Birth Control.

One or two heretics?
The death toll was much, much higher than that.
Church courts were more leniant than civil courts. If you look at some of the heresies such as albigensians. Well they had to take care of them.

I was talking about the article given by Pronatalist. It's kind of long though.

? I'Reallyve never worshipped a condom and I don't know anyone who does. From what I've been told, they significantly impair sensation so...if you were going to worship a contraceptive, the pill would probably be a better choice.
Ban them? That doesn't even make sense. Why shouldn't someone be allowed to purchase a few rubbers?
I'm not talking specifically about you. I don't really know what you do with your condoms but it seems like many 16 year olds are depending on condoms for their future life security. Condoms themselves are the works of Satan. Worse he's able to do this sort thing behind our backs. It's all some sort of twisted game of blasphemey of baptism. It prevents life which is analogous to preventing spiritual life. James 1:15 "Then desire conceives and brings forth sin, and when sin reaches maturity it gives birth to death". They should be banned solely on this principle.
Re: Encourage large families worldwide, so that more and more people can live.

Originally posted by Pronatalist
If anything, "birth control" should be banned, not mandatory.

Future people would not want to have been eliminated.

More and more people would want to live.

"Birth control" undermines the strength of culture and families.

whoa. are you one of those people who mourn for lost sperm? just think, for every child conceived, thousands more were not because the sperm was not permitted to fertilize the egg. oh the humanity!

i just hope this is a joke. if so, clever rouse. if not, :bugeye:
I'm not talking specifically about you. I don't really know what you do with your condoms

I'm currently trying to sculpt an imitation of the Elgin marbles with them.

Condoms themselves are the works of Satan.

O - kay.

It's all some sort of twisted game of blasphemey of baptism. It prevents life which is analogous to preventing spiritual life.

So does the chicken salad I had for dinner.

James 1:15 "Then desire conceives and brings forth sin, and when sin reaches maturity it gives birth to death".

That's some sick shit, Mr. Okinrus. First we have Satan's contraceptives, now we have this, which sounds like something a Gothic chick would write in her Livejournal account.
Does Satan also make sex toys? That'd be a great gimmick for him.

They should be banned solely on this principle.

Next, we listen to Pink Floyd albums backwords!
That's some sick shit, Mr. Okinrus. First we have Satan's contraceptives, now we have this, which sounds like something a Gothic chick would write in her Livejournal account.
Does Satan also make sex toys? That'd be a great gimmick for him.
Satan is able to influence people. Just as the writers of the bible wrote the books through the holy Spirit, Satan also does. I'm not sure why you find this sick. The bible is obviously only for mature readers. "Come here. I will show you the harlot who lives near the many waters. The kings of the earth have had intercourse with her, and the inhabitants of the earth became drunk on the wine of her harlotry."
Originally posted by okinrus
The bible is obviously only for mature readers.

then i demand it be removed from all hotel rooms, bookshelves, and every single home south of maryland.
The body can "naturally" space children without any "preventative measures."

Originally posted by okinrus
I don't think the issue here is birth control. The Church accepts the rhythm method, which is entirely natural, but not contraceptive. So if need be, population could be controled without resorting to contraceptive.

I think here you must be referring to the Catholic Church. I am not Catholic, nor accept the Pope as God's representative. I am Protestant. Up until at least the 1930s, all the Church, Protestant and Catholic, preached against limiting family size. Where they wrong, or are we wrong now? Contraceptives were thought to be bizarre or associated with "dirty sex." Up until the 1950s, the cost of having children wasn't even counted. People just had them. I am more interested in what the Bible actually says, than what the Pope might claim. When I read "be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth" in Genesis, I think that sort of means, don't use "preventative measures" to limit family size. That means probably not even using rhythm. When people are married, the man should feel free to naturally cum inside his wife, regardless of family size, the way sex was designed to be. Married couples shouldn't have to hold anything back. People should look to God's ways, not the world's ways and selfishness.

"Children are the fruit of love."

The whole underlying idea of "birth control," would seem to be that children aren't really a blessing. So isn't "birth control" the foundation of the abortion holocaust. Because I believe children are very valuable and well worth having, what place is there then for anti-life "birth control?" God can choose the number of children we have for us. Humans really shouldn't worry about limiting our offspring. Surely most every child would be glad to have been conceived and live? How could I ever choose which child I wish I never had, even if I did manage to have "too many?"

