Biggest Hypocrite found!

bbal1969 said:
If religion is so great, why has it started so many wars?
Because they thought they were right. Just like you do.

I wonder how he squares this:
Tell single moms God doesn't love them if they ever had a divorce,
But in the old testament God actually calls religious people whores.
With this:
This was me too but no one seemed to be on to me,
Acting like a church kid while addicted to pornography.

So evidently it's bad when the church condemns single moms, but they are right in condemning pornography?

He took what we all deserve [crown of thorns, etc..]
Fuck you. I don't deserve to be tortured to death you sanctimonious douche.
Because they value belief without reliable evidence, this is the beginning of the end as far as rationality is concerned.

Now you are speaking without base . The crusades were in the 1100 AD there was no printed literature , the people believed the educated society ( Now is the same you believe in the primordial soup and Big Bang , Dark matter ) same as now , only we are at different level of ignorance , or let say different rational . Not all world at that time was Catholic, there were Armenian Christian , there were different sects which were not belligerent. So I believe you are wrong to lump all Christian into the same barrel.
Now you are speaking without base . The crusades were in the 1100 AD there was no printed literature , the people believed the educated society ( Now is the same you believe in the primordial soup and Big Bang , Dark matter ) same as now , only we are at different level of ignorance , or let say different rational . Not all world at that time was Catholic, there were Armenian Christian , there were different sects which were not belligerent. So I believe you are wrong to lump all Christian into the same barrel.

All of the world was Christian, designated "katholikos", if it followed the Nicene Creed (father-creator, father-son-holy spirit = Trinity, virgin birth, etc., etc.), which is basically the definition of most of Christianity over its entire history and all over the world. You might be falling into a fallacy worrying about the distinction about Eastern vs Western Christianity or Catholicism vs Orthodoxy vs Protestantism. You are right to note that these are different sects. Still, all Christians can be lumped into some kind of barrel, which is that the believe in Christ ("anointed one", or Savior), this word somehow got twisted into meaning "he who will save souls." (Prior to this, the Messiah was going to rescue the land of Israel from its overlords. It was a secular matter.)

Anyway, obviously "Christian" means "follower of Christ".
There is a extremely retardediculous and popular video recently that got 16 million views, which is just a poem full of contradictions and appeal to emotion. It posits that Jesus is somehow independant from christianity-


I gather that someone got the idea to take ignorance, dumb it down some more, and repackage it as something insightful or creative. And I could make a sculpture out of dung that could improve on it further.

It seems to me that the original rant has more to do with smearing the definition of religion, probably to appeal to folks who think they can escape from certain undesirable aspects of following a Church - believing they have to bow to a human leader - which seems dumb, if you believe that Just told Peter (rock) that he was the rock (Peter) upon which Jesus would build His Church. So Jesus says he wants a Church and he wants a man to be its first leader. That is a conventional interpretation of that scripture.

Contrary to (Jan's?) remark, the fact he got 16 million hits doesn't mean 16 million people support the BS. Maybe 15.99 million of them consider him a threat to their core beliefs, or there's a lot of straight-laced Christians just interested in anything they consider scandalous which stlll passes through all of their PG filters (if indeed it does).

Everything said above above, about Bill Gates preceding Microsoft, the rabbit preceding Trix, etc., correctly addresses the absurdity of the ideas put forward about Jesus being a Christian, or not being founded in the New Testament.

The idea is so stupid that your and spidergoat's remarks, added to the other folks, will best put this rant in the trashcan it belongs in: the one marked IGNORANCE GLORIFIED.
Contrary to (Jan's?) remark, the fact he got 16 million hits doesn't mean 16 million people support the BS. Maybe 15.99 million of them consider him a threat to their core beliefs, or there's a lot of straight-laced Christians just interested in anything they consider scandalous which stlll passes through all of their PG filters (if indeed it does).

That was my remark, in the OP. And maybe you are right about that.

Everything said above above, about Bill Gates preceding Microsoft, the rabbit preceding Trix, etc., correctly addresses the absurdity of the ideas put forward about Jesus being a Christian, or not being founded in the New Testament.

Yes. I can take that this religion is not the one christ intended, but it still is chritianity.

The idea is so stupid that your and spidergoat's remarks, added to the other folks, will best put this rant in the trashcan it belongs in: the one marked IGNORANCE GLORIFIED.

The rant was the reply to the original, the original is a poem, and the counter poem is a poem too.

"Examine religious beliefs and the effects they have on the world.

Human civilisation is the effect of real religious belief.

Identify those that affect the world and understand them and the motivations behind them.

It may be more productive to look at the effects of Godlessness on the world.

If they dont stand under you criticisms, publicise those beliefs and challenge the theists to answer your crtiques.

In reality, it's not that cut and dried.
The real effect of Godlessness, is, irreversible. It's like opening Pandora's Box. This is inevitable, plust the scriptures explain how, why, and when, the deterioration of the material world, takes place.

If some beliefs do stand up to the scepticism, be honest and give the guys the brownie points they deserve. Open the doors to sincere and open debates and discussions about things people believe in and hold dear, if those things affect us". Your 2 cents please.

Discussion makes no difference, in fact, I think it retards, and distracts. We've already made our (material) bed, so now we must get to the bare-bones point of what and who we are, and how we intend to act out the rest of our lives.

Kinda, one is the object, the other is the process.

