Binge Drinking!!

one_raven what do you think of my idea of just limiting the volume that can be sold at one time

Oh and here they are looking at limiting operning hours and density of locations

FR im not quite sure why you belive that. We spend MILLIONS each year on both random breath testing stations as well as advertising. Oh and you wouldnt eliminate the problem, people would just find a way around them like getting a tire blower to blow over the machine

Its the fear of getting caught because ANY car could be a random breathtester that makes people stop and think
one_raven what do you think of my idea of just limiting the volume that can be sold at one time

Oh and here they are looking at limiting operning hours and density of locations

FR im not quite sure why you belive that. We spend MILLIONS each year on both random breath testing stations as well as advertising. Oh and you wouldnt eliminate the problem, people would just find a way around them like getting a tire blower to blow over the machine

Its the fear of getting caught because ANY car could be a random breathtester that makes people stop and think

I don't know why you love government so much. Maybe it's because you presuppose you know what's best for everyone else?
go ahead and do a servey of all the Australians here, see what the responce on this is.

We maynot like the current goverments (hell i dam near HATED the howard goverment) but i never feared my goverment

What american could say the same
I didn't specify WHICH government; you just seem to have a predilection for top down control, as opposed to letting individuals make decisions for themselves.
the way health policy is written is parternalistic yes. It specifies that the doubt must go towards harm minimisation unless a strong case for Autonomy can be made. This being said i dont think that's a bad thing. Seatbelt laws (something we had LONG before you), random breath tests, speed traps are all good things because they save lives. Relying on passive controls (like mandating airbags in cars) dont save very many. Infact if we take the airbag question it actually KILLS (US airbags deploy more vilontly than the ones here because they have to funtion independently of the seatbelt rather than in tandum like here). Does this impinge on my freedom to be an idiot? yes it does. So what? whats the goverments job. To benift the sociaty as a whole. Thats why we have universal health care, thats why we have social security, thats why we have road laws. I would rather some cop pick up someone i cared about for drink driving than i had to when they hit a tree or worse another car.

The same aplies to binge drinking, illict drugs ect. We have no "war on drugs" we have social policy designed to help adicts. Achole is just as adictive and if its a problem (which it clearly is) then controls need to be put in place to help those effected by it. Whos job is it? the Goverments (both state and federal)
the way health policy is written is parternalistic yes. It specifies that the doubt must go towards harm minimisation unless a strong case for Autonomy can be made. This being said i dont think that's a bad thing. Seatbelt laws (something we had LONG before you), random breath tests, speed traps are all good things because they save lives. Relying on passive controls (like mandating airbags in cars) dont save very many. Infact if we take the airbag question it actually KILLS (US airbags deploy more vilontly than the ones here because they have to funtion independently of the seatbelt rather than in tandum like here). Does this impinge on my freedom to be an idiot? yes it does. So what? whats the goverments job. To benift the sociaty as a whole. Thats why we have universal health care, thats why we have social security, thats why we have road laws. I would rather some cop pick up someone i cared about for drink driving than i had to when they hit a tree or worse another car.

The same aplies to binge drinking, illict drugs ect. We have no "war on drugs" we have social policy designed to help adicts. Achole is just as adictive and if its a problem (which it clearly is) then controls need to be put in place to help those effected by it. Whos job is it? the Goverments (both state and federal)

And what if I don't want any of those things? Why do you get to enforce what you want over me? Why can't you just go do your thing, and I can do mine, rather than having to live like you want me to?
because your stupid decisions effect me, and your family and your friends

Take this example

You want to comit suicide, your about to jump off a clif when a cop sees you

What do YOU think they should do?
because your stupid decisions effect me, and your family and your friends

Take this example

You want to comit suicide, your about to jump off a clif when a cop sees you

What do YOU think they should do?