A couple of people were talking at work about Catholics accepting rhythm. Why do they do that? Isn't the intent to still not have children?

I don't see so much distinction between "artificial" and "natural" "family planning." Is rhythm really all that practical? Don't people feel like having sex, even a little more during the most fertile time of the month? I would much rather go ahead and have the "bonus" children than bother with rhythm. Is it "natural" to not want to be blessed (with children)?

Rather what seems more "natural" to me, is to let the body "naturally" space out the children, with the normal delays of fertility that come with a progressing pregnancy, and sometimes with normal breastfeeding, until the baby can eat solid food. I don't believe God created humans too fertile, and that the body (or God's providence) sort of "knows" when to get pregnant. So contraceptives or rhythm isn't even necessary. Practicing "birth control" only makes people become addicted to "birth control" by unnaturally maintaining periods of high fertility by interfering with the body's reproductive cycle. If women have periods where their body keeps trying to get pregnant, why not just let the pregnancy occur naturally, if it happens? Why must we always fight nature when there is no benefit in doing so? Why worry about having a "perfect little planned" family of 3 or 4 children, when one can have an even more fulfilling experience relying on God and having a little faith, and have an "unplanned" family of 5 or 6 children? I see nothing wrong with having a few "bonus" children. I would rather have "bonus" children than bother with anti-life "birth control." I reject the whole premise of "birth control." I don't think it does anything to make society or quality of life, any better. It is "birth control" that is useless.
Where condoms really come from? (Satan)

I once saw a drawing in a newspaper, of the Serpent (Satan) in the Garden of Eden, offering a condom to Eve.

Yeah, it seems about right. Condoms are an invention of the devil to interfere with marriage and pervert sex.

How dare the Serpent, try to prevent all of our births?
Satan is able to influence people.

That...would explain my musical tastes.

Oh seriously, you can't actually believe in Satan! The very idea is silly!

Just as the writers of the bible wrote the books through the holy Spirit, Satan also does. I'm not sure why you find this sick. The bible is obviously only for mature readers. "Come here. I will show you the harlot who lives near the many waters. The kings of the earth have had intercourse with her, and the inhabitants of the earth became drunk on the wine of her harlotry."

Christianity, you admit, is not suitable for clean minds?

Yeah, it seems about right. Condoms are an invention of the devil to interfere with marriage and pervert sex.

Oh my, and now Satan is getting all kinky. Go Master Satan. All praise Lucifer, God of the Abyss!

How dare the Serpent, try to prevent all of our births?

Dude, seek psychiatric help.
so let's see:

satan cares about our health and protection
satan wants people to be happy and healthy
satan encourages listening to one's own body
satan encourages enjoying the beautiful and enjoyable things sexual activity gives us

seems like a wonderful guy to me. all hail lord satan!
Oh seriously, you can't actually believe in Satan! The very idea is silly!
No it's not.

Satan is behind all of this though. From the beginning, Adam and Eve tried to cover up with fig leaves. One way demons are passed is by sex because you are becoming one with each other. You don't really think that Mary Magdalene had 7 demons because she did terrible things herself did you? Satanic rituals will typically use a young virgin and each member will rape her to pass on the powers of the demons. From <a href="">Decameron</a>
This thread has just become another thread debating the existence of god. That is off topic, Xev, can you please close it?
What's religion got to do with it? Huh?

Originally posted by Fafnir665
This thread has just become another thread debating the existence of god. That is off topic, Xev, can you please close it?

Most any important social issue always ends up debating the existence of God. Because one's worldview (religion) always highly colors how people see the issue. Duh? :p

Not scared of a little "religion" are you?

Don't you know that religion is a leading reason why people refuse to use anti-life "birth control." You know this silly "religious" idea that human life is something special and maybe we shouldn't be hindering the creation of human life?
Originally posted by okinrus
No it's not.