Right? And it's the same with Jesus and religion. We need to be religious in order to learn the controlling of the senses in order to prepare for the change of life. But if a religion does not teach how to do that, then it is ''a religion'' in name only.

The poet was merely making the distinction between the reality of following Jesus, and the empty gestures of so-called ''religions''. The latter has nothing to do with Jesus. No more than the hypocrites in the synagogues, who Jesus chastised.

IOW, religion is a real thing. You cannot pretend.

I understand that it is not the proper or real religion, but for the people, it is a religion. So yes, Christ would not consider evangelicals to be religious, it that your point? I agree [if you say yes].

You should go and read what Jesus says, and take it in. Try to understand
what he is conveying. Then you'll be able to answer that question for yourself.

Like hitler was catholic.

So what?

Good people do good things and bad people do bad things. For good people to do bad things, it takes fanaticism [about anything - fanatic homophobia, atheism, antitheism, xenophobia are all just as bad as fanatic religion]. You didn't mention stalin, but you suggested a moral low ground for atheists.

Define ''a good person'', and a ''bad person''.

Atheism itself, is just a description of a position. It is neither good or bad.
However, I believe the modern atheist position (I don't necessarily regard these people as atheists), have reached the moral low ground.

Agreed. But that makes a lot of humans weak theists, right? Only the fundamentalists [on non-religious theists like you] can actually claim theism if you stick to that definition rigidly.

I suppose you could call it that.
I would just say most humans are atheistic (in the literal meaning of the word).

I would have to agree Dawkins is a bit...rough. But other than that, what do you have against him?

I guess I don't have anything against him, things have to take a turn in order for other things to take place. For example, before the body dies, it goes through certain transformations. Theses transformations are necessary. He's just a part of the death of mankind machinery. :D

I for one, support the Sam Harris approach of discussion or the Dennett approach of explaination rather than the Dawkins approach of refutation. Militant atheism = not good. Explicit atheism = Good.

Good cop, bad cop! :eek:

A frustrated guy - but ok, atheism would own up to its miscreants.

Real atheists, maybe.

Ok, I agree that thinking is wrong, that can lead to an explosive conflict rather that a reason discussion I would want.

No you don't, otherwise you wouldn't have put it on.
You agree with him, and you like the fact that talks and acts like that.
It makes you feel like you're sticking it to religion.

Like I said, militant atheist IS a rebelious thought, atheism should be explict, it should be clearly communicated and discussed, but not for the purpose of reverse evangelism.

All explicit atheism is millitant.
That's all there is.
If you don't understand religion, God, spirituality, but replace them with your own straw versions, then proceed to set them alight, you're no different, mentally, to muslims burning the american flag.
Making it known that you would tell Jesus to go f--k himself, because you don't understand what he's saying, is symbolically dangerous on so many levels. And I don't see anyone here rejecting that shame.

The primary purpose of new atheist [like proper atheism, just like the poet's proper religion] should be to make life easy and remove dangers to peaceful living of atheists, theists and people of different faiths together in a global community.

What dangers atheists face regarding religion, is faced by theists also.
The people who are vehemently defending their position, are not tolerent to anyone who doesn't think like them. So stop with the crying, you're not kidding anyone.

"A quest to finish notions of God, and religion" is bad and wrong, its like the war on terror*, its moving towards crosspurposes. That choice of notions is of the people, the task of explicit new atheists is to let their opinion be heard and to encourage discussion, nothing more.

Stop kidding yourself.

Like I said above, the atheist movement of the dawkins type - a quest to destroy religion, faith and God is wrong. Dennett type movement of new atheism - a quest to stimulate open discussion and secular understand of different religions - is proper, IMO. Would you agree?

No. Religion isn't an intellectual pursuit.
It is about learning to control our senses, and becoming sober individuals.

No. Atheism is socially difficult almost everywhere. Too many ignoramuses consider us to be satan worshipers or godless, moraless heathens [and they are in all countries]

Modern atheists may not worship Satan, but you are his little helpers.
We have morals because of the influence of religion. When that goes, all morals will go out of the window (a show of morals may prevail in afluent societies). We will become pure animals in human form. The survival of the fittest, the Darwinian ideal. You can see how society changes, the more religion is eradicated (i mean real religion).

I am not associated with any atheism groups, so I have no need to be an explicit atheist in public. I am a atheist on the internet and with friends and family, but in public I am like most teens - an apatheist. The reason is not that I live in some extremely religious place, but that there are people everywhere on earth who are, literally stupid - the reason why my parents and family know about my atheism, and my lecturers would too, if they asked, is that they are smart enough to understand, without prejudice, my position and why it is not something bad in and of itself. That is the reason why I tell anyone on the internet the truth but not anyone on the road, why I told my parents but not my grandparents - if they dont understand me without bias, their potential reactions to me can be harmful - if someone smart disagrees, they discuss; if one of these [stupid] folk disagree, God know what they'll do.

Are atheists slaves?
Do you get hung for having sex outside of marriage?
Do you find that you only get the jobs no one wants?
Do you have to sit at the back of the bus, class?
Do they have ''atheist entrance'' posted in public places?
When was the last time you watched a film that had no religious context?
You poor people, poor ghetto housing...

Joke about how an atheist world would become a world of intelligent scientists and space farers.
Wont actually happen. We would still need prisons, I bet.

But you can dream. Right?

No. I was worked up by your reference to anything no religiously good as atheistic. Atheists do a lot of good too and religious do a lot of bad. Like I said, Good people, bad people and fanatics.

