Bible Verse of the Day

It's the Bible, the skinny cows ate the fat cows, and even with the fat cows inside them they seemed as bad as before, it is a dream that someone had (perhaps a king had it...or a prophet).

spidergoat said:
Joseph interprets the Pharaoh's dream to mean that there will be 7 good years of grain harvests, and 7 years of famine. So he recommends the Pharaoh send a representative to collect taxes in grain, so that when the famine comes, they can sell it back. Pharaoh choses Joseph for this job, and 14 years later, Joseph is on the job, selling grain to the Egyptians, who don't starve.
I promise, by the mighty Spidergoat, that I will harness the '...' method whenever paradox is manifest.
"Let all God's angels worship him."

translation: unless you are with me, you are against me

I hate all this God many illogical assumPtions
That is due to the minimum posting requirement of 3 characters. I thought I answered Cyperium's question, and see no paradox.
Apologies a misunderstanding Spidergoat - what I meant to say is that '...' is a useful tool enabling the posting of two (or more) quotes that are cross-referential - thus making the initial question paradoxical in that the questioner could have answered the question themselves by reading the posts.

As a newbie I noticed this a good technique. My reference to 'mighty' is an ironic comment on the rubric and no offence was intended.