Birth Control.


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Registered Senior Member
Should birth control br mandatory?

That being asked, if birth control was mandatory, should it be used to control the mood of the populace? Meaning, should women's consumption of such be synchronized, so they don't all schedule their "time of the month" at the same time? Can you think of any negative/positive results of synchronization?
What we need is more freedom, not less. Less powerful governments, not stronger. Power corrupts. The only way to keep from creating institutions like governments that get so big they are totally unaccountable, is to let power be completely distributed back to the people, so it is broken up into the smallest possible quanta.

You're reaching in the absolutely wrong direction. China tried mandatory birth control. Do we need another experiment of that type? Birth rates fall naturally as a result of prosperity. It's happening all over the world. It's already predicted that the world population will peak at just over 10 billion within less than 100 years and then start dropping. In the richest countries the established populations have fallen below replacement rate. The only thing that's keeping them from shrinking and bankrupting their social security systems is immigration.
One problem with that would lie in the fact that not all women are good candidates for birth control. There are many possible side effects such as blood clots that can occur. Also, many scientific studies have concluded that men also go though something akin to a menstrual cycle, as far as mood swings and hormonal fluxes are concerned. What can we drug all the men with to get them to be in a better mood? Also, how would this be policed? Would them men really be able to remember to make the women take the pill in perfect 24 hour intervals as the pills would suggest? Or would we be using the depo shot in your Big Brother utopia of scheduled bleeding? What policies would be in place for a woman to decide to get pregnant? How would you control her moods while she's pregnant? How would you compensate all the makers of products for infants for the vast decline in their businesses?
Originally posted by Sinisister
One problem with that would lie in the fact that not all women are good candidates for birth control.

This in fact, hadn't occured to me. I'm sure theres ways around it, different methods and such.

Also, many scientific studies have concluded that men also go though something akin to a menstrual cycle, as far as mood swings and hormonal fluxes are concerned. What can we drug all the men with to get them to be in a better mood?

Yes. We could. I was using birthcontrol for women, because thats the only widely used medication thats prectically over the counter, that I knew about that 1) controlled birth, and 2) controled moods. If there was an orally administered form of birthcontrol, I would have mentioned it.

Next is broken down into numbered questions.

1) Also, how would this be policed?

2) Would them men really be able to remember to make the women take the pill in perfect 24 hour intervals as the pills would suggest?

3) Or would we be using the depo shot in your Big Brother utopia of scheduled bleeding?

4) What policies would be in place for a woman to decide to get

5) How would you control her moods while she's pregnant?

6) How would you compensate all the makers of products for infants for the vast decline in their businesses?

This is why I started the thread :D All these questions I hadn't thought of.

1. People would police themselves, or it will be taught from childhood as a requirement, with fake ones so as not to interupt their development, and when menstration starts, they see a doctor and get regular ones prescribed. For guys, what are signs that they could start taking such a mood/sperm controlling pill?

2. Why can't women remember? Are you suggesting that women are inferior to men, so much so that they can't remember a time? Whose going to remind the men? The women? I think it should be self administered, people have the ability to remember when to take a pill.

3. I don't know what that is. Maybe you can use the patch. As far as I see it, theres two routes to complete control, higher understanding throughout the population, or complete lack of knowledge, with a class of elites, ala 1984.

4. I don't know, but allowances will be made. This isn't a scheme for the end of the species.

5. You don't, you give them full pay away from their job while their pregnant.

6. The government isn't responsible for loss of business in the private industries.

These are just answers, not neccesarily my opinion. I don't really believe in all this, it's just, what if?

Originally posted by Fraggle Rocker
What we need is more freedom, not less. Less powerful governments, not stronger. Power corrupts. The only way to keep from creating institutions like governments that get so big they are totally unaccountable, is to let power be completely distributed back to the people, so it is broken up into the smallest possible quanta.

I agree. But, this may happen someday, so I just wanted to ask what peoples opinions were, and show how a system like it may work.
the government has no right to any say in what people do with their bodies and how and when to breed. they should, however, encourage the use of birth control and make it available. it should be taught in health class in schools because it is essential to protecting people's health. you keep talking about birth control as hormonal pills. there are tons of others that are better to use. the pill does not prevent the spread of stds so it should only be a backup to a barrier anyway.
maybe it's just me but i tend to think of men as less reliable so i'd be worried that they would never remember to take a pill everyday. it is especially worrisome when it's a birth control pill because they won't have to carry the baby anyway and therefore will care less about taking it.
the government has no right to any say in what people do with their bodies

Maybe a little of subject, but I hear a lot of people use a similar line when talking about abortion. You know how it goes, "My body, my choice." I like seeing it used when it comes to using birth control in the first place. I'm sure we can pretty much all agree that the government has no business telling us what to do with our bodies. I find it laughable that suicide is considered a crime. You can be arrested, but only if you fail to commit the crime that you are accused of. Then you go to an institution for something you didn't do... Anyway, my question about all the chanting of "My body, my choice", does that apply to smokers, too? "Second hand smoke" is less dangerous to a person in a bar (like you go to a bar for your health...) than an abortion is to a fetus, whether or not you believe life begins at conception or birth.

