
i don't know about that. i think it's an interpretation and tactic used by some people, but the bible? yeah the fear of god is in there, but so is the overriding point that the goal is communion. there's nothing scary about communion in my opinion, but i think that if someone would not desire communion, according to the bible, they should be scared.
As said, the goal might be desirable and not scary in and of itself - but why scare someone into desiring it?

Just look at the passage containing the 10 Commandments as given in Exodus...

Note the following:
"for I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me"

"for the LORD will not hold anyone guiltless who misuses his name"

"Moses said to the people, “Do not be afraid. God has come to test you, so that the fear of God will be with you to keep you from sinning.”"

Yep - plenty of "fear of God" stuff, as you accept... so rather than God trying to extol the positives of his message, he basically threatens people - makes them fear him.

To me this seems rather contrary to and inconsistent with the message he seems to want to give. "Be good to each other... or I will not be good to you," sort of thing. Surely God would impart such message by means that are consistent with that message.

Instead, what to me seems more probable, is that certain people wanted to be able to control others... and the easiest way is through fear. Get the masses to fear God - and then claim to speak for God and the masses will fear you.

This is in no way suggesting the correctness or otherwise of the ultimate message, nor of the existence or otherwise of God, but just that the methodologies in the Bible seem inconsistent with the message it tries to give.
As said, the goal might be desirable and not scary in and of itself - but why scare someone into desiring it?

Instead, what to me seems more probable, is that certain people wanted to be able to control others... and the easiest way is through fear. Get the masses to fear God - and then claim to speak for God and the masses will fear you.


Exactly. And for those reasons and more is clearly the work of men, not of gods.
As said, the goal might be desirable and not scary in and of itself - but why scare someone into desiring it?

Just look at the passage containing the 10 Commandments as given in Exodus...

Note the following:
"for I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me"

"for the LORD will not hold anyone guiltless who misuses his name"

"Moses said to the people, “Do not be afraid. God has come to test you, so that the fear of God will be with you to keep you from sinning.”"

Yep - plenty of "fear of God" stuff, as you accept... so rather than God trying to extol the positives of his message, he basically threatens people - makes them fear him.

To me this seems rather contrary to and inconsistent with the message he seems to want to give. "Be good to each other... or I will not be good to you," sort of thing. Surely God would impart such message by means that are consistent with that message.

Instead, what to me seems more probable, is that certain people wanted to be able to control others... and the easiest way is through fear. Get the masses to fear God - and then claim to speak for God and the masses will fear you.

This is in no way suggesting the correctness or otherwise of the ultimate message, nor of the existence or otherwise of God, but just that the methodologies in the Bible seem inconsistent with the message it tries to give.

when i look at the world today, i think it's relevant. i know a thing or two about god and i'll be the first to admit that god is brutal by our standards. absolutely. we've got people in other threads saying that if god were to condone the kind of suffering that humanity endures, they wouldn't want anything to do with god. it seems to me that humanity is on the brink of the apocalypse, and even more so, people will be cursing a god they want nothing to do with. the thing is, that god is correct! the consequences of sin are grave! and then god gives you a way out.
Have you ever considered that reincarnation might be true?
Some people are crushed in life before they ever get a chance.
Other people get trapped in addictions. Or they inherit badness from their parents. Or they are abused.
I know a just God would take all that into consideration, but wouldn't a series of lives make sense?
Have you ever considered that reincarnation might be true?
Some people are crushed in life before they ever get a chance.
Other people get trapped in addictions. Or they inherit badness from their parents. Or they are abused.
I know a just God would take all that into consideration, but wouldn't a series of lives make sense?

yeah i've considered it. it seems reasonable to me.
i thought i'd post the lyrics to that kick ass song...

Don't believe what they say
We're dead flies in the summer time
They leave us all behind
With duck tape scars on my honey
They don't like who you are
They don't like where we'll go
Brother protect me now
With blood they wash in the money

You don't believe in God
I don't believe in luck
They don't believe in us
But I believe we're the enemy
You don't believe in God
I don't believe in luck
They don't believe in us
But I believe we're the enemy

Uh UhUh UhUh
Uh UhUh UhUh

Right now I'm sick down from the bones to the other side
Red-mob, we insects hide
King rat on the streets in another life
They laugh, we don't think it's funny
If just what you are is just what you own,
What have you become when they take from you
Almost everything?

You don't believe in God
I don't believe in luck
They don't believe in us
But I believe we're the enemy
You don't believe in God
I don't believe in luck
They don't believe in us
But I believe we're the enemy


most of us don't like being destroyed because it hurts, but some of us like it because we see we're the enemy. it's kind of sick but, it works because, the more you're destroyed, the more you become invincible and free.
first i will give you credit for doing some research and posting the results..
good job..

second i agree with

Simply using a word number count on the bible means absolutely nothing.
I see errors in raw word counts that ignore context. Here's just a few examples that might seem negative but aren't:

Adam laid with Eve and she became pregnant
(It keeps the human race going)

Methuselah lived 969 years and died
(Everyone dies ... we're supposed to)

Pharaoh became angry
(Because he was a jerk)

Do not kill, do not steal, do not lie
(Seems like really good advice)

David slew Goliath
(They were at war)

Love you enemies
(More good advice)

And, for example, "fire" and "servant" aren't necessarily negative. Most people homes and vehicles use fire. A servant is a worker, and earning a living is a standard/expected adult activity that most people do for the majority of their lives. Imagine if no one worked.

that data you have posted does ignore context..and most arguement from the bible that tend to be sensationalist and ignorant and just plain wrong tend to ignore context..

and who determined what words to search for?
what about words like;

it is obvious to me that the data is biased to the negative..
IOW whoever did that scrutinized the negative and only did a cursory search for the good terms just to validate his own opinion on the negatives..