Bible Verse Help


Golden Sparkler
Registered Senior Member
Can someone well-versed in the bible please tell me where the story is in it where the rich man asks Jesus what he would have him do, and Jesus tells him to sell all of his belongings, give the money to the poor, and then to come follow him? Thank you...
Its Luke 10:17-22 (thats the actual story) the lesson continues to verse 31

hope that helps
Thank you very much. I remember seeing it in some movie depicting the bible events, but i don't think i've ever read it in the bible before.
Look, Xians, a new thread just for you!

Originally posted by Lykan
Thank you very much. I remember seeing it in some movie depicting the bible events, but i don't think i've ever read it in the bible before.

Hey guys, this is good work. Keep up the thread. Talk amongst yourselves. Here, let me give you a topic--Jesus saves. Discuss.
Re: Look, Xians, a new thread just for you!

Originally posted by Medicine*Woman
Hey guys, this is good work. Keep up the thread. Talk amongst yourselves. Here, let me give you a topic--Jesus saves. Discuss.
You're getting tiresome.
Re: Re: Look, Xians, a new thread just for you!

Originally posted by ConsequentAtheist
You're getting tiresome.

Yes, maybe so; but, I'm really getting tired of Xians who think they have all the answers, yet, never search for any truth beyond their religious programming.
Re: Re: Re: Look, Xians, a new thread just for you!

Originally posted by Medicine*Woman
Yes, maybe so; but, I'm really getting tired of Xians who think they have all the answers, yet, never search for any truth beyond their religious programming.

you use the same attitude of which you acuse us of using. Try to do better yourself before accusing others of your vices.
Medicine*Woman's attitude

Originally posted by New Life
you use the same attitude of which you acuse us of using. Try to do better yourself before accusing others of your vices.

I will agree that I may have been a little sarcastic toward you Xians, but I didn't accuse any of you of having any 'vices!' But, now that you mention it, you all have no mind of your own. You have been programmed by the delusional cult of Xianity, and you're too ignorant to know it. I may have my own vices like everyone else in this world, but you Xians are just plain stupid!
I will agree that I may have been a little sarcastic toward you Xians, but I didn't accuse any of you of having any 'vices!' But, now that you mention it, you all have no mind of your own. You have been programmed by the delusional cult of Xianity, and you're too ignorant to know it. I may have my own vices like everyone else in this world, but you Xians are just plain stupid!

Don't you think you've gone a bit too far here?

Generalizing is never fair. I don't subscribe to present day christianity but some of the people I know are what you call Xians and I can assure you that they can think for themselves.
Christians think for themselves?

Originally posted by Circe
Don't you think you've gone a bit too far here?

Generalizing is never fair. I don't subscribe to present day christianity but some of the people I know are what you call Xians and I can assure you that they can think for themselves.

I've read and reread every comment made by Xians on sciforums, and I fint not one of them expressing their own thoughts. Karl Marx said it all, "Religion is the opiate of the masses."
Re: Christians think for themselves?

Originally posted by Medicine*Woman
I've read and reread every comment made by Xians on sciforums, and I fint not one of them expressing their own thoughts. Karl Marx said it all, "Religion is the opiate of the masses."

If you want to get right down to it, I dount there are any new thoughts when it comes to old topics like religion. In the end somebody has probably thought everything you, me, or anyone else thinks on the topic. So please, where exactly is the original thought in any of this?

Just because some one agrees witha religion, doesn't mean they can't think.
Re: Re: Christians think for themselves?

Originally posted by Mephura
If you want to get right down to it, I dount there are any new thoughts when it comes to old topics like religion. In the end somebody has probably thought everything you, me, or anyone else thinks on the topic. So please, where exactly is the original thought in any of this?

Just because some one agrees witha religion, doesn't mean they can't think.

Yes, but the range of their ability to think 'beyond the box' is seriously limited. They say they believe in God, or Jesus, or whomever they may worship, but they really don't understand the omniscience of God. They like to keep God in this tightly covered box in the inner dark recesses of their limited minds. The very mind God created to think and to explore! This is what their religion teaches them. It limits them. Their understanding of God and all creation is limited. I don't think it is supposed to be like this. I have not read one original or intelligent thing that okinrus or Jenyar has said in the forums. Their beliefs are dangerously ignorant.
I have not read one original or intelligent thing that okinrus or Jenyar has said in the forums.
Ye, unlike some people here, we don't make up fantasy stories about people we have never met. We know the truth and the truth is within us. There is nothing new to truth. You claim that God is within you but John says that the way may be sure that He is within us is if we follow His commandments. These are His commandments not our own ccommandments.

