bizarre twist: Atheistic Science to become Religion


I just want to say that what Lawdog represents is NOT Jesus Christ. He and his organization sound more like the gestapo to me. They would apparently love for you to think that Jesus wants to see you in chains of fear and guilt. With the only way out presented to be membership into their organization, and into the bondage of having to walk, talk, eat, breathe, and shit, the way they tell you to, or else Jesus won't love you, and will send you to hell.


Jesus is nothing like that, and wants nothing like that going on in His name. You watch...what comes around, goes around.

Freedom is found in Christ. There is no fear...there is no guilt. There is only truth and love to be found in Him. I HAVE FELT IT AND EXPERIENCED IT AND IT HAS CHANGED ME AND MY LIFE FOREVER.


Lawdog, you are a sinner, as are we all. It's a birth defect. You're born that way and you die that way. Membership in your organization does not provide a cure, but it's a hell of a sales pitch.

You know that im right and logically justified in these assertions,
Logic requires evidence – you haven’t been able to show any.

and that evidence does exist and is constantly being supplied to you.
You mean the evidence that you couldn’t produce.

Reason concerning objective Reality requires openess to recieving belief in God.
No, such belief requires faith and that is the opposite of reasoned objectiviy.

To go against this is repugnant to Reason and Human Dignity, and must be sustained by an act of the Will for suspension and warpage of the Intellective Faculty.
No, logical reasoning requires evidence and faith specifically does not use evidence. Faith is the confused belief that fantasies are true – that is hardly a reasonable or dignified position.
Logic and Reasoning require no evidence, surely, Cris, you will at least admit to that the truth of that statement....?
Lori_7 said:

I just want to say that what Lawdog represents is NOT Jesus Christ. He and his organization sound more like the gestapo to me. They would apparently love for you to think that Jesus wants to see you in chains of fear and guilt. With the only way out presented to be membership into their organization, and into the bondage of having to walk, talk, eat, breathe, and shit, the way they tell you to, or else Jesus won't love you, and will send you to hell.


Well, There you go again, off on a fanatic born-again rampage. Its on account of your philosophy that so many folk today dont take the Faith seriously. Reagan was not Catholic, yet few catholics would assert that he didnt at least make it to PURGATORY. Yet according to your view, hes in Hell.

Our strictures and religious precepts, our rites and membership, define us as a single spouse in the body of Christ, excluding those who do not agree. EVERYONE of sound mind will admit that this is fair, especially if they dont want to be counted among our Church. They know for certain what they disagree with.

With you, so amorphous and uncertain are your philosophies and doctrines, no one knows where they stand, other than that you have consigned them to Hell without good cause. with your way, theres no certainty as to doctrine, as to who it is that they are to worship. In fact, you dont even offer them any means to worship other than bible study, which is not a form of worship. Its human nature to desire solid experiences, sensations of the divine, as is found in our ancient chants and incensce, the eucharist, the Mass. these are gifts of God, its how Jesus expresses himself to us.

We have much freedom on account of our customs.

Lori_7 said:
Freedom is found in Christ. There is no fear...there is no guilt. There is only truth and love to be found in Him. I HAVE FELT IT AND EXPERIENCED IT AND IT HAS CHANGED ME AND MY LIFE FOREVER.

But yet God created fear and guilt. Fear of God is the beginning of Wisdom, scripture announces...and can you realize that your a sinner if your guilt does not convict you by action of the Holy Ghost?
Lori_7 said:
We also love them spiritually, and in loving them, insist that they cease from certain acts which are beneath human dignity in the eyes of God. You also are required to assent here, in accord with scripture.
Lori_7 said:
Lawdog, you are a sinner, as are we all. It's a birth defect. You're born that way and you die that way. Membership in your organization does not provide a cure, but it's a hell of a sales pitch.
We desire your membership in our Church, provided that you assent to our doctrines. You seem stuck on the membership idea, but this is not the essence of our belief.
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Logic and Reasoning require no evidence, surely, Cris, you will at least admit to that the truth of that statement....?
You are surely joking. A premise in logic is entirely dependent on facts. These are the basic building blocks of logical reasoning. This is LOGIC 101.
Thats just not true Cris. How can you say this...??? Many have built castles in the sand out of elaborate logic, such as evolutionary theory, atheism and agnosticism.
Exactly, and those are dependant on facts, factual things that factually exist, whether your personal fantasy (christianity) is against it or not.
Lawdog said:
Well, There you go again, off on a fanatic born-again rampage. Its on account of your philosophy that so many folk today dont take the Faith seriously. Reagan was not Catholic, yet few catholics would assert that he didnt at least make it to PURGATORY. Yet according to your view, hes in Hell.

Good grief, I don't claim to know where the spirit of Ronald Reagan resides, and I think it absolutely ridiculous that you do. And it is the empty promises and hypocritical rhetoric of your dead facade of salvation that turn people off to Christ.

Our strictures and religious precepts, our rites and membership, define us as a single spouse in the body of Christ, excluding those who do not agree. EVERYONE of sound mind will admit that this is fair, especially if they dont want to be counted among our Church. They know for certain what they disagree with.

With you, so amorphous and uncertain are your philosophies and doctrines, no one knows where they stand, other than that you have consigned them to Hell without good cause. with your way, theres no certainty as to doctrine, as to who it is that they are to worship. In fact, you dont even offer them any means to worship other than bible study, which is not a form of worship. Its human nature to desire solid experiences, sensations of the divine, as is found in our ancient chants and incensce, the eucharist, the Mass. these are gifts of God, its how Jesus expresses himself to us.

I do not consign anyone to hell and neither do you or your church fathers. Your organization teaches you to sit in judgement of others which is contrary to the scripture that you claim to represent. I believe the Bible to be the Word of God and Jesus to be God in the flesh. Everything that God has ever shown me or taught me has been confirmed in scripture. And your rituals may be how Jesus expresses Himself to you, but that's you. I know that you don't need an idol or an altar to worship God. You worship God with your giving Him your interacting with Him...loving Him. It's not about being in a certain building at a certain time and chanting a certain chant. It's about life.

But yet God created fear and guilt. Fear of God is the beginning of Wisdom, scripture announces...and can you realize that your a sinner if your guilt does not convict you by action of the Holy Ghost?

So it's not the organization then that tells you when you're sinning and when you're not? Or does the organization just relinquish your guilt by assigning certain ritualist exercises? My sin was atoned for when Christ died, and that doesn't have anything to do with your organization.

We also love them spiritually, and in loving them, insist that they cease from certain acts which are beneath human dignity in the eyes of God. You also are required to assent here, in accord with scripture.
We desire your membership in our Church, provided that you assent to our doctrines. You seem stuck on the membership idea, but this is not the essence of our belief.

You judge them, which is wrong. What about the plank in your eye? Don't you find that you have plenty on your plate to contend with considering your own sin? How can you even be out here spewing this hypocritical garbage. The catholic church condemns ironic...child molesters too right? You don't conquer sin by following rules or behaving a certain way or living a certain lifestyle. If you did, you wouldn't need Jesus, and He died in vain.

Before you continue to criticize logic you need to first understand what it is.

Here is a simple to understand introduction, although you will need to read this through carefully. There are many logical fallacies listed, many of which you have used already and continue to use.

If you hope to start debating meaningfully you need to grasp many of these basic fundamentals.

Remember that if you choose not to use logic in your arguments then you will necessarily be using illogic.

Good luck