Satan is behind all of this though. From the beginning, Adam and Eve tried to cover up with fig leaves. One way demons are passed is by sex because you are becoming one with each other. You don't really think that Mary Magdalene had 7 demons because she did terrible things herself did you? Satanic rituals will typically use a young virgin and each member will rape her to pass on the powers of the demons. From <a href="">Decameron</a>

Boy oh Boy, are you nuts boy? So Satan and the demons swim with the sperms. Me and my hubby excercise the pull out method for birth control, does that make my abdoman and back Satan's floor matt.....

You are a one luny upside down child. In the future, everytime you get a thought in your mind, try to reverse it by flipping your head down and shaking it five times and then you'll speak normal.

Originally posted by SwedishFish
so let's see:

satan cares about our health and protection
satan wants people to be happy and healthy
satan encourages listening to one's own body
satan encourages enjoying the beautiful and enjoyable things sexual activity gives us

seems like a wonderful guy to me. all hail lord satan!

I couldn't help but smile at this.

that's an interesting link, orkinus. hmmm. but condoms are the works of satan??? haha. did he happen to send his demons out on in the beginning to a factory run making condoms to distribute to the public? Therefore creating a manufacturing product that not only puts jobs and money into the system but controls the population as well? hmmmmm. deep thoughts here.

Anyway to the topic, i'm all for birth control and the regulation of it BUT I don't like the methods that had gone as far as what China is facing now with the overpopulation. One child per family thing is regulating and controling how a person should live. It's funny but in developed countries we don't have that kind of problem, especially places like Switzerland, scandinavian countries, etc, which have a birthrate that is moderate but not substantially high as in underdeveloped countries. There's a city here that has a high birth rate and that is where most of the minorities live. I don't know, but i tend to believe it's the way of religion again that causes this way of thinking and living.
Re: What's religion got to do with it? Huh?

Originally posted by Pronatalist

Not scared of a little "religion" are you?

Don't you know that religion is a leading reason why people refuse to use anti-life "birth control." You know this silly "religious" idea that human life is something special and maybe we shouldn't be hindering the creation of human life?

I don't know about Fafnir665, but religion terrifies me.

Whenever I hear the word, I enter into a paralytic stupor of palpitation and suffer monstrous ordeals of convulsion and agonized writhing.
It's a good thing I went deaf to those Christian folk a long time ago.

In regard to the "life is special" notion, I feel compelled to gesticulate rudely at you.
Life is a boil on the leprous backside of the universe, an unsightly infection which He often grows sickened with and lances. Seems to me, it isn't worth much.
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The point of my post was not wether or not i'm afraid of religion, it was a statement of how this has gotten off topic. There is a thread deticated to arguments concerning then existence of god, why bring it here? You can use religion as an argument, but arguing the basis of existence for religions is off topic, so please refrain from arguing about that, and stick to the topic
Boy oh Boy, are you nuts boy? So Satan and the demons swim with the sperms. Me and my hubby excercise the pull out method for birth control, does that make my abdoman and back Satan's floor matt.....
No, someone has to be possessed. I don't really care about what you and your husband do.

You are a one luny upside down child. In the future, everytime you get a thought in your mind, try to reverse it by flipping your head down and shaking it five times and then you'll speak normal.
This is not my thought. This is factual information about SRA(Satanic ritual abuse), which is more of a psychological abuse in most cases. This does happen.
Who turned off the signatures?

I had a signature, but I can't see any signatures now, even on old posts that I saw them on before, and yet I see my signature on the Preview, and then it vanishes on my post.

I checked my control panel, and everything is okay, and it says to show signatures, so where are they?
Re: Who turned off the signatures?

Originally posted by Pronatalist
I had a signature, but I can't see any signatures now, even on old posts that I saw them on before, and yet I see my signature on the Preview, and then it vanishes on my post.

I checked my control panel, and everything is okay, and it says to show signatures, so where are they?

this isn't the fucking place to say that, xev, can you delete that post, and this one, thanks
You still didn't suggest anything about my signature problem?

Hmmm. No answer?

I didn't know where is the correct place to ask why my signature that shows up in my Preview, and used to show in my posts, now won't show up.

You also failed to mention whether you can see my signature.

No compassion for newbies at this forum? (I don't have any problem with my signature showing up on the different forum platform/servers where I have hung out for years.)

I didn't want to clutter things with a new discussion thread, as I haven't started any here yet. Plus it may be a systematic problem that they are already working on?