I'm not a smoker myself, and I'm not trying to be a wise-ass, I'd just like to see if anybody can justify that second hand smoke is worse for a bystander than an abortion clinic is for a fetus.
a person has ultimate say over their body, including smokers. but secondhand smoke involves other bodies. it is the other bodies who have say over what goes into their bodies so smokers are infringing on their rights. i also happen to be one of the 5 feminists who think a fetus is a whole other body so when women make that ultimate decision, they're making it for another body as well. but you can also argue that parents make decisions for their children.
But must it be a life-or-death decision? I could understand if the fetus is going to die anyway due to some disease, or else is going to be born horribly disfigured (Have you ever seen a baby born without a brain? It's quite disturbing...) or if the mother's life is in danger, but for most kids sanctioned death is not a merciful alternative.

I think the solution would be a revamping of our welfare system, especially for kids. There are plenty of childless couples out there who are caught up in the red tape of adoption. It would be nice to see a way to quickly determine suitability of candidates to ensure the kid doesn't end up in the obits at the hands of his or her adoptive parents.

I don't have any real opinion on abortion. Never having even conceived a kid, I feel I have no authority on the subject, but sometimes I feel like standing up to people who are supporting abortion and saying "I thought it was the diapers that were supposed to be disposable, not the baby!":)

Eh, I'd probably get my fanny kicked.
Encourage large families worldwide, so that more and more people can live.

If anything, "birth control" should be banned, not mandatory.

Future people would not want to have been eliminated.

More and more people would want to live.

"Birth control" undermines the strength of culture and families.
Re: Encourage large families worldwide, so that more and more people can live.

Originally posted by Pronatalist
Future people would not want to have been eliminated.

Future people, who were never born, have no wants.
Re: Re: Encourage large families worldwide, so that more and more people can live.

Originally posted by Fafnir665
Future people, who were never born, have no wants.

If you have death control, you must have birth control, it's that easy. Otherwise you have a runaway population and all of mankind suffers. I wish the bible thumpers would at least be even about it. If birth control is changing the wishes of God, then getting medical treatment for sickness and injuries should be too. As much as I miss Jim Henson, at least he was true to his beliefs and died from an easily treatable disease.

Either birth control and all other medical treatments are "moral" or all aren't. Death control is just as moral (or not) as birth control, to see otherwise is against logic.

But asking hard core religious types to be logical is like asking a pig to fly.
Death control without Birth "control" should be promoted so human populations grow!

Originally posted by Dougermouse
If you have death control, you must have birth control, it's that easy. Otherwise you have a runaway population and all of mankind suffers. I wish the bible thumpers would at least be even about it. If birth control is changing the wishes of God, then getting medical treatment for sickness and injuries should be too. As much as I miss Jim Henson, at least he was true to his beliefs and died from an easily treatable disease.

Either birth control and all other medical treatments are "moral" or all aren't. Death control is just as moral (or not) as birth control, to see otherwise is against logic.

But asking hard core religious types to be logical is like asking a pig to fly.

No, we should have "death control" without any anti-life "birth control." Why should humans be against "runaway" population growth of our own kind. I think we should be a little more honest and admit that a prime and logical purpose of "environmental" and medical efforts, should be to help the human population enlarge and allow more and more people to benefit from living.

You think that somehow "death control" goes against the wishes of God? When why does Deut 30:19 , say to "choose life?" Sounds like the Biblical bias is towards like. Why does Gen. 1:28 and 9:1 say for people to be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth? That surely means that the human population is supposed to be large and growing. The billions of people alive now, was foretold all the way back in Genesis.

Genesis 24:60___And they blessed Rebekah, and said unto her, Thou art our sister, be thou the mother of thousands of millions, and let thy seed possess the gate of those which hate them.

I don't believe humans need to "control" everything. Somethings should be left to God. I don't believe it is worth trying to control all wilderness forest fires in God's wildlands that humans have not yet spread out enough into, to tame the land or forests. I don't believe humans should make any effort at some illogical war on population against our own kind. People quite often enjoy having large and "unplanned" families. I posted on some other forum discussion about what things were "cool," and I said large families are cool. Some woman responded and said she likes her large family. She didn't bother to say how many children she had at that time, but I checked her profile, and it said 4 sons and 5 daughters, or vice versa. 9 children!