Your religon is not new either. It is combination of paganism, new age, gnostism, budhism, and christianity.
Jesus was NOT a Christian

Originally posted by okinrus
Ye, unlike some people here, we don't make up fantasy stories about people we have never met. We know the truth and the truth is within us. There is nothing new to truth. You claim that God is within you but John says that the way may be sure that He is within us is if we follow His commandments. These are His commandments not our own ccommandments.

Your religon is not new either. It is combination of paganism, new age, gnostism, budhism, and christianity.

My religious beliefs may incorporate some of the ancient wisdom of paganism, gnosticism and Buddhism, but this is what Jesus believed, too. Jesus was NOT a Christian. He was a Jewish Rabbi (rabbi means teacher). Jesus was one of the gnostic essenes. Part of their faith was to drink their own and each others' semen (the body of Christ). The Essenes were also known to practice homosexuality. Women were excluded from the Essenes. I never said my 'religion' was a new religion. I don't believe in religion, especially organized religion. I believe faith is a gift from our Creator who is definitely not a father figure but a mother figure. Men destroy. Women create. To be called a 'Christian' is blasphemous. Even Jesus himself was never called a 'Christian.' When and if you ever do run into Jesus, he will be the first one to tell you that you are a fool. He will also tell you that you have disgraced him in the eyes of God. It is precisely fools like you that prove Jesus never died for anybody. You and your fellow Xians disgust our Creator. Surely, there is no heaven waiting for you!
Jesus was one of the gnostic essenes. Part of their faith was to drink their own and each others' semen (the body of Christ). The Essenes were also known to practice homosexuality

I can't decide which one is funnier, Tiassa's lightning story or what you just wrote above.
My religious beliefs may incorporate some of the ancient wisdom of paganism, gnosticism and Buddhism, but this is what Jesus believed, too.
So you speak for Jesus now?

Jesus was NOT a Christian.
No. He was not called a christian. The early christians were members of the Way and later people began calling them christians.

Part of their faith was to drink their own and each others' semen (the body of Christ).
This is blasphemy.

I never said my 'religion' was a new religion. I don't believe in religion, especially organized religion.
As soon as you have a belief system: christianity, paganism, etc. you have a religion. Your "personal" revelation is still a religion flawed and corrupted as it is.

Men destroy. Women create.
This is feminist dribble. You've must have been abused by men or something. I can give you plenty examples of men creating. So what happens when a woman gives birth to a son. She just gave birth to a creator of destruction.

To be called a 'Christian' is blasphemous.
And this is from where?

Even Jesus himself was never called a 'Christian.'
The Christian Church did not begin until Jesus said to Peter, "on this rock I build my church". The early christians were called members of the Way and they were later called christians.

When and if you ever do run into Jesus, he will be the first one to tell you that you are a fool.
I have. He is present in the Eucharist.

He will also tell you that you have disgraced him in the eyes of God.
Not for the reasons you are thinking of.

It is precisely fools like you that prove Jesus never died for anybody.
Read Isaiah 53. The prophesy of God's servent dying for many other's sins is fullfilled by Jesus.

Surely, there is no heaven waiting for you!
Any one who calls another a fool is liable for hell. Anyone who condemns another will also be judged.

You seem pretty adament. Where are you getting your revelation? Have you spoken to the mother goddess?
What is illiteracy?

Originally posted by Circe
I can't decide which one is funnier, Tiassa's lightning story or what you just wrote above.

The word "illiterate" means one who does not or is not able to read. You are obviously illiterate. If you were not illiterate, you would read other literature than the Bible. There have been many other books written about the Essenes at the time of Jesus. Jesus was a member of the Essenes. I would suggest you go to your local library and read "other" literature of the period.

I see that you are convinced that you have a monopoly on all truth and knowledge. You should have no problems then providing reliable sources that would prove beyond doubt that Jesus was an Essene who, when he wasn't too preoccupied with teaching, imbibed large quantities of iced semen.

Here's is a start - the Essene Copper Scroll talks about immense treasures. From what I know about Jesus, he was against gathering wordly possessions. Explain the contradiction.

Illiterately yours,
Circe, your talking about a pesky fraud that couldn't even get Jewish Shabbat right. There seems little reason to doubt that she is not psychologically impaired.