Biblical support for the Trinity?

Imagine you are this know of a particular place the location of which you want kept hidden... nevertheless, the location of this place is indicated by one true map. Now, in addition to facillitating the proliferation of false maps, what might you seek to do with copies of the true map? In other words, what map would be the object of your efforts to discredit? The many false maps or the true map? You'd leave the false maps need to alter them, but the true map warrants attention.

hmmm, but who has the true map?
M*W: Interesting. Could you explain further?

The Sons of God were a radical Jewish 'underground' organisation that wanted the removal of the Romans from their homeland. Many believed in passive, non cooperation tactics and others favoured the blood on the streets, stab a legionaire tactics. Jesus was of the former persuasion. After Jesus had fled the country (as some surmise and died in Tibet) the Romans decided that enough was enough and the Emperor moved legions into the area culminating with the siege and massacre on that mountain top fortress (I cannot recall the name, begins with M). All those on the hill were killed. The Sons of God did exist and Jesus was a member.
Interesting assessment.
It is interesting isn't it :D

Could be interesting seeing what does and doesn't work though. Although, for most people, they bought their map, and by the Gods, they'll follow it to hell it that's where it leads them.
Michael why are you trolling in this thread? Dinosaur asked a serious question for discussion.

You are posting non-sense and then start making fun of the religion- if you want to diss people and their faiths do it in your own thread rather than hijack one.

Peace be unto you ;)
Trinity IS a common facet of many religions.

The Trimurti in Hinduism is one example.
In Mithraism and Sol Invictus there are Trinities.
In the Bahá'í Faith there's a Trinity of sorts (Jesus and the Holy Spirit are polished mirrors that reflect the pure light from God).

The FSM Trinity:
* The Meatera
* The Spaghettien
* The Saucon

In the Legend of Zelda the world was created by the golden goddess trinity:
* Farore: created life.
* Din: created the world.
* Nayru: created justice, the laws of science, and love.

In Americanism:
* Congress
* The President
* The Supreme Court

Christians believe in the Trinity for the same reason's Muslims believe Mohammad was the Last Prophet. Even though it doesn't directly spell it out in their religious book, that's what their mommies and daddies told them. Which is good enough for 99.99% of people. People believe what they are told to believe.

For the most part, unless you are doing INDEPENDENT RESEARCH, that's how you get your information.

Once again: for the VAST MAJORITY, people believe WHAT THEY ARE TOLD TO BELIEVE.

So they find the verses that some priest directs them to and interpret these verses as they are told to. Done and Done. This is exactly why you believe Mohammad was the "Last" Prophet - even though it doesn't say so in the Qur'an. You are directed to some contentious passage about a "Seal of the Prophets", told how to interpret it, and, like a good little sheep, you eat your grass along with all the other sheeple. Well, surprise surprise - Christians do the same thing!!!

Is there support for the biblical Trinity. Of course!!! It's all very obvious, once you're told what the verses mean. ;)
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Trinity IS a common facet of many religions.

The OP question doesn't require anything from other religions- so I don't know if you had to cover up your trolling with this irrelevant information, and I guess you simply couldn't leave out Muslims- otherwise it will tarnish your bashing streak?

If you had no content to provide for 'support for trinity' in the Bible, you should have not posted- other relevant information is the historical development of trinity within Christianity (not other religions).... But I don't think you understand anything when it comes to the topic of 'intellectual discussions'... You just couldn't leave an opportunity to continue your trolling and bashing-

Anyhow, I don't think you would understand- who am I kiddin' :D

Peace be unto you ;)
Considering that Christianity is BASED ON and a CONTINUATION OF these earlier religions, I thought my post was very relevant. I did not bash Islam, I posted a contextual framework from within which you can gain a better appreciation of the Christian Trinity :)

See, from the way I figured it, you being a Muslim, you're interested in this thread to reinforce your Islamic prejudices - that Jesus was only a Prophet and wasn't the God-Head. So, I thought, if you can see the Christians argument in favor of Trinity in the same light as Mohammad is seen as the "Last" Prophet (even though neither religious books directly says as much), you should be able to better appreciate the rational for why Christians believe in a Trinity.
But who am I kidding :D

*Atomic Orbital Theory - It's all in here, Xenu's perfect little booky wookie* ;)
Considering that Christianity is BASED ON and a CONTINUATION OF these earlier religions, I thought my post was very relevant. I did not bash Islam, I posted a contextual framework from within which you can gain a better appreciation of the Christian Trinity :)

'Biblical' excludes all other religions from the discussion- If the questioner was interested in a broader perspective of Trinity itself (which is not the issue), the question would be stated in a broad fashion.

The question is regarding Trinity within the Biblical perspective. Stick to the topic. There is no need for you to plant seeds for 'all religions are bs' type discussion- your laughing remarks and your posted 'pictures' are a testament to what you are doing, and require no further analysis and are evidence against you and a proof for your trolling.... I hope the mods delete all the post except the OP- because this whole thread has been turned to crap because of you.

Peace be unto you ;)
I've yet to see YOUR responses to the OP.

Because I have nothing to say. I don't like to waste time and troll. I don't find it obligatory upon myself to do that. Essentially because I have the same question as the OP, thus I am looking for an answer myself.

Peace be unto you ;)