People should be allowed to make their own decisions.
Well im glad i live no where near you then. There was a guy who used to be here, Pine_Net. He found out i was trying to comit suicide and he found through this site, all the personal infomation i had given different people. He called the Victorian police from the US and they found the 2 families matching my surname and saved me. Now as much as i am eternally greatful to Pine_net i am just as greatful to the police force for doing there job. They are there to HELP people, not to control them. This is the whole PURPOSE of goverment, to help.

If i have an issue i can call my local member and know that they will actually take an interest in what i have to say. In fact one of the members of parliment was overherd instructing there staff that "when a member of the electrate come in or calls here, whatever they have to say is the most important thing you will deal with that day"

This is how a goverment and a parliment should act, rather than with the greedy self intrest you have to deal with. I pitty you
Well im glad i live no where near you then. There was a guy who used to be here, Pine_Net. He found out i was trying to comit suicide and he found through this site, all the personal infomation i had given different people. He called the Victorian police from the US and they found the 2 families matching my surname and saved me. Now as much as i am eternally greatful to Pine_net i am just as greatful to the police force for doing there job. They are there to HELP people, not to control them. This is the whole PURPOSE of goverment, to help.

But what if I don't want help?
What if I want to enjoy drinking a gallon of beer every once in a while?
And why should be forced to be responsible for your irrationality? I'm not asking for anything from you.
your putting a burden on the health system for starters and that DOES effect me
This and that

Lucifers Angel said:

they seem to think that if they raise the price of drink, binge drinking will de crease

Lucifers Angel said:

People might start meeting in each other's homes and drinking beverages that were bought in advance. That would save them a fortune anyway.

On a Friday night I wandered into the hotel bar and got a double Maker's Mark and then scampered off to a reading session. I'll say I was glad to have the whiskey with me; a couple of the manuscripts were ... difficult. But that's beside the point.

I paid $12.75 for the drink. I don't know quite how that worked out. $7.00 for the first and $5.75 for the second? (At Sea-Tac airport, the upgrade to a double was $2.50, to a total of $10.39.)

At any rate, over the weekend, prices went up. I don't know if that was a periodic boost, or if someone realized it was a holiday weekend with two-hundred conference attendees stuck around the hotel with no place to go. Saturday night, it was $9.00 a shot. There's a funny story there, but ....

On Sunday night, as we settled in for some drinking, I asked one of my associates if there was a grocery or convenience store near the hotel. He asked why, and when I explained, he said, "You are not paying nine dollars a shot!" Anyway, he had a bottle of bourbon up in his room, which he promptly brought down and we settled into it.

Guess what night I drank the most?

(Hint: Hangovers on airplanes on a Monday morning aren't fun.)
There is a fair bit on the tele, radio, the last few days about binge drinking, they seem to think that if they raise the price of drink, binge drinking will de crease, now personally i can't see why, because trust me if some one wants to go out one night a week (say saturday) and get totally hammered nothing will stop them.

True it might stop some of the younger teenagers drinking but i don't think it will have much effect on older people!

your thoughts!

(This is the only time you will EVER hear me say this :)) As an expert in this field...

If people want to really drink...they will pay whatever...for "joe six-pack" it just means less to spend elsewhere. Bums will have to beg a little harder to get their fix....and more tax revenues will be generated.

