Biomedicine and biotechnology - degrees, careers and the future

This area is showing a decline in innovation and research is mostly done behind closed doors, which doesn't do transparency much good. I don't think anyone can give you a clear picture on what exactly is going on, except that CROs are controlling the market and the main aim is making a profit. Which in reality means mostly re-evaluating existing drugs (approved and not approved) for new uses, and not new innovative research.

Well, this could lead to some new and innovative research. There are at least a thousand compounds out there and at least a thousand ailments. It will take a good deal of research and development to even test them all.
Doesn't Brazil use ethanol as their primary fuel source? How much more research needs to be done?
Doesn't Brazil use ethanol as their primary fuel source? How much more research needs to be done?

For the US, alot, we can't grow viable amounts of sugarcane like Brazil, we have billions in research trying to convert cellulose (all plant matter: leaves, corn husks, wood, cardboard, etc) into sugars and then assumable into ethanol, the research has progress and productive pilot plants exist, but still ALOT more funding is needed to scale up production enough for the USA to take control of its energy needs.
Oh right, Brazil has a completely different climate than the US. It would be foolish to rely on Brazil for bioethanol instead of foreign oil..
Biomedical field is a new field but there are many journals and newspapers expecting that this field will produce thousands of jobs in the coming years . They will be required for their research skills in hospitals , laboratory , universities , companies etc . Also the salary of biomedical scientist is higher than other engineers .Let me also refer you to a link for your assistance on the same top ,biomedical engineer
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