Biggest Hypocrite found!


This sentence is a lie
Valued Senior Member
There is a extremely retardediculous and popular video recently that got 16 million views, which is just a poem full of contradictions and appeal to emotion. It posits that Jesus is somehow independant from christianity-

This is totally insane. Its like saying Cola is independant of the soda industry. A very good critique-

A counter-poem:
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I know, I think it's another example of Christians not wanting to have to justify Christianity. But their concept of Jesus is exactly a product of Christianity, so what the hell?
He was a Jew. But the conception of who he was and what he did is almost entirely shaped by Christianity.
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He was a Jew. But the conception of who he was and what he did is almost entirely shaped by Christianity.

His movement was, the Nazarim So. could it be possible not to lump all believers under the same umbrella ? That would mean not all Christian are Catholic , not all Christian are responsible for the Crusades , Inquisition
Except, unlike Jesus, Bill Gates existed - as an actual human.
I better analogy would be Trix Rabbit likes cereal.

There is a extremely retardediculous and popular video recently that got 16 million views, which is just a poem full of contradictions and appeal to emotion. It posits that Jesus is somehow independant from christianity-

What's retarded about it?
If you understood what the chap was actually saying, I'm sure you'd think
differently. I think what's pissed atheists off, is the fact that it is so popular.
Just when they thought their work was nicely simmering in oven, it seems someone forgot to put the gas on.

This is totally insane. Its like saying Cola is independant of the soda industry. A very good critique-

This chap needs to sober up, and get out more.
This analogy, has nothing to do with what the poem is relating to. Yet another example of ignorance, and childishness.

Because someone professess belief in Jesus, or God, does not make that person an actual believer. To believe, one MUST ACTUALLY BELIEVE. Does that make sense to you?

Belief is an actual thing, it manifests itself through action. Can you understand that?

Just how an atheist can enter into a religious forum, and pose as a person of a religion by simply saying the right things, and still be an atheist, one can go even further, and still be atheist.

The reality,is based purely in action.


Not worth commenting on.

What's retarded about it?
If you understood what the chap was actually saying, I'm sure you'd think
differently. I think what's pissed atheists off, is the fact that it is so popular.
Just when they thought their work was nicely simmering in oven, it seems someone forgot to put the gas on.

At 1.3 billion and climbing, we Godless are doing just fine, Jan. But obviously his poem is retarded because -

He posits that Jesus is a actual person, but has nothing to do with religion. He is here to abolish religion. Then he goes on to say he believes in the bible, he believes in sin and he loves the church. That is, he has still kept all the religion in his concept. Jesus is not posited as a independant person or God, he is the saviour of christains and had paid for our sins and stuff - this is the religious doctrine of christianity. His statement Jesus and religion are seperate are non-sensical - its like saying, say, the choco bear is different from breakfast cereals. Its stupid. I hate religion but love jesus is like saying I hate humans but love faces - it is not a sensible statement.

This chap needs to sober up, and get out more.
This analogy, has nothing to do with what the poem is relating to. Yet another example of ignorance, and childishness.

It was a rant, but well, maybe you are right.

Because someone professess belief in Jesus, or God, does not make that person an actual believer. To believe, one MUST ACTUALLY BELIEVE. Does that make sense to you?

Belief is an actual thing, it manifests itself through action. Can you understand that?

Just how an atheist can enter into a religious forum, and pose as a person of a religion by simply saying the right things, and still be an atheist, one can go even further, and still be atheist.

The reality,is based purely in action.

Exactly - but why does this apply to the poem?

Not worth commenting on.


At 1.3 billion and climbing, we Godless are doing just fine, Jan. But obviously his poem is retarded because -

You may be ''atheist'', but you're not God-less.
To be God-less, you have to stop thinking and talking about Him. ;)

He posits that Jesus is a actual person, but has nothing to do with religion.

Well, maybe he's talking about the institutions of ''religion'', not the actual religion of ''Love the Lord thy God with all of your heart'', or, ''Love thy neighbour as thy self''.

I think his reaction would have been different if that was the business of the priests in the synagogue, instead of gambling, and whatever else was going on. Don't you?

He is here to abolish religion. Then he goes on to say he believes in the bible, he believes in sin and he loves the church.