Real religion, has to be good, because it means not giving into to lust, greed, or even anger. It doesn't mean these things are off limits, it means you learn how to control them.

Satanism, is the opposite. It means if it feels good do it, revenge is good, love is a weakness, as is love thy neighbour. You have one life, live it to the max, blah, blah, blah...

Does any of that resonate.

But I am potentially very dangerous? How? 17 year old, 5'10, 160 lb - hardly the anti-christ at all. Lol, but serious, why did you think I was VERY dangerous?

You're POTENTIALLY dangerous, because you allow yourself to get taken in by this crap. You're arguing for it, but you don't what you're arguing about, or, for. You haven't given any thought to anything other than what you want, and damn the consequences,

You don't understand that poet, you don't realise that he has hit the nail on the head. You don't seem to realise that some people don't want that kind of theism, because it shows that religion is powerful for human beings. They prefer the suicide bombers, christian creationist fundamentals, and anything that keeps their idea of religion alive.

Why do you think he attracted so much attention?
What he said isn't brilliant. It is something that is obvious, and is known, but not publicised.

Human civilisation is the effect of real religious belief.

Explain and substantiate.

It may be more productive to look at the effects of Godlessness on the world.

Define godlessnesss. Explain how and why it affects us and why that effect is bad. Why is it more productive to look at it that at belief systems that cost us lives?

In reality, it's not that cut and dried.
The real effect of Godlessness, is, irreversible. It's like opening Pandora's Box. This is inevitable, plust the scriptures explain how, why, and when, the deterioration of the material world, takes place.

Pandora's box was opened a long time ago jan, Newton was the one who did it. And so far it has given us medicine, tecnology, modern travel, modern communications, the space age, tripelling of the life span - I would never in a billion years consider not opening the Box.
Plus, which scriptures and what part of them? How are they applicable to us? The material world is on the upward trend, Jan and the box is helping us do more of that.

Discussion makes no difference, in fact, I think it retards, and distracts. We've already made our (material) bed, so now we must get to the bare-bones point of what and who we are, and how we intend to act out the rest of our lives.

Oh, so we let them think about 72 virgins for killing our children on the assumption that "discussion makes no difference"?

Right? And it's the same with Jesus and religion. We need to be religious in order to learn the controlling of the senses in order to prepare for the change of life. But if a religion does not teach how to do that, then it is ''a religion'' in name only.

It is a religion if the followers follow a god and its dogma. Even if its a bad religion, a religion it is. Explain and substantiate why we need to control the senses and why policing and government are less productive ways to do so than religion.

The poet was merely making the distinction between the reality of following Jesus, and the empty gestures of so-called ''religions''. The latter has nothing to do with Jesus. No more than the hypocrites in the synagogues, who Jesus chastised.

Yes it did. Jesus was still the guy in whose guise it is done - evangelism, conservatism, creationism - all of these just as much about Jesus as this non-existent "real religion" you suggest. They may not be in accord with this "pure" godliness [which the jesus in the bible doesn't possess], but it still is completely christain.

IOW, religion is a real thing. You cannot pretend.

I prove otherwise. I act by good religious moral, I attend religious ceremonies and I dont believe in God. You can pretend to be religious, actually be religiously good and consider God and all religions to be child's stories on coke.

You should go and read what Jesus says, and take it in. Try to understand
what he is conveying. Then you'll be able to answer that question for yourself.

I have read what Jesus says, in fact Jesus made an atheist faster than I would have otherwise. I wonder what heavenly virutes he may be conveying when he talks about his nazistic anti-peace thinking -

“I have come to bring fire on the earth, and how I wish it were already kindled! But I have a baptism to undergo, and how distressed I am until it is completed! Do you think I came to bring peace on earth? No, I tell you, but division. From now on there will be five in one family divided against each other, three against two and two against three. They will be divided, father against son and son against father, mother against daughter and daughter against mother, mother-in-law against daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law against mother-in-law.”

And that is why he came here. No love, no mercy, no saving. I have answered my own question - he would be in orgasmic agreement with the evangelicals and the creationists. A loving god doesn't write such things Jan, and a real god knows the earth isn't flat. Your proposed Jesus is hardly more than a proposition.

So what if Stalin was an Atheist? So is bill gates and Carl Sagan.

Define ''a good person'', and a ''bad person''.

Good - Someone who works for the betterment of humanity - helps againsts disease, poverty, hunger & helps science, technology and progress.

Bad - Someone who impedes the work of good people or does additional harm by physical violence, mental oppression, disinformation and sinister manipulation of existing systems of society.

Atheism itself, is just a description of a position. It is neither good or bad.
However, I believe the modern atheist position (I don't necessarily regard these people as atheists), have reached the moral low ground.

Explain and substantiate.

I suppose you could call it that.
I would just say most humans are atheistic (in the literal meaning of the word).

The liternal meaning of the word is not Godless and immoral. Please explain your statement.

I guess I don't have anything against him, things have to take a turn in order for other things to take place. For example, before the body dies, it goes through certain transformations. Theses transformations are necessary. He's just a part of the death of mankind machinery. :D

Explain and substantiate.

Good cop, bad cop!

Inapplicable to this example.

Real atheists, maybe.

Describe "real" atheists.

No you don't, otherwise you wouldn't have put it on.

I dont understanf this sentance.