The US experiment with probation shows you can't legislate sobriety.
FR im not quite sure why you belive that. We spend MILLIONS each year on both random breath testing stations. . . .
People who are drunk have bad judgment and think they're omnipotent. They don't think there's the faintest chance they're drunk so they don't even consider checking out the breathalyzer on the wall by the exit out of the bar. Every person I've seen use one of those things says, "I thought so, I'm okay. I just wanted to make sure."
. . . . as well as advertising.
I can't stop laughing. Do people in your country take advertising seriously? Does anybody anywhere believe that crap?
Oh and you wouldnt eliminate the problem, people would just find a way around them like getting a tire blower to blow over the machine.
Some but not most. As I said, drunks have no idea that they're drunk. It would be a big surprise to them when the little voice in their car said, "Sorry, your ignition is locked out because your BAC is .23. Shall I call your wife or a taxi?"
Its the fear of getting caught because ANY car could be a random breathtester that makes people stop and think
Booze must be different in your country. Over here, drunks don't think.
I don't know why you love government so much. Maybe it's because you presuppose you know what's best for everyone else?
Azzy started a poll on another board, "Do you fear your government." I'm sure all the Americans will say yes and all the Brits and Antipodeans will say "We love it and want it to tuck us in at night and make all our hard decisions for us so we never have to think." Maybe having a Queen does that to ya,
the way health policy is written is parternalistic yes. It specifies that the doubt must go towards harm minimisation unless a strong case for Autonomy can be made. This being said i dont think that's a bad thing. Seatbelt laws (something we had LONG before you). . . .
The god-damned government has no fucking business trying to protect me from MYSELF! Only I have the detailed information about my own life and my own priorities to perform my own risk and cost-benefit analyses.
. . . . random breath tests. . . .
Nanny state, nanny state. Fuck it! The people who drink know where they usually set up the roadblocks and they don't take those roads. So all they do is make the rest of us LATE TO WHERE WE NEED TO GO. Fuck the government, may it rot in hell.
, speed traps are all good things because they save lives.
Geeze how naive are you??? Speed traps are nothing but REVENUE GENERATORS for a government that can't find enough ways to separate us from our money.
Relying on passive controls (like mandating airbags in cars) dont save very many. Infact if we take the airbag question it actually KILLS (US airbags deploy more vilontly than the ones here because they have to funtion independently of the seatbelt rather than in tandum like here).
Huh? That's bullshit. What kind of fake news do they feed you in Australia?
Does this impinge on my freedom to be an idiot? yes it does. So what? whats the goverments job. To benift the sociaty as a whole.
No. The government's job is to protect us from foreign armies and serial killers, to maintain a consistent currency, to adjudicate our disputes and to maintain a transportation system. And it does a PISS-POOR job of all of those things because it's too busy trying to do stuff that it shouldn't be doing.
your in more danger from yourself than you ever will be from an army or a serial killer

So you dont think that speed camera's reduce speeding

These statistics are actually from an ANTI speed camera site

Year__Total Vehicles__Vehicle Over Speed__Limit % Vehicles Over Speed Limit
1992___1,920,709_____1,191,172______________62.20 %
1993___2,076,988_____1,078,446______________51.92 %
1994___3,053,698_____1,248,619______________40.89 %
1995___6,279,314_____2,141,972______________34.11 %
1996___9,183,396_____2,551,785______________30.69 %
1997__11,221,126_____2,877,921______________25.65 %
1998__14,977,344_____3,291,089______________21.97 %
1999__19,427,074____ 4,047,873______________20.84 %
2000__19,059,566____ 3,668,755______________19.25 %
2001__18,826,160____ 3,843,552______________20.42 %
2002__19,489,762____ 3,221,010______________16.53 %
2003__20,435,584____ 3,265,324______________15.98 %

Viewed 29/02/08 at 14:20
NOTE: I aplogise for the lines, its the only way i could make the table line up, the spaces i tried before just disapear when i post it

Now the site doesnt agree that there has been an equal reduction in the road toll and they are right. There are other factors, speed is only one

This is a study on the economic factors effecting the road toll (ie fines)

Linking economic activity, road safety countermeasures and other factors with the Victorian road toll
I havent read it because right now i cant read PDF's

For some reason i cant edit my post on the drink driving thread so i will just have to link it

and here is another one on the reduction in road toll because of compulery seatbelt laws and random breath tests

If you want to debate this topic you BETTER be able to back it up because its an issue i study on a DAILY basis
Last edited:
There is a fair bit on the tele, radio, the last few days about binge drinking, they seem to think that if they raise the price of drink, binge drinking will de crease, now personally i can't see why, because trust me if some one wants to go out one night a week (say saturday) and get totally hammered nothing will stop them.