Read above.

That is, he has still kept all the religion in his concept. Jesus is not posited as a independant person or God, he is the saviour of christains and had paid for our sins and stuff - this is the religious doctrine of christianity.

The question is, what religion?
If there were really one religion called ''Christianity'', why are there so many different types of Christians?
And do these institutes really follow in the footsteps of Jesus?

His statement Jesus and religion are seperate are non-sensical - its like saying, say, the choco bear is different from breakfast cereals. Its stupid. I hate religion but love jesus is like saying I hate humans but love faces - it is not a sensible statement.

It's not stupid, it's a realisation.
When he says he hates religion, he means he hates the insititutions which pose as God-centered, but are atheistic. They are the atheist in the forum acting as religious, for his own benefit. Once the personality and character of Jesus, acatually kick in, to the consciousness, you can see the difference a mile off.

It was a rant, but well, maybe you are right.

You're damned right.
Not only that, it was nasty, and bitter.
It shows what lies beneath the surface of this type of consciousness.
God help us, when this consciousness gets into power.[/quote]

You may be ''atheist'', but you're not God-less.
To be God-less, you have to stop thinking and talking about Him. ;)

No cant do, until there are theists around.

Well, maybe he's talking about the institutions of ''religion'', not the actual religion of ''Love the Lord thy God with all of your heart'', or, ''Love thy neighbour as thy self''.

Which is just a different religion, but is still a religion.

I think his reaction would have been different if that was the business of the priests in the synagogue, instead of gambling, and whatever else was going on. Don't you?

Yes. But still, Jesus and Religion are not different.

Read above.

No, you missed - Then he goes on to say he believes in the bible, he believes in sin and he loves the church.
Which means he still follows the stuff he hates - religion.

The question is, what religion?
If there were really one religion called ''Christianity'', why are there so many different types of Christians?
And do these institutes really follow in the footsteps of Jesus?

All types of religions who include Jesus in them.

It's not stupid, it's a realisation.
When he says he hates religion, he means he hates the insititutions which pose as God-centered, but are atheistic. They are the atheist in the forum acting as religious, for his own benefit. Once the personality and character of Jesus, acatually kick in, to the consciousness, you can see the difference a mile off.

For the love of spagetti monster, stop using atheist=stalin. Atheist is someone who doesn't believe in God. Atheists are not gamblers or morally corrupt as you suggest. We dont give up God so that we can sin freely. Atheist=no belief in God. Atheist is not = the opposite of all the good things religious people are supposed to do. There IS a word for that is that is Anti-theist. And is that a jab at me and my professed charade primarily to avoid harm? Do tell me, if I am an atheist, am I not allowed to pray? After all, they are just a bunch of words to me - thats like saying that a American cannot read the british constitution. Do you consider it dishonesty if a gay boy would pretend to be straight in Iraq? I value my relatives and my community. Just because my parents and friends understand and accept my atheism doesn't mean all do. There are nutjobs everywhere and I dont live in Sweden - I do what I think is wise. It would be dishonest only if I pretended to be a theist on this forum or on the internet.

You're damned right.
Not only that, it was nasty, and bitter.
It shows what lies beneath the surface of this type of consciousness.
God help us, when this consciousness gets into power.

No, Jan. God help the martians when such consciousness builds space colonies. But seriously, you actually care for no swearing and politically correct? It is, after all, a rant. Its supposed to be that way and it was funny. It was nasty, yes, because the concept of jesus is seperate from religion is stupid and deserves it. The concept "This is a corrupt religion and its not the actual religion that Jesus would want us to follow" is a proper concept and deserves a proper and professional reply. This stupid poem doesn't.

The rant is not what lies beneath the surface of such consciousness. What lies beneath is a very powerful, smart and understanding mind - very eclectic and very adaptable [he may be wrong, but give credit where credit is due]. The rant IS the surface.

