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Jesus can call people fools because he knows for sure that they are fools. Jesus was only telling the truth.
Essene worship?

Originally posted by Circe

I see that you are convinced that you have a monopoly on all truth and knowledge. You should have no problems then providing reliable sources that would prove beyond doubt that Jesus was an Essene who, when he wasn't too preoccupied with teaching, imbibed large quantities of iced semen.

Here's is a start - the Essene Copper Scroll talks about immense treasures. From what I know about Jesus, he was against gathering wordly possessions. Explain the contradiction.

Illiterately yours,

Circe, no I am not convinced that I have a monopoly on all truth and knowledge--far from it. That is why I read everything I can find on Jesus' life. Perhaps its in the way I word it, but then I am a writer by profession. I read about the Essenes and their habits. Truthfully, this was quite disgusting. Even if it were true, I am certain that the "large quantities of semen" were definitely not "iced!"

I have never read about the Essene Copper Scroll. I have read, however, of the immense treasures taken from Solomon's Temple, the Knights Templar and the Crusades. I believe Jesus was opposed to gathering worldly possessions, so I don't see the contradiction.

Most of the publications I've read deal with the suppression by the RCC of the "true" truth. So, much about the "truth" of Jesus, Mary Magdalene, and the years between 12 and 30, were suppressed by the Council of Nicaea in 325 AD. This is the truth I search for. The whole time I was a Catholic convert, I just felt that the church wasn't teaching us everything. I asked my parish priest (this was when I lived in Germany) about certain doctrines. He abruptly told me that I was "NOT to question anything," and especially because I "was a woman!" Of course, this started me on my lifelong search for the truth. No, I do NOT know everything. That is why I am searching. I only know that what the RCC teaches and what is written in the Bible are not the truth.

I do believe in God the Creator, and I believe Jesus walked the Earth and was a Rabbi. Many people today don't even believe Jesus ever existed at all. The longer I read the posts on this website, I'm really starting to doubt that there is a God at all, and Jesus is just an afterthought. I will continue my search, though, but I can NEVER go back to what I blindly believed in my younger days. Whether one believes in Xianity, Atheism or Theism, none of it really matters in the greater scheme of things.

The Essenes to may knowledge did not practice this. They were Jewish and would not defile themselves in this manner. Some of their writings such as the Book of Enoch abhor all kinds of sexual impurity. As to Jesus being Essene, he probably had some contact with them but was not Essene. Jesus went to the temple when he was young, and said to his mother, "Didn't you know that I must stay in my father's place?"

the Knights Templar and the Crusades.
Your trusting in the Knight Templar, which happens to be a group of fanatical catholics? The Knight's Templar was disbanded because of their antics.

The whole time I was a Catholic convert, I just felt that the church wasn't teaching us everything. I asked my parish priest (this was when I lived in Germany) about certain doctrines. He abruptly told me that I was "NOT to question anything," and especially because I "was a woman!"
Well I hate to tell you this but no one is perfect. If you look at what the entire church teaches including Marian devotions, you will find this to be untrue. Even in the 1200s, Mary was the most feared saint in heaven.
Originally posted by okinrus
Jesus went to the temple when he was young, and said to his mother, "Didn't you know that I must stay in my father's place?"

If you look at what the entire church teaches including Marian devotions, you will find this to be untrue. Even in the 1200s, Mary was the most feared saint in heaven.

Everything I've read establishes that Jesus was an Essene. But in answer to your statement about Jesus being in his father's place, the NAB states Jesus speaking to his mother when she couldn't find him saying something like this: "Did you not know that I was in my father's house."

I don't believe everything I read about the Knights Templar, but they are an interesting and colorful group. I do believe that they may have known the truth the RCC was suppressing. Studies of the culture and geometry in the South of France embody these legends with Mary Magdalene playing the key role in the mysteries.

Also, from what I've read and seen first-hand in art galleries all over the world is that the female figure in the paintings holding a baby or babies is not the BVM but MM! This certainly gives one a whole new perspective! In fact, it is very possible that the veneration of the BVM by the RCC was to displace MM as the central female figure in Jesus' life.

Whatever the truth is or isn't, it makes no difference anyway.
Originally posted by Medicine*Woman

Whatever the truth is or isn't, it makes no difference anyway.

You say you are on a search for the truth, then turn around and say that it doesnt matter what is the truth and what is not? The truth matters and it is in everyones best interest to try and find it.
Originally posted by New Life
You say you are on a search for the truth, then turn around and say that it doesnt matter what is the truth and what is not? The truth matters and it is in everyones best interest to try and find it.

I think what Medecine woman meant was:
If you are on a search for the truth, then you can't know the truth already, not even what it looks like, and if you say you have the truth already, then you're not out there to find the truth, just content with what you have regardless of it's quality, so which one are you? the one that is searching for the truth without prejudice or the one that is content with your fake version of the truth and keeping an eye closed on everything else.
I don't believe everything I read about the Knights Templar, but they are an interesting and colorful group. I do believe that they may have known the truth the RCC was suppressing. Studies of the culture and geometry in the South of France embody these legends with Mary Magdalene playing the key role in the mysteries.
No, I don't think so. Byzantine christians were in charge that area for many years. I doubt many of the knights would know how to translate a aramaic manuscript anyways. From what I've read, the Knight's templar remained true to their faith until they tortured. Sort of unfair treatment but I do not think that they found any secret documents. And even if they did find a "secret" document, there is no proof that it is genuine.

Also, from what I've read and seen first-hand in art galleries all over the world is that the female figure in the paintings holding a baby or babies is not the BVM but MM! This certainly gives one a whole new perspective! In fact, it is very possible that the veneration of the BVM by the RCC was to displace MM as the central female figure in Jesus' life.
Mary Magdalene is said to have red hair. There are many legends about her . The <a href=""> southern France</a> is only one of them. The problem is that it would be easy to start a legend like this since it would add to great prestige of the church. Many of the early churches wanted to be reconized with a saint or apostle.
Truth matters...

Originally posted by New Life
You say you are on a search for the truth, then turn around and say that it doesnt matter what is the truth and what is not? The truth matters and it is in everyones best interest to try and find it.

Yes, the truth is always better to know. One cannot possibly know what the truth is unless they are willing to search for it, find it and believe it. What I meant was that in the greater schemes of the universe what one considers to be truth may be a lie to the next person. One must keep on searching regardless. When one feels comfortable with whatever one believes, then one is not searching and most likely has not found the truth. To rephrase a Shakespearian quote: "It is better to have searched and not found than to have never searched at all."