True it might stop some of the younger teenagers drinking but i don't think it will have much effect on older people!

your thoughts!

I take it your in england, perhaps the fact that every soap opera aimed at teens and their parents generaly revolves round a pub or a nightclub, and shows people getting pissed, drowning their sorrows or lets go for a pint we are bored. the media promotes doofus celebreites seen pissed up
young- mid-teens watch this and subconciously it will become the norm, when there 18 they will go to the pub get pissed etc.
the rest of europe has 24 hr opening mostly for alcohol and has no binge problems.

Tabacco and alcohol should either be made illeagal or they should de-criminalise at least class c and b drugs, you can't have the balance of stimulants etc based on the amount of tax you can make of it rather than the harm it does, for alcohol its promoted as english societies norm, as long as the government make money they do not care???

since the smoking ban in pubs drinking trade in most pubs has gone down by a third, thats a lot of buisness, you pay £2.50-£3.00 for a pint in the pub or pay 99p for a large can nearly a pint and drink it at home. consider on a national scale the loss of revenue for the government, and consider as well as raising prices they are also trying to ban cheap (99p pinta) alcohol, they are just trying to make up lost profits, they made smoking too expensive £5 for 20, more people gave up ,lost money so now they want to bring in £10 annual smoking lisence for smokers to make up the deficeit.

the less people drink and smoke the more expensive it will get, the government would only step in on health grounds if they could make the equivalent money elsewhere
Azzy started a poll on another board, "Do you fear your government." I'm sure all the Americans will say yes and all the Brits and Antipodeans will say "We love it and want it to tuck us in at night and make all our hard decisions for us so we never have to think." Maybe having a Queen does that to ya,
All americans, yeah sure :p
Surely it does not need to be pointed out that asguard is not representative of all australians...
The god-damned government has no fucking business trying to protect me from MYSELF! Only I have the detailed information about my own life and my own priorities to perform my own risk and cost-benefit analyses.
Nanny state, nanny state. Fuck it! The people who drink know where they usually set up the roadblocks and they don't take those roads. So all they do is make the rest of us LATE TO WHERE WE NEED TO GO. Fuck the government, may it rot in hell.Geeze how naive are you??? Speed traps are nothing but REVENUE GENERATORS for a government that can't find enough ways to separate us from our money.
The breath testing system is inadequate, we also have random drug testing now as well. Don't get me started on speed cameras :mad:
Huh? That's bullshit. What kind of fake news do they feed you in Australia?
I'm guessing the same sort of bullshit as in the US.
No. The government's job is to protect us from foreign armies and serial killers, to maintain a consistent currency, to adjudicate our disputes and to maintain a transportation system. And it does a PISS-POOR job of all of those things because it's too busy trying to do stuff that it shouldn't be doing.
Why should a government "maintain a transportation system" but not health or education systems?
Asguard said:
So you dont think that speed camera's reduce speeding

These statistics are actually from an ANTI speed camera site
Speed cameras only reduce speeding in the vicinity of the camera if it was across the board then there should be a measurable decrease in the road toll.
thats why they shouldnt be telling people where they are

unfortunatly in an effort to show they arnt "revinue rasing" they do

eventually they may do what is needed rather than what is politically popular

as for breath testing i agree with you, we need ALOT more of them. Since i have been in SA i have been breath tested only ONCE in 3 years. It SHOULD be a weekly occurence
thats why they shouldnt be telling people where they are
They shouldn't be used at all, here's an idea how about the highway patrol actually patrol the fucking highways.

unfortunatly in an effort to show they arnt "revinue rasing" they do
I disagree, source?

as for breath testing i agree with you, we need ALOT more of them. Since i have been in SA i have been breath tested only ONCE in 3 years. It SHOULD be a weekly occurence
I should of made myself clearer, the system used for random breath testing is a joke, 0.05 for everyone is wrong. If it was a weekly occurrence for me i'd probably react violently eventually. I've been tested about 4 times in the last 20 years.