What lies under the surface of the poet, is something much more sinister. He claims "I am like you", like they all do, when he certainly isn't the average religious smuck [no offense]. The difference between this guy and someone like Eminem is that Eminem may rap about killing his wife, but atleast he is honest. He claims he is humble and takes glory in his weakness, but he includes footage showing him surrounded by cameras and reflectors and fellow artists - some humble, no? More like hypocrite. Plus, he also never clears up or substantiates [even in the discription] how Jesus is actually seperate from religion - Jesus may actually represent a seperate religion, but Jesus is no more seperate from religion than Cola is from the Soda industry. I would regard him as a religious hypocrite, one of those not wanting to own up to the bad things his faith and relgion has caused - like the guys that Say "Suicide bombing is only politically motivated" - as in "I watch porn only for the acting".
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Was Jesus a Christian ?

no. he is suppose to be the Christ and the people that follow him are the Christians . The ones under his devious plan of division . He is the guy that does the fucking not the one getting fucked. Subordinates. Christians are slaves to Jesus because they except him as there Christ. He is there dictator so to speak . It says it plain and simple in the bible . Paul says it . He says he is bound as a slave to Jesus . He is the Christians Master. There Christ.

No cant do, until there are theists around.

There are theists around. Unless you mean '' theists around...''.

If you did, I'm not even going to bring up Stalin.

Which is just a different religion, but is still a religion.

Maybe so, but the difference is like the difference between qualified scientistis doing science, and people who know nothing about science doing science.

Yes. But still, Jesus and Religion are not different.

Is eating food, different from food?

No, you missed - Then he goes on to say he believes in the bible, he believes in sin and he loves the church.
Which means he still follows the stuff he hates - religion.

You don't get what he means by ''religion''.
Following Christ is religious, but it isn't ''a religion''. Do you understand?
One doesn't have to be a Christian to love Jesus, and try to follow his example. And one can be a Christian, and not follow or love him.
What we're talking about here, is reality, bare-bones reality. Not romantacism.

It's not stupid, it's a realisation.
When he says he hates religion, he means he hates the insititutions which pose as God-centered, but are atheistic. They are the atheist in the forum acting as religious, for his own benefit. Once the personality and character of Jesus, acatually kick in, to the consciousness, you can see the difference a mile off.

For the love of spagetti monster, stop using atheist=stalin.

I didn't mention Stalin. And I'm quite aware that atheist doesn't equal stalin.
But he was an atheist, there's no denying that.

Atheist is someone who doesn't believe in God.

I totally agree.
And no matter how much they say they believe in God, it doesn't matter.
One MUST believe in God to be theist, not say so. :)

Atheists are not gamblers or morally corrupt as you suggest.

Are you talking about ''modern atheists'' the explicit group of people lead by Richard Dawkins on a quest to finish notions of God, and religion.
Or are you talking about people who don't believe in God, and just get on with their lives. To me, they are two different sets of people.

We dont give up God so that we can sin freely.

Some of you do.
I remember talking with one homosexual guy who said that if he had the power, he would ban religion, by making it illeagal. Why? Because he didn't like what it said about homosexual men.

There IS a word for that is that is Anti-theist. And is that a jab at me and my professed charade primarily to avoid harm? Do tell me, if I am an atheist, am I not allowed to pray?

An atheist is somebody who doesn't believe in God. Think about what that actually means, and the vastness of such meaning of activity.
Like the poet said, he'd go to church, and then he'd come out and chase tail.
Maybe he believed in God when the mood was right, and he was in a place where there were distractions. But as soon as he hit that town, he didn't believe enough to keep his lust in check. He was free to bone as and when.

You seem to mixing atheism, with the atheist movement.
Not the same thing.

Do you consider it dishonesty if a gay boy would pretend to be straight in Iraq?

If he kept it quiet, then he's doing what he needs to do, to survive.

I value my relatives and my community. Just because my parents and friends understand and accept my atheism doesn't mean all do. There are nutjobs everywhere and I dont live in Sweden - I do what I think is wise. It would be dishonest only if I pretended to be a theist on this forum or on the internet.

Do you live in the Bible-belt, or something?

No, Jan. God help the martians when such consciousness builds space colonies.


But seriously, you actually care for no swearing and politically correct? It is, after all, a rant. Its supposed to be that way and it was funny.

That wasn't just an ordinary, witty, rant.
He was working himself up, especially at the end when the booze kicked in.
I think he's a dangerous guy. That's just my opinion though.

It was nasty, yes, because the concept of jesus is seperate from religion is stupid and deserves it.

You've really been roped in, haven't you?