You agree with him, and you like the fact that talks and acts like that.
It makes you feel like you're sticking it to religion.

I think yu would agree too that current religions are not like what you have in mind either. You would stick it to them, no? Why should they deserve any better treatment than UFO worship cults?

All explicit atheism is millitant.
That's all there is.

No. Explicit - Stated and clearly communicated.
Militant - aggressive and oppressive.

If you don't understand religion, God, spirituality, but replace them with your own straw versions, then proceed to set them alight, you're no different, mentally, to muslims burning the american flag.

These straw men come from the religious people of the world, they are no mine. The real religion you suggest doesn't exist.

Making it known that you would tell Jesus to go f--k himself, because you don't understand what he's saying, is symbolically dangerous on so many levels. And I don't see anyone here rejecting that shame.

I think Jesus, the guy who wrote the pass I quote, is much more deserving of shame.

What dangers atheists face regarding religion, is faced by theists also.
The people who are vehemently defending their position, are not tolerent to anyone who doesn't think like them. So stop with the crying, you're not kidding anyone.

No. The dangers atheists and theists face are due to religion - which you consider twisted and corrupt anyway.

Stop kidding yourself.

If religion, the divine truth of God, cant stand up to the critques of teens and students, much less scientists and the intelligencia, it is very much deserving of going down the drain. Maybe your real, true religion can then make the world a better place.

No. Religion isn't an intellectual pursuit.
It is about learning to control our senses, and becoming sober individuals.

No. Religion is about controlling OTHERS. Its is the best way for a leader to control his followers and for a roadkill to feel like a racer.

Modern atheists may not worship Satan, but you are his little helpers.

If he exists.

We have morals because of the influence of religion. When that goes, all morals will go out of the window (a show of morals may prevail in afluent societies). We will become pure animals in human form. The survival of the fittest, the Darwinian ideal. You can see how society changes, the more religion is eradicated (i mean real religion).

No. First of all, religion doesn't help morality. The most religious places are also the most violent. All morals go out the window when policing and governments go, like the looting in the fall of Bagdad. We are animals and any claim otherwise must to be substantiated. The only difference is in complexity, power, size, capacity and sophistication. Religion is eradicated because it was a candle in the dark and newton ushered in the day. Its time the candles burn out.

Second, if there is divine objective morality, the mere acceptance or rejection of religion effects that how?

Are atheists slaves?
Do you get hung for having sex outside of marriage?
Do you find that you only get the jobs no one wants?
Do you have to sit at the back of the bus, class?
Do they have ''atheist entrance'' posted in public places?
When was the last time you watched a film that had no religious context?
You poor people, poor ghetto housing...

Are atheist discriminated against? Are they threatened with violence and actually attacked too? Yes. Like I said, the world is not Sweden.

But you can dream. Right?

Thats where we are going, dream or not. Maybe your real religion may prevail, but the current world religions are going to die out.

Real religion, has to be good, because it means not giving into to lust, greed, or even anger. It doesn't mean these things are off limits, it means you learn how to control them.

Too bad Jesus was not a real relgious person then.

Satanism, is the opposite. It means if it feels good do it, revenge is good, love is a weakness, as is love thy neighbour. You have one life, live it to the max, blah, blah, blah...

Fortunately atheism often comes with humanism, not satanism.

You're POTENTIALLY dangerous, because you allow yourself to get taken in by this crap. You're arguing for it, but you don't what you're arguing about, or, for. You haven't given any thought to anything other than what you want, and damn the consequences,

Oh, the irony...
You're POTENTIALLY dangerous - you may become a fanatic
you allow yourself to get taken in by this crap - you accept unsubstantiated claims
You're arguing for it, but you don't what you're arguing about, or, for - a religion that doesn't exist
You haven't given any thought to anything other than what you want, - a human need for meaning and purpose
and damn the consequences - to logic, sensibility, humantarianism.

You don't understand that poet, you don't realise that he has hit the nail on the head. You don't seem to realise that some people don't want that kind of theism, because it shows that religion is powerful for human beings. They prefer the suicide bombers, christian creationist fundamentals, and anything that keeps their idea of religion alive.

Oh.. A very heavy claim, Jan, that some people want things to be bad precisely because they are bad. Who are these?

Why do you think he attracted so much attention?
What he said isn't brilliant. It is something that is obvious, and is known, but not publicised.

NOTHING on youtube goes viral by itself. If it was as good as you suggest, it would be among 'Love the way you lie" and "Baby" and "Charlie bit my finger". Its a hyped up controversial video, its actual merit is highly questionable.

Explain and substantiate

Nah! Work it out for yourself, you will come to a once and for all position.

Define godlessnesss.

It is what it says.

Explain how and why it affects us and why that effect is bad. Why is it more productive to look at it that at belief systems that cost us lives?

Imagine if chimps or monkeys ruled the world.

It depends on the belief system.

Pandora's box was opened a long time ago jan, Newton was the one who did it.

What is evil about Newton, or his work?

And so far it has given us medicine, tecnology, modern travel, modern communications, the space age, tripelling of the life span - I would never in a billion years consider not opening the Box.

You say given us?
Please elaborate on that?

Plus, which scriptures and what part of them? How are they applicable to us? The material world is on the upward trend, Jan and the box is helping us do more of that.

Any scriptures.,
Go read and learn.

Oh, so we let them think about 72 virgins for killing our children on the assumption that "discussion makes no difference"?

