Biology Riddles


Sanity going, going, gone
Valued Senior Member
Rules of the game:
1. Post a Biology question or riddle, try to be simple but creative. You must your self know the answer, no homework problems!
2. Wait after 5 or more replies are made trying to answer the riddle, Then give them the answer.
3. ONLY ONE RIDDLE AT A TIME!!!, after posting and answering a riddle let someone else post the next one... please.
4. When replying to a person's riddle put the person's name in the title of your post like such "Answer to ________"
5. Rules may be updated.

First Riddle,

"Around nuclear power plants fish tend to be larger, why?”
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because fish are cold blooded. Their metabolic rate and growth rate are dependent in part on the environmental temperature.

On the other hand, maybe they just have more food, which possibly also grows better under these conditions.
Originally posted by Dr Lou Natic
Thats not a biology question

good one...

I will answer anyway..

because the employees of the nuclear powerplant are not allowed to smoke inside. Therefore they go outside to have a smoke break. They have a smoke and see the running cooling water coming out of the plant. That makes them pee. They pee in the water and hence raise the overall temperature and add fertilizer on top of that.
oooooh almost spuriousmonkey so close... Hey you know the answer your just fucking with me arn't you! :mad:

Dr Lou Natic,

If you have a better one why don't you post it?
Originally posted by spuriousmonkey
good one...

I will answer anyway..

because the employees of the nuclear powerplant are not allowed to smoke inside. Therefore they go outside to have a smoke break. They have a smoke and see the running cooling water coming out of the plant. That makes them pee. They pee in the water and hence raise the overall temperature and add fertilizer on top of that.
even if all the employees pee at the same time it would hardly affect the already hot cooling-water. fertilizer might be an added advantage.:D
Originally posted by Neuromancer
Dr Lou Natic,

If you have a better one why don't you post it?
I just meant the way in which a nuclear power plant effects water temperature is outside the realms of biology.
Your original question was ok. I didn't know the answer though:(

Why no penguins in the arctic?
I didn't even know that.
I guess it explains why I've never seen a polar bear eat a penguin.
Penguins don't live in the arctic because they can't swim up north several thousand miles through waters that they would likely overheat and die in?
Because penguins LOOOOVE Antarctica and they would NEEEVER leave. Maybe they like leopard seals better than polar bears?

I've got a riddle...

My name comes from my SPINY SKIN. What am I?
Hmmm, suddenly I wonder why penguins decide to live south while polar bears decide to live north....... History needs to be revealed here..... about nowadays penguins can't swim north and nowadays polar bears can't swim south, most possibly because warm water contain less fish, or maybe they are afraid of being burned by their own fat.
there used to be one flightless bird called penguin, also known as the Great Auk, but it was exterminated four centuries ago. The reason that there aren't any is probably because of predators: penguins need to go on land to nest and are quite defenceless with their feet on the ground. Antarctica and other southern island are devoid or have few land predators. The Arctic has bears, wolves, foxes, rats and more...

save the arctic penguin

The truth is that corrupt corporations and their government cohorts have been perpetrating a misinformation campaign for many years. They would have the people of Canada, and other countries within the Arctic Circle believe that the Arctic Penguin does not exist and never has!

This, of course, is nonsense. Penguins did exist, and we believe they still do.
The problem is they are on the verge of extinction!
With your help, we can bring back this mighty and majestic reptile from the brink of collapse!

My my my, aren't I unknowledgable about the great auk?
But the arctic penguin link seems suspicious...... Just to find such specieses they ask for money as if they were penniless.... how RUDE! And by the way.... reptile????
Nono, reptile is a thing that creeps, the name refers to its reptile mode of locomotion. Think Latin.