Biblical support for the Trinity?


Rational Skeptic
Valued Senior Member
Did Christ ever claim to be god or mention the concept of the trinity?

Where is the trinity mentioned in the Bible?
Οὕτως γὰρ ἠγάπησεν ὁ Θεὸς τὸν κόσμον, ὥστε τὸν Υἱὸν τὸν μονογενῆ ἔδωκεν, ἵνα πᾶς ὁ πιστεύων εἰς Αὐτὸν μὴ ἀπόληται ἀλλ᾽ἔχῃ ζωὴν αἰώνιον ... Oh, and we are a Trinity, the Holy Ghost and The Jesus Dude and Me.

This could be translated literally as:

For in this way God loved the world: that he gave the unique son, so that all the ones trusting in him would not perish, but have eternal life. ... Oh, and we are a Trinity, the Holy Ghost and The Jesus Dude and Me.

See most people miss that last bit :shrug:

Water is a Solid, Liquid and Gas man :m:



In a nut shell, all the cool religions have a Trinity. If you're in a religion, and it isn't Trice, it isn't Nice. You know like the Trimurti (in Hinduism) etc... etc... etc.....

Did Christ ever claim to be god or mention the concept of the trinity?

Where is the trinity mentioned in the Bible?

the jesus is mentioned in my relegion alot, he's mantioned as a prophet from god, not a god,
well, that's in my relegion, don't know about yours

Οὕτως γὰρ ἠγάπησεν ὁ Θεὸς τὸν κόσμον, ὥστε τὸν Υἱὸν τὸν μονογενῆ ἔδωκεν, ἵνα πᾶς ὁ πιστεύων εἰς Αὐτὸν μὴ ἀπόληται ἀλλ᾽ἔχῃ ζωὴν αἰώνιον ... Oh, and we are a Trinity, the Holy Ghost and The Jesus Dude and Me.

This could be translated literally as:

For in this way God loved the world: that he gave the unique son, so that all the ones trusting in him would not perish, but have eternal life. ... Oh, and we are a Trinity, the Holy Ghost and The Jesus Dude and Me.

See most people miss that last bit :shrug:

Water is a Solid, Liquid and Gas man :m:



In a nut shell, all the cool religions have a Trinity. If you're in a religion, and it isn't Trice, it isn't Nice. You know like the Trimurti (in Hinduism) etc... etc... etc.....

not in all relegion, eternity? eternal life, in this hall existence, that's impossible, also not true, well, for who beleive in god, eternity is just at heaven, or at hell,

oh, does it say that water is solid? i think it meant ice,
yes, ice is a solid :) oh, and this is "proof" the Trinity is true because life comes from water and how could Jesus have known that if he wasn't God? See, Water is "scientific" proof that there's a Trinity it's all a part of God's/Holy Ghost'es/Jesuses' plan, that's why he/they/it/them made the Universe like this, with water as the primal energy stuff "the force" - which means, the Bible is Perfect the Qur'an is correpted. It's all secret knowledge, only the inside people "get" you know, like, layers in layers man :p

yeah, man, layers on top of layers *poof* atomic Trinity theory!
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So you are telling me that Bible the book of the ancients supported the nuclear tests Trinity?!!! :eek:


yes, ice is a solid :) oh, and this is "proof" the Trinity is true because life comes from water and how could Jesus have known that if he wasn't God? See, Water is "scientific" proof that there's a Trinity it's all a part of God's/Holy Ghost'es/Jesuses' plan, that's why he/they/it/them made the Universe like this, with water as the primal energy stuff "the force" - which means, the Bible is Perfect the Qur'an is correpted. It's all secret knowledge, only the inside people "get" you know, like, layers in layers man :p

yeah, man, layers on top of layers *poof* atomic Trinity theory!

ah, i see,
and why do you think, quran is currupted?
so, you say, that quran, is a book of bluffing?
why shouldnt i also think that the bible is also currupted?
anyway, forget it, it's your opinion

I don't believe Christ ever said that he was God, it was a title thrown upon him.

i never heard of it also,
i beleive that the christ, is a messenger from god,
how can a god, be a human?
or someone, that they can kill or put him on a cross?
no offence for anyone who beleives that the Christ is god,
what i said is my opinion, and my relegion opinion, that's all
I don't believe Christ ever said that he was God, it was a title thrown upon him.
M*W: You're right. Since no person was claimed to have been alive during the "lifetime" of Jesus, no one could have heard Jesus "say" anything. It would all be "hearsay." Fact is, this Jesus character probably didn't exist anyway, so everything that "he" said and what was said about him was probably made up. The question about who said what is still up in the air (regardless of what the bible may say).

The Jews of the day were desperate to have a messiah who would protect them from the ravages of Rome. The Greeks were pretty good at writing their comedies and tragedies. It is interesting to me how they spoke Aramaic in Jesus's "time," but the story of Jesus was written in Greek.
yes, ice is a solid :) oh, and this is "proof" the Trinity is true because life comes from water and how could Jesus have known that if he wasn't God? See, Water is "scientific" proof that there's a Trinity it's all a part of God's/Holy Ghost'es/Jesuses' plan, that's why he/they/it/them made the Universe like this, with water as the primal energy stuff "the force" - which means, the Bible is Perfect the Qur'an is correpted. It's all secret knowledge, only the inside people "get" you know, like, layers in layers man :p

yeah, man, layers on top of layers *poof* atomic Trinity theory!

it also supports the water balloon

and why do you think, quran is currupted?
For the same reasons you think the Bible is corrupted. Think about that for a second. If it's all made up, and it is, WHY do Muslim's persist in perpetuating the myth that the Bible is Corrupt? I mean, Buddhist's don't do this? I've never heard a Buddhist ever say the Bible is corrupt. But, Muslims' - many, if not >95%, think or were told or believe, that the Qur'an is "Perfect" and the Bible is "Corrupted".