As I said, you guys love to harp on that,k as though that is what Islam means. I am quite sure that you know it doesn't, but like to use it to validate your empty point. Next you'll be telling me that 911 was performed by religious people.

It is a religion if the followers follow a god and its dogma.

Not necessarilt, It can be irreligion.

Even if its a bad religion, a religion it is.

How can something be something, if it is not that thing?

Explain and substantiate why we need to control the senses and why policing and government are less productive ways to do so than religion.

If you can't work that out for yourself, my attempt would be a waste of time.
And if you don't mind, I want to choose how I waste my time.

Yes it did. Jesus was still the guy in whose guise it is done - evangelism, conservatism, creationism - all of these just as much about Jesus as this non-existent "real religion" you suggest. They may not be in accord with this "pure" godliness [which the jesus in the bible doesn't possess], but it still is completely christain.

You still don't get it.
Religion is a set of rules and regulations, if those aren't followed, it is not religion. Something can't be something that it is not.

I prove otherwise. I act by good religious moral, I attend religious ceremonies and I dont believe in God. You can pretend to be religious, actually be religiously good and consider God and all religions to be child's stories on coke.

Then you are just making a show of religion.
How did Jesus, or any of the great saints, and devotees act?
If we are truly religious toward God, then these personalities are who we obey, emulate, learn about, or whatever type of asociation there is.
That IS religion.

I have read what Jesus says, in fact Jesus made an atheist faster than I would have otherwise. I wonder what heavenly virutes he may be conveying when he talks about his nazistic anti-peace thinking -

I'll tell you what read the whole chapter, and then we'll discuss.

And that is why he came here. No love, no mercy, no saving.

Yeah right! His carpenter trade was merely a front, he was concealing his real identity, master ninja swordman arsonist. :D

I have answered my own question - he would be in orgasmic agreement with the evangelicals and the creationists. A loving god doesn't write such things Jan, and a real god knows the earth isn't flat. Your proposed Jesus is hardly more than a proposition.

You see what you want to see, and interpret it to suit your own world view.
There's not much more dialogueing to be done. I feel it in my bones.

So what if Stalin was an Atheist? So is bill gates and Carl Sagan.


Good - Someone who works for the betterment of humanity - helps againsts disease, poverty, hunger & helps science, technology and progress.

How is that good?
Answer this: what does a person profit, if he gains the world, but loses his soul?

Explain and substantiate.

No need, and no point, as I have already explained them to no avail.

The liternal meaning of the word is not Godless and immoral. Please explain your statement.

Already have, on more than one occasion.

Explain and substantiate.

The explanation is in the statement.

Describe "real" atheists.

Both you and I have given description. Use those.

I dont understand this sentance.

Barring cutting and pasting that statement, I can't think of a simpler way
to explain that to you.

I think yu would agree too that current religions are not like what you have in mind either. You would stick it to them, no? Why should they deserve any better treatment than UFO worship cults?

No, I wouldn't stick it to them.

No. Explicit - Stated and clearly communicated.
Militant - aggressive and oppressive.

Modern/new atheism - Millitant - aggressive and oppresive.
Stated clearly to whom it may concern.

These straw men come from the religious people of the world, they are no mine. The real religion you suggest doesn't exist.


I think Jesus, the guy who wrote the pass I quote, is much more deserving of shame.

Which is why you showed the video of the tipsy atheist, ranting.
It's what you want to say, but don't have the goolies to.

No. The dangers atheists and theists face are due to religion - which you consider twisted and corrupt anyway.

It comes down to people whom you described as bad.
Bad people will use anything to gain the upper-hand.
IOW, they are morally bankrupt.

If religion, the divine truth of God, cant stand up to the critques of teens and students, much less scientists and the intelligencia, it is very much deserving of going down the drain. Maybe your real, true religion can then make the world a better place.

The criticisers aren't interested in the Divine Truth of God, they appear to be interested in anything but, when it comes to religion.

No. Religion is about controlling OTHERS. Its is the best way for a leader to control his followers and for a roadkill to feel like a racer.

Life is one big control.
You think you are freely thinking and saying the things you say about religion?

If he exists.

I suppose we'll have to wait on the scientists to figure that one out. Heh?

No. First of all, religion doesn't help morality. The most religious places are also the most violent.

I would say, the most oppressed places are the most violent.
Look how long Johanesburg was classed as the most dangerous city in the world, while under apartheid.
What about Sao Paulo, in Brazil.
The violence in Palestine, and Iraq. It's no coincidence that people in these countries are oppressed to the point of commiting violence.

All morals go out the window when policing and governments go, like the looting in the fall of Bagdad.

Instigated by other, Powerful governments.

We are animals and any claim otherwise must to be substantiated.

Yes, we are animals, but we are distinct from the other inhabitants of the planet, and any claim otherwise must be substantiated.

The only difference is in complexity, power, size, capacity and sophistication. Religion is eradicated because it was a candle in the dark and newton ushered in the day. Its time the candles burn out.

Said like a true Dawkinite. :D

Second, if there is divine objective morality, the mere acceptance or rejection of religion effects that how?

It means resort to animal life, the Darwinian ideal, the survival of the fittest.

Are atheist discriminated against? Are they threatened with violence and actually attacked too? Yes. Like I said, the world is not Sweden.

Are theists discriminated against?
Are they threatened with violence, and attacked too?

Thats where we are going, dream or not. Maybe your real religion may prevail, but the current world religions are going to die out.

