloos as they are pushed down by the passing Aether stream.

So I have absolutely no hidden dimensions at all.

Particles are just bubbles within bubbles starting with the Planck bubble, squeezed into the kissing problem (, crushed, freeing space, a sudden rush to fill the hole, squeezing the igloo formation that is left after the hole is freed. The igloo formation is the Nucleus. keep scaling this rush, and release, and you get the next igloo made from the first igloo.. and so on. Lots of particles all made from X,Y,Z, in, out.

This sort of igloo effect but with a stream of planck running through the gaps moving them apart a bit...

Think of the sun. It does the igloo effect so that you can see it. The rush inwards of the Aether, the following release of energy pushing outwards against the flow inwards. suspended ping pong balls in 3D. It's a huge particle in a way.
Why is the background radiation so uniform?..

Although the plank scale Aether is infinite, we are expanding into it, so our Universe has an outer membrane which is finite. As we expand into the flow of Aether it creates a uniform heat around the membrane. This is because the planck scale pressing against our expansion is being pressured into its zero breaking point. The result of expanding into planck is less than planck, and that results in a wave released as the planck dissipates. So that is the reason for the uniformity of the Universe upon expansion.
The reason for Dark Matter..

As the Universe membrane presses against the planck scale Aether, it has areas which are weakened because the expansion is also planck scale. the weakened areas have tension breakage, and allow the planck scale Aether to approach more quickly from the opposite direction.. like an umbilical chord caused by holes in a bubble.
P.P. you do realize that existence of aether was disproved by a simple experiment done by Hippolyte Fizeau?
P.P. you do realize that existence of aether was disproved by a simple experiment done by Hippolyte Fizeau?

Yes I know about that. Yet two planes flying around the Earth in different directions causes time displacement. That is the flow of planck sized Aether. So there is a problem with the photon test, and as I have explained, an observer can spoil the test. the problem is mostly with the localised spin of each black hole. Like little cogwheels they roll off one another. I'm trying to come up with a way to find the Aether as it weaves around the cogwheels. A sliding Earth is harder to find than a dragging Earth, and the plank sized step for each motion don't help.
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