Why do Muslims perpetuate this "corrupt Bible" meme?
Why don't Buddhists' perpetuate a "corrupt Bible" meme? Well, Buddhist have a philosophy don't they? They've added something new and something enlightening to the human consciousness, the world body of ideas. Maybe that's the difference.

When you don't have anything novel, just re-write the same old bullshit stories about a flood (ooo there's a new one), Adam and Eve, make a couple changes to this and that, and then say Ahhhhh .....Perfect! Funny how that silly shit can persist for 1000s of years. But, then again, look at the market they're selling to. :p

"in stormy weather waves splash about" = *poof* scientific miracle, unknown information and deep insight in the nature reality itself!

by the by
Do YOU think that the Bible is Corrupted? What silly story did you happen to "discover" that just made YOU think: Wow, I'm so clever, look at this silly story in the Bible. The Trinity! How funny. Every "Good" Muslim knows Puff the Magic Dragon is only a single Dragon! Hahahaha... those silly Christians. I'm so clever. With my magical perfect magic-book!

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For the same reasons you think the Bible is corrupted. Think about that for a second. If it's all made up, and it is, WHY do Muslim's persist in perpetuating the myth that the Bible is Corrupt? I mean, Buddhist's don't do this? I've never heard a Buddhist ever say the Bible is corrupt. But, Muslims' - many, if not >95%, think or were told or believe, that the Qur'an is "Perfect" and the Bible is "Corrupted".

Why do Muslims perpetuate this "corrupt Bible" meme?
Why don't Buddhists' perpetuate a "corrupt Bible" meme? Well, Buddhist have a philosophy don't they? They've added something new and something enlightening to the human consciousness, the world body of ideas. Maybe that's the difference.

When you don't have anything novel, just re-write the same old bullshit stories about a flood (ooo there's a new one), Adam and Eve, make a couple changes to this and that, and then say Ahhhhh .....Perfect! Funny how that silly shit can persist for 1000s of years. But, then again, look at the market they're selling to. :p

"in stormy weather waves splash about" = *poof* scientific miracle, unknown information and deep insight in the nature reality itself!

by the by
Do YOU think that the Bible is Corrupted? What silly story did you happen to "discover" that just made YOU think: Wow, I'm so clever, look at this silly story in the Bible. The Trinity! How funny. Every "Good" Muslim knows Puff the Magic Dragon is only a single Dragon! Hahahaha... those silly Christians. I'm so clever. With my magical perfect magic-book!


lol, magic book, ok
i don't think anything about bible, cause, i don't kare
christians may think, bible is perfect and other books are corrupted, muslims also think that quran is perfect and ..., also jew think that their book is perfect and ...
i'm a muslim, and i think quran is perfect, and i don't think anything about the other books, cause actually, i don't kare
The only thing Christ admitted to was membership of the Sons of God. An organisation for the removal of the Roman occupier.
Why do Muslims perpetuate this "corrupt Bible" meme?...Puff the Magic Dragon is only a single Dragon!

Imagine you are this know of a particular place the location of which you want kept hidden... nevertheless, the location of this place is indicated by one true map. Now, in addition to facillitating the proliferation of false maps, what might you seek to do with copies of the true map? In other words, what map would be the object of your efforts to discredit? The many false maps or the true map? You'd leave the false maps need to alter them, but the true map warrants attention.
lol, magic book, ok
i don't think anything about bible, cause, i don't kare
christians may think, bible is perfect and other books are corrupted, muslims also think that quran is perfect and ..., also jew think that their book is perfect and ...
i'm a muslim, and i think quran is perfect, and i don't think anything about the other books, cause actually, i don't kare
Well, if these intolerant meme's didn't lead to people blowing themselves up and taking other innocent people with them - I wouldn't care either.

I mean, hay, this meme has only led to the destruction of countless cultures and societies. Who care - right? Reform the backwards infidels with the True Word of God, the Bible.

Imagine you are this know of a particular place the location of which you want kept hidden... nevertheless, the location of this place is indicated by one true map. Now, in addition to facillitating the proliferation of false maps, what might you seek to do with copies of the true map? In other words, what map would be the object of your efforts to discredit? The many false maps or the true map? You'd leave the false maps need to alter them, but the true map warrants attention.
Depends on how many copies there were. If there's too many, then there's nothing really that can be done. I mean, lets suppose this place is an island. If the map has been uploaded to the internet then anyone can get a copy and GO TO THE ISLAND THEMSELVES to see if it's a true map.

So, as this is a real island that anyone can go and gather evidence for (unlike, say, a God or Goddess or Alien Overlord) then people can investigate it. Once they find it, that's it. You'll have to deal with people coming to your island. Making multiple copied of fake maps isn't going to stop people. Trying to discredit the map to the island won't either.

Good things it's a real island. Because if it were an imaginary island, and the map maker was just bullshitting, like saying this: IF you go to this island then you get virgins and milk and honey and live forever. THEN people will murder each other for having different maps - even though NONE of them have actually been to this fictitious island. Isn't that crazy? One jerk off makes a pretend map, with promises of Gold and Virgins and eternal life, and the next thing you have are millions of people murdering one another over their so-called "Perfect" Maps that they're going to go to one day (but only after they die, see, you can't get to this island until you're dead, now that'll be 10% of your earnings for the rest of your life, oh, and here's your suicide belt, some guy over there's muscling in on my map making business and hustling people out of money! The way I see it is that's MY money - now go kill them and get going to "The Island" ... sucker.