People benefit from human population growth. Not only do more people get the opportunity to live, but most people probably contribute more to society than they consume or waste, so population growth generally accelerates technology growth, and helps improve the standard of life, even as human populations grow denser. Don't believe that? Then how come people are depopulating the countryside to move to the crowded cities? So many people leave the countryside that its population generally doesn't grow. Past predictions of huge megacities, seem also to have turned out to be somewhat exxagerated. It turns out that people live in more but smaller cities than some people thought would occur in the future. I think depopulating the countryside for the opportunity of the city is probably a somewhat negative trend, but it is social, economic, or political, not a "population" problem. It would be better if cities inevitably grew more from the natural increase of all the people already living there, than from the influx of rural people who feel rural life doesn't have as much to offer as the city.

Now sure, get your pets "fixed," if you don't plan to breed them. Pets are unable to care for their growing numbers without more human masters to adopt them. Pets don't need offspring when they have us for their "families." But humans take more time to multiply and can adapt ourselves and the environment for our burgeoning numbers, so we need not worry about limiting our birthrates. Population pessimists or self-appointed "experts" prattle with their anti-human rhetoric and population scare tactics as if humans breed as easily as rabbits without "scientific" "birth control." The Population Bomber have us convinced that without anti-life "birth control," a baby would pop out every year. Not only do few people ever manage to have as many as 20 children, if a family did, it would probably take a good long time and the older children would help with the younger children. These ideas are paraphrased from Mary Pride's Book, "The Way Home; Beyond Feminism Back to Reality." But it takes so much work to raise another billion children, that I find it ludicrous the idea the pessimists promote that if we aren't careful, we will someday wake to a world that suddenly has "too many" people. I don't consider myself "too many," and you probably don't either. And "those other people" are much like us, so they probably don't consider themselves "too many" either. So we shouldn't relegate people to mere numbers or cold population statistics. If human populations get big, then let them be big, and they need to be big, because most everybody wants to live and have children.

The Bible also promotes both large families and large population.

Ps. 127:3-5 3___Lo, children are an heritage of the LORD: and the fruit of the womb is his reward.
4___As arrows are in the hand of a mighty man; so are children of the youth.
5___Happy is the man that hath his quiver full of them: they shall not be ashamed, but they shall speak with the enemies in the gate.

Proverbs 14:28___In the multitude of people is the king's honour: but in the want of people is the destruction of the prince.
I don't think the issue here is birth control. The Church accepts the rhythm method, which is entirely natural, but not contraceptive. So if need be, population could be controled without resorting to contraceptive.
The raw rhythm method is close to useless. The Billings method (essentially a refined rhythm method) is better (as good as the pill with both done correctly according to some studies), but education intensive.

If you want to know the real reasons that the Catholic church mandates no artificial contraception, you should read the Humanae Vitae encyclical. There is actually a logical argument involved (although I don't agree with all the premises).
I've heard about some pill where the wife just takes it and then if it turns a certain color she's ovulating. Didn't really seem all that complicated. In theory these methods would be used in marriage and probably by couples who have already given birth to two or so kids.
The raw rhythm method is close to useless. The Billings method (essentially a refined rhythm method) is better (as good as the pill with both done correctly according to some studies), but education intensive.

Bleeding four days out of a month is annoying enough without having to spend time obsessing about it.

Catholics are just fucking weird. The Church should go back to torturing heretics and leave us normal people alone.

As for mandatory birth control, I'd say that simply making contraceptives more convienient, cheap and available would be simpler.
Catholics are just fucking weird. The Church should go back to torturing heretics and leave us normal people alone.
Yes killing a few heretics like Martin Luther would have saved us from the 100 years war etc. I don't think that you have a right to judge the killings of one or two heretics a year. Most of the persecution was done by the secular goverments of Spain, France and England.

As for mandatory birth control, I'd say that simply making contraceptives more convienient, cheap and available would be simpler.
The article gives an example of your apparent hypocrisy; we do not have the freedom to give bibles out in schools but we are allowed to give out condoms. Condoms are the religion and trust of some, but like all things except God they break. I say ban them.
Yes killing a few heretics like Martin Luther would have saved us from the 100 years war etc. I don't think that you have a right to judge the killings of one or two heretics a year. Most of the persecution was done by the secular goverments of Spain, France and England.

One or two heretics?
The death toll was much, much higher than that.

The article gives an example of your apparent hypocrisy;

What article? Did you spoon crack over your wheaties this morning?

we do not have the freedom to give bibles out in schools but we are allowed to give out condoms. Condoms are the religion and trust of some, but like all things except God they break. I say ban them.

Really? I've never worshipped a condom and I don't know anyone who does. From what I've been told, they significantly impair sensation so...if you were going to worship a contraceptive, the pill would probably be a better choice.
Ban them? That doesn't even make sense. Why shouldn't someone be allowed to purchase a few rubbers?

You are a strange, strange creature.