Yes, that's where we're going, because nothing lasts.
And that sentiment is inscribed within the quote from Jesus (your smoking gun). That also means your precious worldview won't last either.

Too bad Jesus was not a real relgious person then.

Actually he did observe the religion of ancient ones, and encouraged that to carry on. Hence his anger in the temple.

Fortunately atheism often comes with humanism, not satanism.

Just because you give something a fancy name, doesn't change it's character.
''Gay'', and ''bright'', comes immediately to mind.

Oh, the irony...
You're POTENTIALLY dangerous - you may become a fanatic
you allow yourself to get taken in by this crap - you accept unsubstantiated claims
You're arguing for it, but you don't what you're arguing about, or, for - a religion that doesn't exist
You haven't given any thought to anything other than what you want, - a human need for meaning and purpose
and damn the consequences - to logic, sensibility, humantarianism.

SLOW HANDLAP--------------------------->STANDING OVASION (shouts of bravo)

Oh.. A very heavy claim, Jan, that some people want things to be bad precisely because they are bad. Who are these?

I've no idea what you're talking about.

NOTHING on youtube goes viral by itself. If it was as good as you suggest, it would be among 'Love the way you lie" and "Baby" and "Charlie bit my finger". Its a hyped up controversial video, its actual merit is highly questionable.

Not if it's crawling with ranting new atheists eager to squash anything that goes against their straw version of religion. Who would they bash then?
They have to start talking amongst themselves. And what would they have to say?


Explain and substantiate

Nah! Work it out for yourself, you will come to a once and for all position.

Define godlessnesss.

It is what it says.

Explain how and why it affects us and why that effect is bad. Why is it more productive to look at it that at belief systems that cost us lives?

Imagine if chimps or monkeys ruled the world.

It depends on the belief system.

Pandora's box was opened a long time ago jan, Newton was the one who did it.

What is evil about Newton, or his work?

And so far it has given us medicine, tecnology, modern travel, modern communications, the space age, tripelling of the life span - I would never in a billion years consider not opening the Box.

You say given us?
Please elaborate on that?

Plus, which scriptures and what part of them? How are they applicable to us? The material world is on the upward trend, Jan and the box is helping us do more of that.

Any scriptures.,
Go read and learn.

Oh, so we let them think about 72 virgins for killing our children on the assumption that "discussion makes no difference"?

As I said, you guys love to harp on that,k as though that is what Islam means. I am quite sure that you know it doesn't, but like to use it to validate your empty point. Next you'll be telling me that 911 was performed by religious people.

It is a religion if the followers follow a god and its dogma.

Not necessarilt, It can be irreligion.

Even if its a bad religion, a religion it is.

How can something be something, if it is not that thing?

Explain and substantiate why we need to control the senses and why policing and government are less productive ways to do so than religion.

If you can't work that out for yourself, my attempt would be a waste of time.
And if you don't mind, I want to choose how I waste my time.

Yes it did. Jesus was still the guy in whose guise it is done - evangelism, conservatism, creationism - all of these just as much about Jesus as this non-existent "real religion" you suggest. They may not be in accord with this "pure" godliness [which the jesus in the bible doesn't possess], but it still is completely christain.

You still don't get it.
Religion is a set of rules and regulations, if those aren't followed, it is not religion. Something can't be something that it is not.

I prove otherwise. I act by good religious moral, I attend religious ceremonies and I dont believe in God. You can pretend to be religious, actually be religiously good and consider God and all religions to be child's stories on coke.

Then you are just making a show of religion.
How did Jesus, or any of the great saints, and devotees act?
If we are truly religious toward God, then these personalities are who we obey, emulate, learn about, or whatever type of asociation there is.
That IS religion.

I have read what Jesus says, in fact Jesus made an atheist faster than I would have otherwise. I wonder what heavenly virutes he may be conveying when he talks about his nazistic anti-peace thinking -

I'll tell you what read the whole chapter, and then we'll discuss.

And that is why he came here. No love, no mercy, no saving.

Yeah right! His carpenter trade was merely a front, he was concealing his real identity, master ninja swordman arsonist. :D

I have answered my own question - he would be in orgasmic agreement with the evangelicals and the creationists. A loving god doesn't write such things Jan, and a real god knows the earth isn't flat. Your proposed Jesus is hardly more than a proposition.

You see what you want to see, and interpret it to suit your own world view.
There's not much more dialogueing to be done. I feel it in my bones.

So what if Stalin was an Atheist? So is bill gates and Carl Sagan.


Good - Someone who works for the betterment of humanity - helps againsts disease, poverty, hunger & helps science, technology and progress.

How is that good?
Answer this: what does a person profit, if he gains the world, but loses his soul?

Explain and substantiate.

No need, and no point, as I have already explained them to no avail.

The liternal meaning of the word is not Godless and immoral. Please explain your statement.

Already have, on more than one occasion.

Explain and substantiate.

The explanation is in the statement.

Describe "real" atheists.

Both you and I have given description. Use those.

I dont understand this sentance.

Barring cutting and pasting that statement, I can't think of a simpler way
to explain that to you.

I think yu would agree too that current religions are not like what you have in mind either. You would stick it to them, no? Why should they deserve any better treatment than UFO worship cults?

No, I wouldn't stick it to them.

No. Explicit - Stated and clearly communicated.
Militant - aggressive and oppressive.