It's not stupid, and therefore not deserved.
It's that you don't understand where he is coming from, but act as though you do. Arrogantly thinking you know better, and that you're knowledge is superior. IOW, you're an elitist, and potentially very dangerous.
At one time these so-called religions were elitist, the communist manifesto is elitist, modern atheists are elitists.

What lies under the surface of the poet, is something much more sinister. He claims "I am like you", like they all do, when he certainly isn't the average religious smuck [no offense].

You don't understand what he's saying, and yet you vehmently judge him.
Honestly, you don't understand. Your waging a war against nothing, based on ignorance.

The difference between this guy and someone like Eminem is that Eminem may rap about killing his wife, but atleast he is honest. He claims he is humble and takes glory in his weakness, but he includes footage showing him surrounded by cameras and reflectors and fellow artists - some humble, no? More like hypocrite. Plus, he also never clears up or substantiates [even in the discription] how Jesus is actually seperate from religion - Jesus may actually represent a seperate religion, but Jesus is no more seperate from religion than Cola is from the Soda industry. I would regard him as a religious hypocrite, one of those not wanting to own up to the bad things his faith and relgion has caused - like the guys that Say "Suicide bombing is only politically motivated" - as in "I watch porn only for the acting".

Good luck with your ignorance.

There are theists around. Unless you mean '' theists around...''.

If you did, I'm not even going to bring up Stalin.

No, I dont mean "Lets send them to their heaven". But I do mean "Examine religious beliefs and the effects they have on the world. Identify those that affect the world and understand them and the motivations behind them. If they dont stand under you criticisms, publicise those beliefs and challenge the theists to answer your crtiques. If some beliefs do stand up to the scepticism, be honest and give the guys the brownie points they deserve. Open the doors to sincere and open debates and discussions about things people believe in and hold dear, if those things affect us". Your 2 cents please [and you DO understand why this is necessary, dont you?].

Maybe so, but the difference is like the difference between qualified scientistis doing science, and people who know nothing about science doing science.

Completely Agreed. Brownie points +10

Is eating food, different from food?

Kinda, one is the object, the other is the process.

You don't get what he means by ''religion''.
Following Christ is religious, but it isn't ''a religion''. Do you understand?

I understand that it is not the proper or real religion, but for the people, it is a religion. So yes, Christ would not consider evangelicals to be religious, it that your point? I agree [if you say yes].

One doesn't have to be a Christian to love Jesus, and try to follow his example. And one can be a Christian, and not follow or love him.
What we're talking about here, is reality, bare-bones reality. Not romantacism.

Ok. I get that. +5 brownies.

I didn't mention Stalin. And I'm quite aware that atheist doesn't equal stalin.
But he was an atheist, there's no denying that.

Like hitler was catholic. Good people do good things and bad people do bad things. For good people to do bad things, it takes fanaticism [about anything - fanatic homophobia, atheism, antitheism, xenophobia are all just as bad as fanatic religion]. You didn't mention stalin, but you suggested a moral low ground for atheists.

I totally agree.
And no matter how much they say they believe in God, it doesn't matter.
One MUST believe in God to be theist, not say so. :)

Agreed. But that makes a lot of humans weak theists [which you would not consider theists at all], right? Only the fundamentalists [or non-religious theists like you] can actually claim theism if you stick to that definition rigidly.

Are you talking about ''modern atheists'' the explicit group of people lead by Richard Dawkins on a quest to finish notions of God, and religion.
Or are you talking about people who don't believe in God, and just get on with their lives. To me, they are two different sets of people.

I would have to agree Dawkins is a bit...rough. But other than that, what do you have against him? I for one, support the Sam Harris approach of discussion or the Dennett approach of explaination rather than the Dawkins approach of refutation. Militant atheism = not good. Explicit atheism = Good.

Some of you do.
I remember talking with one homosexual guy who said that if he had the power, he would ban religion, by making it illeagal. Why? Because he didn't like what it said about homosexual men.

