Biblical Contradictions: Question #2


Valued Senior Member

Please explain the following:

If Adam and Even had two children, both sons, how are we here today? Did Cain sleep with Eve, his mother? If so, doesn't the God of the bible specifically say that incest in against God's law (See Lev. 20:11-14)?

Please explain the following:

If Adam and Even had two children, both sons, how are we here today? Did Cain sleep with Eve, his mother? If so, doesn't the God of the bible specifically say that incest in against God's law (See Lev. 20:11-14)?
Since it is ordinary Catholic teaching that all men and women descend from Adam and Eve, Cain's wife likely was a descendant of Adam and Eve. If so, that means that Cain's wife was his sister. Adam and Eve had more children than those who are named in the Bible, as is recorded in Genesis 5:4.
Inbreeding is unavoidable in small, isolated populations. The Jewish population after the exodus from Egypt was no longer either.
They rationalize it by saying that times were different then, God hadn't yet proclaimed all his laws. But it also makes no sense biologically, since such a small gene pool would have resulted in birth defects.
Since it is ordinary Catholic teaching that all men and women descend from Adam and Eve, Cain's wife likely was a descendant of Adam and Eve. If so, that means that Cain's wife was his sister. Adam and Eve had more children than those who are named in the Bible, as is recorded in Genesis 5:4.

Still incest...? Still not adding up, biologically, like SG pointed out.
My theory is Adam and Eve had evolved beyond the existing humans, based on a more advanced mind/brain. There were also other humans at that time, based on DNA. but they were prehumans in comparison. Adam and Eve as the first humans is about the mind/brain and not the DNA.

I infer this from the story and Cain and Abel. Cain kills Abel and is sent away for his crime. Cain complains whomever shall come upon me shall kill me.

The question I asked was, why was he afraid of these whomevers, if only Adam and Eve were left? They would have a better chance to kill him, if he stayed instead of left. Yet he was not afraid to stay. He was afraid to leave. This means the whomever were different than Adam and Eve. They were the prehumans, who had human DNA, but a retro mind/brain.

The story of Adam and Eve times out with the initial formation of civlization. This required a more advanced mind/brain compared to the advanced animal behavior of the prehumans.

An analogy is you explore the Amazon and come upon an isolated tribe. They may not be able to advance beyond tribal, on their own, even though they have human DNA. DNA is not the pivotal point, rather their mind is stuck in prehistoric times closer to natural instinct. Based on mind, you are so much more advanced, you may appear like a God. You can still breed with them, since they have human DNA, but the new history of that quickly advancing tribe will be centered on your quantum jumping them into the future.

If we change the scenario slightly, there is another person helping you advance the tribe. The two of you have a fight and you kill him. The primitives understand fighting and death, in their own primitive way, and some may not like you after that. You are now afraid to walk alone at night now since these savage whomevers might get even.

God gives Cain a sign for protection so the whomevers will let his crime against Abel slide. Cain is banished but is able to live among the pre-humans and can breed with them since both he and they have human DNA. The females are wild like prehuman animals, so he is encourgaged and can use his magic prestige to gain selective advantage. His children are half breeds who are still instinctive but with some modern learning power.
So what you are saying is that Genesis is wrong, and the only new thing was some people came along with a more advanced culture?
They rationalize it by saying that times were different then, God hadn't yet proclaimed all his laws. But it also makes no sense biologically, since such a small gene pool would have resulted in birth defects.
Seems to make sense considering that opportunities for outbreeding would be inversely prohibitive with population size. Biology seems to account for the possibility of birth defects by increasing the odds of having healthy offspring through a brute force numbers strategy.

Please explain the following:

If Adam and Even had two children, both sons, how are we here today? Did Cain sleep with Eve, his mother? If so, doesn't the God of the bible specifically say that incest in against God's law (See Lev. 20:11-14)?

Adan and Eve wasn't the first humans, but the first of a new race of humans.


Please explain the following:

If Adam and Even had two children, both sons, how are we here today? Did Cain sleep with Eve, his mother? If so, doesn't the God of the bible specifically say that incest in against God's law (See Lev. 20:11-14)?
There were heaps of Neanderthals to mate with. No problem at all.

Please explain the following:

If Adam and Even had two children, both sons, how are we here today? Did Cain sleep with Eve, his mother? If so, doesn't the God of the bible specifically say that incest in against God's law (See Lev. 20:11-14)?

You are really twisting these apologists up in knots today!

It's a shame not one of them has the integrity to say "You know what? That's a good question."

Please explain the following:

If Adam and Even had two children, both sons, how are we here today? Did Cain sleep with Eve, his mother? If so, doesn't the God of the bible specifically say that incest in against God's law (See Lev. 20:11-14)?

Why you have to take this way , It gives you a hint that there were other people beside Adam and Eva . Why don't you take as Genesis chapter 1 for creation and the story of Adam and Eva is a metaphor on mans attitude and our desaobedient nature
Why you have to take this way , It gives you a hint that there were other people beside Adam and Eva . Why don't you take as Genesis chapter 1 for creation and the story of Adam and Eva is a metaphor on mans attitude and our desaobedient nature

Because that's a cheap answer. This idea that when the story is too fantastic, it must be metaphor is total bunk. There's no evidence that these were intended to be anything less than literal truth. You can even trace their linage to Noah, supposedly. That's not a metaphor.
Let's see, first come the animals, then God decides to make mankind, who is the first one made "in his image". So there could not have been other humanoids before that.