Modern/new atheism - Millitant - aggressive and oppresive.
Stated clearly to whom it may concern.

These straw men come from the religious people of the world, they are no mine. The real religion you suggest doesn't exist.


I think Jesus, the guy who wrote the pass I quote, is much more deserving of shame.

Which is why you showed the video of the tipsy atheist, ranting.
It's what you want to say, but don't have the goolies to.

No. The dangers atheists and theists face are due to religion - which you consider twisted and corrupt anyway.

It comes down to people whom you described as bad.
Bad people will use anything to gain the upper-hand.
IOW, they are morally bankrupt.

If religion, the divine truth of God, cant stand up to the critques of teens and students, much less scientists and the intelligencia, it is very much deserving of going down the drain. Maybe your real, true religion can then make the world a better place.

The criticisers aren't interested in the Divine Truth of God, they appear to be interested in anything but, when it comes to religion.

No. Religion is about controlling OTHERS. Its is the best way for a leader to control his followers and for a roadkill to feel like a racer.

Life is one big control.
You think you are freely thinking and saying the things you say about religion?

If he exists.

I suppose we'll have to wait on the scientists to figure that one out. Heh?

No. First of all, religion doesn't help morality. The most religious places are also the most violent.

I would say, the most oppressed places are the most violent.
Look how long Johanesburg was classed as the most dangerous city in the world, while under apartheid.
What about Sao Paulo, in Brazil.
The violence in Palestine, and Iraq. It's no coincidence that people in these countries are oppressed to the point of commiting violence.

All morals go out the window when policing and governments go, like the looting in the fall of Bagdad.

Instigated by other, Powerful governments.

We are animals and any claim otherwise must to be substantiated.

Yes, we are animals, but we are distinct from the other inhabitants of the planet, and any claim otherwise must be substantiated.

The only difference is in complexity, power, size, capacity and sophistication. Religion is eradicated because it was a candle in the dark and newton ushered in the day. Its time the candles burn out.

Said like a true Dawkinite. :D

Second, if there is divine objective morality, the mere acceptance or rejection of religion effects that how?

It means resort to animal life, the Darwinian ideal, the survival of the fittest.

Are atheist discriminated against? Are they threatened with violence and actually attacked too? Yes. Like I said, the world is not Sweden.

Are theists discriminated against?
Are they threatened with violence, and attacked too?

Thats where we are going, dream or not. Maybe your real religion may prevail, but the current world religions are going to die out.

Yes, that's where we're going, because nothing lasts.
And that sentiment is inscribed within the quote from Jesus (your smoking gun). That also means your precious worldview won't last either.

Too bad Jesus was not a real relgious person then.

Actually he did observe the religion of ancient ones, and encouraged that to carry on. Hence his anger in the temple.

Fortunately atheism often comes with humanism, not satanism.

Just because you give something a fancy name, doesn't change it's character.
''Gay'', and ''bright'', comes immediately to mind.

Oh, the irony...
You're POTENTIALLY dangerous - you may become a fanatic
you allow yourself to get taken in by this crap - you accept unsubstantiated claims
You're arguing for it, but you don't what you're arguing about, or, for - a religion that doesn't exist
You haven't given any thought to anything other than what you want, - a human need for meaning and purpose
and damn the consequences - to logic, sensibility, humantarianism.

SLOW HANDLAP--------------------------->STANDING OVASION (shouts of bravo)

Oh.. A very heavy claim, Jan, that some people want things to be bad precisely because they are bad. Who are these?

I've no idea what you're talking about.

NOTHING on youtube goes viral by itself. If it was as good as you suggest, it would be among 'Love the way you lie" and "Baby" and "Charlie bit my finger". Its a hyped up controversial video, its actual merit is highly questionable.

Not if it's crawling with ranting new atheists eager to squash anything that goes against their straw version of religion. Who would they bash then?
They have to start talking amongst themselves. And what would they have to say?

First, this is escalating just like the militant atheists vs evagelicals situation. I will try and reduce some hostility.

Imagine if chimps or monkeys ruled the world.
It depends on the belief system.

If they could be rulers, they would be like us and the world would be pretty much the same. Monkeys or chimps, like they are today, would not be rulers of the world.

What is evil about Newton, or his work?
You say given us?
Please elaborate on that?

Weren't you comparing pandora's box to scientific naturalism? If no, sorry, I misunderstood.

Any scriptures.,
Go read and learn.

How can ANY scripture be fit for that specific task you had in mind? Can you suggest some part of some scripture?

As I said, you guys love to harp on that,k as though that is what Islam means. I am quite sure that you know it doesn't, but like to use it to validate your empty point. Next you'll be telling me that 911 was performed by religious people.

Thats not something to be argued here. That's the religion causes violence thread, I have already posted about this.

Not necessarilt, It can be irreligion.

No. Irreligion is the absence or rejection of any religion or anything religious.

You still don't get it.
Religion is a set of rules and regulations, if those aren't followed, it is not religion. Something can't be something that it is not.

It would be just a different set of rules. If they came from modification of a religion, they still are the responsibility of that religion.

How is that good?
Answer this: what does a person profit, if he gains the world, but loses his soul?

That presupposes that there is an afterlife, a soul, it can be lost, it is important - how am I to accept all those unproven assumptions?

It comes down to people whom you described as bad.
Bad people will use anything to gain the upper-hand.
IOW, they are morally bankrupt.