A frustrated guy - but ok, atheism would own up to its miscreants. Ok, I agree that thinking is wrong, that can lead to an explosive conflict rather that a reason discussion I would want. Like I said, militant atheist IS a rebelious thought, atheism should be explict, it should be clearly communicated and discussed, but not for the purpose of reverse evangelism. The primary purpose of new atheist [like proper atheism, just like the poet's proper religion] should be to make life easy and remove dangers to peaceful living of atheists, theists and people of different faiths together in a global community. "A quest to finish notions of God, and religion" is bad and wrong, its like the war on terror, its moving towards crosspurposes. That choice of notions is of the people, the task of explicit new atheists is to let their opinion be heard and to encourage discussion, nothing more.

An atheist is somebody who doesn't believe in God. Think about what that actually means, and the vastness of such meaning of activity.
Like the poet said, he'd go to church, and then he'd come out and chase tail.
Maybe he believed in God when the mood was right, and he was in a place where there were distractions. But as soon as he hit that town, he didn't believe enough to keep his lust in check. He was free to bone as and when.

Agreed. But the point here is?

You seem to mixing atheism, with the atheist movement.
Not the same thing.

Like I said above, the atheist movement of the dawkins type - a quest to destroy religion, faith and God is wrong. Dennett type movement of new atheism - a quest to stimulate open discussion and secular understanding of different religions and education about the world religions and cultures - is proper, IMO. Would you agree?

Do you live in the Bible-belt, or something?

No. Atheism is socially difficult almost everywhere. Too many ignoramuses consider us to be satan worshipers or godless, moraless heathens [and they are in all countries] - I am not associated with any atheism groups, so I have no need to be an explicit atheist in public. I am an atheist on the internet and with friends and family, but in public I am like most teens - an apatheist [in the sense that religion doesn't play a big role in my life - not in the other sense - pragmatic atheism]. The reason is not that I live in some extremely religious place, but that there are people everywhere on earth who are literally stupid - the reason why my parents and family know about my atheism, and my lecturers would too, if they asked, is that they are smart enough to understand without prejudice, my position and why it is not something bad in and of itself. That is the reason why I tell most on the internet [forums, ytube, etc] the truth but not anyone on the road, why I told my parents but not my grandparents - if they dont understand me without bias, their potential reactions to me can be harmful - if someone smart disagrees, they discuss; if one of these [stupid] folk disagree, God knows what they'll do.

It was a joke about how an atheist world would become a world of intelligent scientists and space farers.

That wasn't just an ordinary, witty, rant.
He was working himself up, especially at the end when the booze kicked in.
I think he's a dangerous guy. That's just my opinion though.

I would have to agree on that.

You've really been roped in, haven't you?

No. I was worked up by your reference to anything no religiously good as atheistic. Atheists do a lot of good too and religious do a lot of bad. Like I said, Good people, bad people and fanatics.

It's not stupid, and therefore not deserved.
It's that you don't understand where he is coming from, but act as though you do. Arrogantly thinking you know better, and that you're knowledge is superior. IOW, you're an elitist, and potentially very dangerous.
At one time these so-called religions were elitist, the communist manifesto is elitist, modern atheists are elitists.

Ok. I apologise. -5 points to me and +10 to you. I didn't understand it enough and did get roped in by the critiques of other militant atheists. But I am potentially very dangerous? How? 17 years old, 5'10", 160 lb - hardly the anti-christ at all. Lol, but seriously, why did you think I was VERY dangerous?

Also, I would have to agree that elitist atheism often turns to militant atheism. Its not good. On the other hand, you would have to agree that a large number of elites are atheists, but not elitists -

You don't understand what he's saying, and yet you vehmently judge him.
Honestly, you don't understand. Your waging a war against nothing, based on ignorance.

Apology made. Brownie points given. Ok, take a bow too. You did save me from falling into militant atheism. Boy, am I glad I patched things up with you. A geniune thanks. x2 brownie points. Congrats on your +50 points.
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I'm not sure how he distinguishes the two since presumably he received his understanding of Jesus from religion and religious institutions.
I'm trying to think of a better comparison:

It's like a video being released titled: I Hate Religion but I love Joseph Smith then try to distinguish the two but in the end you tell your audience to not misinterpret your words because you still love the Book of Mormon, Polygamy and Nephites.


I Hate Religion but I love Muhammed then try to distinguish the two but in the end you tell your audience to not misinterpret your words because you still love the Quran, martyrdom and the Shahadah.