That is not relevant to my statement that religious fanaticism poses real, physical threat to all humans.

The criticisers aren't interested in the Divine Truth of God, they appear to be interested in anything but, when it comes to religion.

Again, presupposes God and that we have his divine truth, which itself presupposes that He had some truth for us, he communicated it and that we have it. This are the first things ,the first level for criticism.

Life is one big control.
You think you are freely thinking and saying the things you say about religion?

No. They are rearraged, organised, tested [and accepted or discarded] and modified ideas of other people.

I would say, the most oppressed places are the most violent.
Look how long Johanesburg was classed as the most dangerous city in the world, while under apartheid.
What about Sao Paulo, in Brazil.
The violence in Palestine, and Iraq. It's no coincidence that people in these countries are oppressed to the point of commiting violence.

And they are oppresed because modernity [modern social, poitical, economic systems and infrastruture] and science [knowledge, technology, education, research, development on which modernity depends] are missing there. And guess what fills in and worsens the oppression? Religion, unsubstantiated claims, superstitions and other elements of a time well behind us.

Instigated by other, Powerful governments.

Which does WHAT to change the fact that the most religiously influenced people acted in a non-religious way?

Yes, we are animals, but we are distinct from the other inhabitants of the planet, and any claim otherwise must be substantiated.

We are different because of 40,000 generations of hard work and effort and 4 billion years of evolution. That is indeed something to be proud of - and we are unique because they have cumulated into us being the masters of this planet. Any claim more that this is just speculative and agaisnt the comformed knoweldge of science over 150 years.

Said like a true Dawkinite. :D

Which doesn't provide a valid argument agaisnt the statement itself.

It means resort to animal life, the Darwinian ideal, the survival of the fittest.

No it doesn't -

SLOW HANDLAP--------------------------->STANDING OVASION (shouts of bravo)

*chokes to death by hostile sarcasm*
*comes back to life, steals the -5 brownie points given before*
*dies again*
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Religion is a set of rules and regulations, if those aren't followed, it is not religion.
I see. Imperfect Christians aren't really Christians. There is no room in religion for flaws or forgiveness of same.
jan ardena said:
What about Sao Paulo, in Brazil.
Just curious: Anything in particular about São Paulo that bothers you?
jan ardena said:
Religion is a set of rules and regulations, if those aren't followed, it is not religion.
Just noting: your definition could be expanded to include a lot of subjects, even science.
jan ardena said:
Imagine if chimps or monkeys ruled the world
I thought they did.
jan ardena said:
Which is why you showed the video of the tipsy atheist, ranting
Compare with
jan ardena said:
It's what you want to say, but don't have the goolies to.
Pot calling kettle black?
Getting back to the OP:
jan ardena said:
Which is why you showed the video of the tipsy atheist, ranting
A guy who thinks he’s in touch with Jesus is an atheist?
jan ardena said:
How did Jesus, or any of the great saints, and devotees act?
You’ll have to cherry pick your saints. There’s plenty who would excommunicate you for not following their “rules and regs”.
jan ardena said:
Yeah right! His carpenter trade was merely a front, he was concealing his real identity, master ninja swordman arsonist.
Clark Kent as Übermensch, reversing certain aspects. Sure. What’s this thing about God vs wood and nails anyway? There’s subtext here, concerning Nero. There was a rebellion, it was crushed. There’s angst here, like Arjuna’s lament to Krishna (referring to your interest in the Vedas). Where (and in what text or religion) does symbolism begin or end? My point is: how do you reconcile the (usually) highly symbolic interpretation of the Vedas with the (usually) highly literal reading of the New Testament?
jan ardena said:
Answer this: what does a person profit, if he gains the world, but loses his soul?
Last I checked the US treasury alone was worth $16T. That’s a lot of bread for all the souls who are starving, deprived of the most fundamental gifts of life. What about the living soul? The one that is here and now, nailed to the cross of indifference? They need food, medicine, material stuff. Just asking.
jan ardena said:
Modern/new atheism - Millitant - aggressive and oppresive.
How so? Do you feel personally under assault, or was this just casual exaggeration?
jan ardena said:
The criticisers aren't interested in the Divine Truth of God
Do you consider the fossil layers to be a revelation of a Divine Truth? Or any of a ton of such revelations? Obviously for anyone who lacks the connection to a divinity, truth will take on its more common meaning - evidence.
jan ardena said:
Life is one big control. You think you are freely thinking and saying the things you say about religion?
And if you took all of that control away, what would be left - chimps and monkeys? It seems our own adaptations to social living produced inordinate controls. I wonder what the alternative would be. Monastic life?
jan ardena said:
It means resort to animal life, the Darwinian ideal, the survival of the fittest.
Do you think atheism promotes a social Darwinism? I can't find a time in history where there was much else but social Darwinism. Does that mean religion has never prevailed over a society?
jan ardena said:
Not if it's crawling with ranting new atheists eager to squash anything that goes against their straw version of religion. Who would they bash then?
Anything perceived as dumb is inherently a target for bashing, no matter what side you are on or how you define “dumb”. For example, I think you tend to bash a straw version of atheism. You probably consider half of what I say as dumb and eligible. Maybe even all of it.
jan ardena said:
Next you'll be telling me that 911 was performed by religious people.
Conventional wisdom teaches that they were religious extremists.
jan ardena said:
It's what you want to say, but don't have the goolies to.
A memorable phrase. But your horns are showing. :mufc: